In the world of infinite moon reading.

All the past experiences were repeated.

Naruto here.

Not only did he inherit the super nerve reaction of Minato Namikaze, but he also inherited the Uzumaki bloodline of Kushina!

In addition, the power of Asura in the little guy's body was guided out by Li Xia.

There is also a Yang Nine-tail.

And these are just the advantages of the innate aspect.

Naruto also has a big acquired advantage, that is, the two brothers of the Senju family.

When Hashirama Senju saw Naruto, he was as kind as seeing his own son, and took the initiative to take charge of Naruto's physical training courses. Because Hashirama repeatedly used his little fists to persuade the dangerous little Nine-tail to obey, the Nine-tail had to cooperate with Naruto from the heart and give Naruto various blessings.

Tobirama Senju looked at Naruto with the same kindness, and actively took on the task of training Naruto's reaction and developing Naruto's super nerve reaction.

The two brothers of the Senju family did not slack off in training little Naruto! That was 100% investment.

And once these two get serious, how exaggerated can they be?

When Naruto was a kid, he liked to kick the quilt when he was sleeping. When the brothers found out...

"Oh no, the baby kicked the quilt again!"

The two brothers appeared at the first time, competing to cover the little kid with the sheets.

A complete template of a stay-at-home dad.

"Brother, I agreed to take care of Naruto today."

Tobirama crossed his arms, very dissatisfied.

Although he was fast, he couldn't resist his brother's faster sense.

"Instinct, instinct..."

Hashirama smiled awkwardly.

They had a clear division of labor, and each of them was responsible for Naruto's day.

This time, he took a small step ahead of his brother, who was a ninja world speedster.

If little Naruto's sleeping posture was wrong, the two would jump out to correct it at the first time to ensure the little guy's high-quality sleep and healthy physical growth.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

If there were blind mosquitoes that dared to bite little Naruto.

The next second.

Hashirama clasped his hands together and clapped: the flower tree world is coming.

Suddenly, within a radius of five kilometers, the trees and flowers in every house and yard will be replaced by flowers, and then release a poison powder specifically for mosquitoes.

In less than ten seconds, all mosquitoes in this area died.

"Brother, just close the screen window, you don't have to be so serious, right?"

Tobirama spoke up for the mosquitoes.

How could it be so cruel?

As a result, on that day, he replaced the flowers in the entire main city of Konoha with lavender, mint, mosquito repellent grass and other vegetation.

Any dark corner was baptized by the ninjutsu he specially invented for insect repellent and mosquito killing.

The whole city benefited from it.

It is no exaggeration to say that Hashirama and Tobirama gave all their love for brother control and brother control... to Naruto.

Even their granddaughter Tsunade envied them sourly:

"The two grandfathers are so partial!"

Even when she was a child, she didn't get this favoritism!

Because of the special care of the two brothers and Li Xia, the little Naruto in this timeline has been completely wrapped in love since birth.

He is like a grandson of the emperor who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth.

"Naruto, don't lose to Sass."

The little guy was given great expectations.

"Okay, grandpas."

Naruto also worked hard.

He opened the golden body at the age of 5 and graduated from the ninja school.

He started to learn fairy arts at the age of 11.

As a result, it took only more than a month to master the fairy mode of Myoboku Mountain.

It was much slower than the 15 days of the original trajectory.

But even so, Jiraiya, who took more than ten years to practice, was envious.

Due to various factors, Naruto could open the nine-tailed golden body mode with fairy chakra as skillfully as his mother Kushina at the age of 11!

Under various amplifications, the little guy was only 12 years old, comparable to the 17-year-old golden body Naruto who had not yet come into contact with the six-path yang power during the Fourth War in the original timeline. A few shadow clones of the nine-tailed fairy chakra mode can sweep a large ninja village more than ten years ago.

"Not bad, not bad, it lived up to my expectations."

Feeling the special and huge chakra contained in the tree cocoon where Naruto was, and feeling this chakra turning into a torrent and pouring into the chakra fruit on the crown of the sacred tree, Li Xia was extremely satisfied.

He would naturally not completely drain the power in Naruto's body, and would not hurt Naruto's foundation.

Sasuke was no less inferior.

He had a pair of Mangekyō provided by his brother Uchiha Itachi.

The power of Indra in his body was guided out by Li Xia, which led to the birth of his own Mangekyō.

After the fusion of the two pupil powers, the Eternal Mangekyō came into being.

And this was just the starting point for Sasuke.

Acquired factors: the training of Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Izuna.

"Brother, I don't want to lose to Tobirama again."

Izuna said this to Madara before deciding to train Sasuke.

"I don't want to lose to Hasirama again."

Madara gave a similar response.

The two brothers looked at each other, and everything that happened afterwards was self-evident.

