The Age of Heroic Spirits in the Eyes of the Reincarnated

Chapter 26: Return home as soon as you become rich! (Please read on!)

Chapter 26 When you become rich, you should return home as soon as possible!

The night passed.


Inside a small hotel in the village of Holunka.

The two of them were woken up by the game alarm on time.

After gathering themselves for a while, they went downstairs to join Wang Teng and fifty guild elites.

"Huh? Not bad, they are all at least level 3."

After seeing this group of elites, Li Xia nodded with satisfaction.

These elites selected from thousands of players did not disappoint him. They did not slack off and worked hard to level up all night.

It’s good to have this hard work.

"Captain, thank you for organizing everyone and leading us to this village.

There are very few players here, and the resources of wild monsters are very abundant.

Moreover, we often move together in teams of five, six or even ten people, and those beta testers simply don’t dare to get close to us to grab monsters. "

"Yes, Captain, we have almost taken over most of the leveling area in the west of the village."

"With such a spacious and comfortable leveling environment, our leveling speed is no slower than those of the beta testers."

The main advantage for beta testers is that they have been in closed beta for several months.

Been playing for two months.

Now it's like playing it all over again.

They are very clear about many dangerous areas, treasure chest placement points, wild monster spawn points, and the specific values ​​​​of various wild monsters, but ordinary players know nothing about them. Moreover, they can use their playing experience to quickly and skillfully control the game characters and correct their mentality.

However, these games have been greatly compressed by the Liberator Guild.

The beta testers have it, and most of Li Xia has it.

But Li Xia has some of them that even top beta testers may not have.

The other part, the beta testers, definitely didn't.

What's more, he used yesterday's momentum to select from the crowd many members of the strategy team in the later stages of the original work, as well as potential players with certain skills, and gave these people the benefit of borrowing money from the guild to replace equipment.

Being able to grow into a first-class player in the original timeline, as a member of a strategy team of about a hundred people, there is no doubt about his potential.

Such as Andrew.

Even if he is not at the level of a strategy team, he can establish a guild and keep it organized.

For example, Greentheru.

These are talents.

Everyone performs their own duties and gradually develops a tacit understanding. The leveling efficiency is definitely no worse than that of most beta testers.

"Captain, how are we going to level up today?"

The guild members who had spent yesterday's "nightmare" with peace of mind were now in a state of joy and harmony.

“Today’s leveling needs to be done in batches.

According to the plan, it's time for us to pick up a group of new people. Roll the snowball as quickly as possible. Thus occupying more and better wild monster resources.

So I decided to temporarily divide the fifty people into ten teams of five.

Two of the five-person teams returned to the starting town and tried to bring two new five-person teams over. Every time we get a group here, we will switch to other teams and return to the starting town to recruit people, and strive to bring all the guild members who want to improve their levels within three days. "

Li Xia said.

"Okay, it's time to pick up some people."

Everyone nodded.

For Li Xia and the others, they also have more respect from the bottom of their hearts.

The game world does not depend on age.

Even if the other person is just a young man, if he has a unique personality and powerful abilities, he will gain the respect of most people.

No one can find fault with the current performance of Li Xia and others.

The character design is solid.

"Of course, we don't have to force those who specialize in secondary jobs such as blacksmiths, pharmacists, and tailors. It's fine for them to stay in the starting town. Let's give them the materials we obtained from killing monsters yesterday and let them build weapons and armor for us. , we can also let them strengthen weapons and equipment for us in the future.”

While making arrangements, he observed everyone's expressions.

After confirming that no one was dissatisfied, these people were also initially recognized:

"Okay, this is my plan, do you have anything to add?"

When everyone heard this, they shook their heads.

They were convinced by the youth leader in front of them.

The arrangement just made is indeed very conducive to the development of the guild.

That being the case, support is.

"Andrew, Godfrey, you will lead the first group, is that okay?"

"OK, leader, make sure to bring everyone here safely."

Both of these are members of the strategy team in the later stages of the original work.

There is no potential.

Especially Godfrey, although he cheated Kirito in the original work, he is second only to Kirito, Asuna and a few other first-rate players in terms of combat power. He is an honest and honest person, and he is brave enough to fight and fight hard. He is always on the front line. He is very loyal and cares about his companions.

