The Age of Heroic Spirits in the Eyes of the Reincarnated

Chapter 302 The significance of the last train

That is to say, the human beings' attempt to let the subsequent new generations who inherited the excellent bloodline factors of their parents enter the secret space at the age of 15 and enjoy the secondary talent enhancement brought by the combination of heroic spirits is doomed to fail from the beginning.

The genius offspring born from the combination of the strong will then match the legendary heroic spirits with extraordinary talents? Although this idea is beautiful, the secret space does not buy it.

This road is a dead end.

The real world on the other side has learned this lesson two or three years ago.

Because many of the new second generations are very excellent, the entire human society has gradually put more attention on the little guys of the new generation, hoping that the children who inherited the excellent bloodline of their parents can still participate in the combination of heroic spirits and become more talented.

At the same time, the last batch of pure natural teenagers aged 14 or 15 have become despised.

After all, these children who have not yet matched the heroic spirits and lack the advantages of innate bloodlines are not as good as the new generation of kids in all aspects.

The half-grown teenagers of 14 or 15 years old were beaten up by the little kids of 8 or 9 years old.

Such situations are everywhere.

After this phenomenon became more common, people naturally chose to pay attention to younger people, and put the focus on the youngsters with better talents and promising futures. Various plans for cultivating geniuses emerged one after another. Instead, the last batch of teenagers of the right age were despised.

What was the result?

Something big happened!

After the fifteenth batch of pure natural humans completed the match, the secret realm actually closed the window for the match of the heroic spirit. All the matching spaces disappeared completely.

Let everyone there realize how ridiculous their decision-making mistakes were.

You know, normally, the fifteenth batch, which is the last batch of people of the right age who match the heroic spirit, has the greatest overall potential!

Because the previous fourteen batches are all a kind of exploration!

It is a kind of intelligence accumulation!

Humans have accumulated a lot of intelligence through fourteen matches of heroic spirits and fourteen years of secret realm trials; as long as they share it in time, provide and formulate useful matching plans, not to mention that everyone can obtain A-level and S-level talents, but everyone can have talents above C-level.

By then, good B-level talents will probably emerge like mushrooms after rain.

There will be no shortage of geniuses with A-level talents, even more than the total of the past 14 years.

Even S-level or even SS-level geniuses may be matched by multiple lucky people!

Overall, this is more beneficial than harmful to the human side, which is always under the threat of alien beasts.

But what about the humans over there?

Before the last batch of people of the right age matched with the heroic spirit, they still chose to cherish their own things and looked down on the last batch of children.

This directly led to the results of the heroic spirit matching that year, which was not much better than the previous year.

All mankind also missed a very important outbreak period!

On the other hand, the intelligent alien beasts seized this window.

Among those intelligent beasts, one beast king persuaded all the other beast kings to share their intelligence.

As a result, that year, the number of young alien beasts who had just opened their spiritual wisdom and obtained an opportunity to match with the heroic spirit and immediately matched with SS-level or even SS+-level talents exceeded 6,000!

There are countless S-level and S+-level beasts.

How fast can talents above S-level be cultivated? Those who understand will understand.

Moreover, the environment of heaven and earth at that time had undergone drastic changes, and the vitality of heaven and earth increased several times, becoming more suitable for the natural growth of various creatures.

Due to various factors, the alien beasts quietly hibernated for a period of time. Two years later, they held back a big wave...

In two years, more than two hundred new beast kings took shortcuts.

There are as many as thousands of dangerous species entering level 60.

The addition of this new force instantly reversed the advantages and disadvantages of the [Alien Beast Party] and the [Human Party]. In that battle, the human party, which was originally in a slight advantage on the surface, suffered heavy losses and was beaten to a loss.

More than eighty level 70 kings died on the spot!

Most of the individuals below level 70 who could enter the starry sky were killed or injured!

The situation took a sharp turn for the worse!

As a last resort, more than 90% of the developed planets can only be abandoned! They can only passively use space to exchange time and strive to recover more vitality!

The living area of ​​humans has been greatly compressed!

However, what is worse is that the tactic of exchanging space for time has a limit after all. When the alien army is fully equipped, the humans in that world will definitely face the final challenge.

Looking back at the past.

There are hundreds of human kings above level 70. Each of them can initially control three to five hundred life planets and resource planets as their own logistics bases, develop their own forces, and live a comfortable life.

But after this battle...

Sorry, the alien beasts have turned over and sang like serfs.

On the human king side, each person can only share a dozen resource planets.

Life has become tight all of a sudden, not to mention how annoying it is.

And the situation will only get worse.

There will be fewer and fewer resource planets.

At this time, it is unrealistic to want to surpass the alien beasts again in the number of high-end combat forces and gain an advantage.