No problem, let Sasuke prove their ability to teach others.

After meeting the baby Sasuke, Uchiha Madara found that he was born with a strong sense of closeness to Sasuke. When he saw the one- or two-year-old Sasuke giggling at him, his cold face would be completely defenseless and would melt unconsciously. As Sasuke grew up and looked more and more like the young Izuna, his love for his little brother and cute little boy was about to overflow.

When Sasuke grew up a little, he showed both a strict and gentle side.

"Sasuke, it's time to get up and train."

Whenever he was doing serious work, Madara was never gentle.

But after the serious work was done, he would be particularly gentle.

Look, he had half-crouched and called to the five-year-old Sasuke:

"Come up."

"Can I, Madara?"

"Stop talking nonsense, come up quickly if I tell you to."


In this way, Madara replaced Itachi's position and carried little Sasuke back to the main city of Konoha from the training ground.

After finding that the little brat was gradually falling asleep on his back, he unconsciously activated the Susan Gundam to wrap himself and reduce the sound of the wind to the greatest extent.

On the other side, Izuna treated little Sasuke the same way.

When teaching Sasuke, it was like investing in his childhood self, but there was an illusion that he was always with his brother.

In addition, they wanted to win.

Wanted to win back a game through little Sasuke.

Thinking of another brotherly game through the growth efficiency of Sasuke and Naruto.

In other words, since Naruto and Sasuke were very young, the two little kids have become the basic base for the four of them to compete secretly.

There are too many unclear ambiguities in the middle.

So, unknowingly, Madara and Izuna also gave all their love for Sasuke.

Let Sasuke also become half of the crown prince who grew up with a silver spoon in his mouth!

Obito would cry when he saw it!

When Sasuke got the Eternal Eye at the age of 11.

"Little boy, do you want to make the world dance for you?"

"Yes, Madara-sama."

"Very good."

After that, the two adults and one child went to the Ryuchi Cave and stayed there for more than three months.

It is precisely because the Eternal Eye has a great degree of blessing for the control of various chakras, which is very helpful for learning fairy arts. It is also because they noticed that Naruto, who was taught by Hashirama and Tobirama, learned the fairy arts of Myoboku Mountain, and the two brothers couldn't sit still.

They quickly started a new improvement course for Sasuke.

The fairy mode of the Ryuchi Cave is good.

When Susano is equipped with fairy arts, the level is immediately different.

In addition, in terms of Susano, Sasuke has made and strengthened five spiritual weapons in the past six months according to the suggestions of Madara, Izuna, Itachi, and Li Xia!

They are: the Great Tengu armor and curved blade that the complete Susano possesses!

Ten-fisted sword!

Eight-foot mirror!

Ame no Maga ancient bow!

Armor close defense, Eight-foot mirror frontal defense; Ten-fisted sword sneak attack, Ame no Maga ancient bow long-range attack, curved blade can not only chop out sword energy that can explode mountains for dozens of miles, but also help Susano Gundam to carry out various close combat games.

With these five spiritual weapons strengthened by fairy arts chakra as a backup, Sasuke's Susano is not the paper Susano that was kicked to pieces by someone in "Unflammable".

Therefore, it is said that among the super shadow level, Sasuke and Naruto are both at the forefront.

Perhaps someone would say: adversity brings out talents!

The two little ghosts should be made to suffer more.

Naruto should have experienced the evil of human heart as much as in the original work.

But people who have experienced this will only smile.

Are those who praise people who are born in adversity sure they don't have ulterior motives?

Good fortune can make people more sunny, more confident, more cheerful, and stronger; this is what most people who are in despair, pessimism, negativity, helplessness and other adversities desire but cannot reach.

An apple was pierced by a needle when it was young, and it must be deformed when it grows up.

Naruto in the original timeline can only be said to be an abnormal situation.

If it were a normal situation, it should be the state of Uzumaki Menma.

In addition.

A child who can grow up in adversity, put him in a favorable environment, let him enjoy the proper guidance and effective cultivation of the elders, plus his own efforts. He will be more successful and more outstanding.

If he fails in a favorable environment, throw him into adversity, please don't doubt that he will only be worse.

Therefore, people who have experienced it are more inclined to: Talents are born in favorable circumstances.

Naruto and Sasuke grew up in favorable circumstances.

Kabuto is also.

Kabuto is also wrapped in love: both Nono's sincere maternal love and Li Xia's great expectations.

Kabuto has undergone a subtle transformation in his physique since he obtained part of the chakra of his future body.

His body's adaptability has become extremely exaggerated.

The result is that the young man has become a rare exception who can carry more than ten bloodline limits.

So special that he can perfectly inherit the bloodline of several big tailed beasts.

In the 18-year-old body, 27 bloodline abilities have been developed!

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