Disadvantages: He is not very smart and has the potential to be a bad person.

But this flaw is actually a good thing for Li Xia and the others.

"The rest of the team...

Activities at the leveling points we have designated, and we must return to the town every hour to replenish stamina potions and other medicines...

Have a question? "

"no problem."

One night passed, and all the wild monsters outside the town had spawned again.

It’s just right to go out and harvest now.


Just when Li Xia and others were busy leveling up.

The two teams led by Andrew and Godfrey successfully returned to the starting town.

Then, they were greeted by the exclamation of countless players.

"What's going on with those people? Why are the equipment they wear different from ours?"

"It looks more sophisticated."

"That shouldn't be the case. I went to all the shops in the city yesterday afternoon, and there was absolutely no such style as these people were wearing."

"Where did they get them?"

As these people were discussing, many of the other members of the guild who were stranded in the starting town also came.

"Look, isn't that Andrew from our guild? Why are they back?"

"Could it be that the leader was not joking when he said he would pick us up to go to the next village?"

"Yes, they must be here to pick us up!"

"Look at their equipment, it feels much better than ours."

These guild members were full of stars.

When they got the exact confirmation from Andrew and Godfrey, all the members of the guild were shocked and excited.

"The leader didn't fool us. He really arranged someone to pick us up!"

"Hahaha, we can also go to the next village to enjoy a better leveling environment!"

"Andrew and the others are really good. After not seeing them for a day, their equipment has been updated."

"I heard that the bronze equipment is produced by the store in the next village, Horenka Village, which is much better than the one in the Starting Town."

"I'm so jealous."

The members of the guild all expressed their envy.

Those players who didn't join the guild were naturally more envious.

The eyes were shining with envy, and they wanted to replace them.

Look at their benefits:

Not only did they fulfill their promise and arrange high-level players to come to pick us up; I heard that they also brought back a batch of bronze equipment and a large amount of materials for the rest of the guild. That leader Li Xia is really thoughtful and considerate to the guild members.

"I hope they can grow bigger quickly, so that I can join them."

Surrounded by envious eyes, the two teams returning to the Starting Town this time, for some reason, all said in their hearts: Return home as soon as you become rich!

If you miss this village, you may not have a chance later!

No matter how awesome you are in the future, I am better than you now!

Many players were stimulated by the two teams showing off their wealth in front of others.

Even Kayaba Akihiko took a second look.

The two elite teams did not stay for too long. After completing the handover with Yang Jie, Xu Che and Xin Ka, they immediately took the other two novice teams who had changed their equipment and set off on the road to Horonka Village.

These members will change into the better quality bronze equipment produced in Horonka Village to increase some safety along the way and improve risk resistance.

This is one of the benefits of the guild.

In this way, it is easy to gain a wave of cohesion and external attraction.

This kind of good thing is easy to encounter in the early stage.

When you are in despair, the darkest and most helpless time, being so carefully valued and cared for by others, that feeling is simply too wonderful.

And this is the biggest golden signboard of the guild at the moment.

"When are we going there?"

Xu Che, whose experience was slowly increasing and who was still some distance away from level 6, asked Yang Jie beside him.

The latter thought about it and was a little uncertain:

"I'm afraid we have to train all the guild members. The earliest is tomorrow, and the latest is the day after tomorrow."

"If we delay for two days, our level will fall behind, right?"

"It's okay. With our leveling speed, we can catch up in no time. Besides, we can ask Brother Xia and Lao Wang to level up with us later. It's only a matter of time to catch up with the people in the first echelon. Now, the two of us should meet all the guild members here and get to know them a little. As their earliest guides, you and I, it's not too much to ask them to help us with some things in the future, right?"

"I understand."

"By the way, what has Xinka been busy with these two days?"

"What else? He must be busy kicking people out. How can we allow those players who don't want to provide logistical support for the guild's elite members as deputy members and don't dare to face the mere level 1 wild boars to occupy the limited quota of our guild? There must be more motivated players outside, and the vacant positions are just right for recruiting into the guild. But we can't do it ourselves, so Xinka is quite suitable."

"Do those who were kicked out have any objections?"

"At the beginning, there were some, but I heard from Xinka that Brother Xia sent the [Survival Guide for Salted Fish Players]..."

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