Everyone is very smart.

But one day, they will be too smart.

Because humans have created information cocoons to block themselves, they have also blocked the generation that should take off the most, and cut off the path to rise for most of them. These people, after surviving the novice period, simply gave up.

Working, moving bricks? Sorry, it is impossible to move bricks.

Whoever wants to move can move.

"To endure the most bitter hardships, to serve the superiors?" I won't serve you!

"To endure the most bitter hardships, is to not treat oneself as a human being; to be a superior person, is to not treat others as human beings!" We still treat ourselves as human beings!

"The extinction of all mankind is imminent, everyone must work together?" Since they have no share in good things, then the responsibility of the extinction of all mankind is naturally not theirs.

"People should be moral?" Who stipulated it? Come out, I promise not to scold you to death.

"People should have qualities?" Let go of personal qualities and enjoy an immoral life.

"Moral kidnapping?" Don't kidnap me morally, because I have no morals...

This is the situation of most of the last batch of fitters.

It even reversely affected several batches in front of it and let it go.

No one wants to struggle.

Just want to lie down.

Just want to let it go.

The people above are always fighting for power and profit?

Give it to you, give it to you, all to you. Don't bother them.

They just want to enjoy the last leisure time before extinction.

As for the new generation who are highly expected?

The so-called new generation of geniuses, the oldest is only 14 years old, not even the legal bone age for the hero spirit to match.

When the window for matching the hero spirit disappeared, the new generation group was immediately embarrassed.

These little guys, their talents are all from their parents, all depending on their parents' strength level and bloodline potential, but not every parent has a strong bloodline to back them up.

Suddenly told them that the secret window for matching the hero spirit is closed, and they can no longer get a second chance to take off?

No one can bear this.

This group of young people lie down and rot faster than the first batch.

Heaven and hell, sometimes there is only a thin line between them.


This group of people and the last group of people who enjoy the hero spirit match and get the talent bonus have had many conflicts two years ago.

The two sides have deep resentment.

The contradictions between the two younger generations of human beings have long appeared, and the differences have long been planted, and the roots of disaster have long been buried. The top leaders actually expect these two groups to work together to fight the enemy on the battlefield in the future?

Are you sure there will be no thunder?

Then what should we do?

After much deliberation, the top leaders could only hope that someone among the powerful humans would make a breakthrough and become the first to enter level 80.

This was also the only way out.

But the problem came again. No one in the human race had SSS-level talent.

This meant that it was impossible to produce a savior through natural growth.

In this case, they could only make a breakthrough through the secret realm trial.

This method was feasible, but there were too many uncertainties.

The higher the level of the secret realm trial, the more dangerous it was. If the trialer was not careful, he would die.

After all, in the real world, a powerful being of level 60 or 70 would only be a cannon fodder if put into a high-level trial copy. How could he be sure that he would survive to the end?

And the abilities brought out were also uncertain.

One human brought out a conceptual creature called "gui".

That thing could not be killed or sealed, and existed in the consciousness of the creatures in the area.

Once a creature triggered a certain condition, it would be attacked with certain death.

Knock on the door and you will die.

Close the door and you will die.

Laugh, you will die.

Cry, you will die.

Touch it and you will die.

The key is mental pollution, a special coffin-shaped field, and infinite restarts.

The annoying thing is that the bastard who brought this ghost thing out of the trial copy was revived and killed two confident level 70 kings on the spot. And that kind of ghost thing is not very interested in animals and plants, but likes to do dirty things to humans.

A life planet once fell for it.

Fortunately, the coffin-shaped field will not move actively, and the dozen or so ghost things inside that are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining have no intention of running out, otherwise the humans over there would have been gone long ago.

There are only 15 opportunities to match in each real world.

Once a year.

This is the iron law of the secret space.

And every last train has a very special meaning.

Those who can take this last train are not limited to teenagers who are just fifteen years old.

There are a few exceptions.

One is: people who have reached the age but have not entered the secret space and have never tried the Heroic Spirit Combination for various reasons.

This kind of people can take the last train.

What they have been waiting for may be the last train.

Another is: "pure natural" offspring born under the premise that their parents have never combined with the Heroic Spirit.

Even if the bone age of these little guys is less than 15 years old under the normal flow of time, as long as they are accelerated by the power of time and reach the bone age of 15 years old before the 15th Heroic Spirit Combination, they can also take the last train.

There is another category, which is special humans who have turned from virtual to real.

"Why do I feel that the importance of the last train in the seven major districts is very similar to that of the real world on the other side?"

In the seven major districts, at least five districts do not attach importance to teenagers aged 14 or 15 who are about to have the 15th Heroic Spirit Combination.

On the contrary, they are overly expecting and doting on those little ghosts under the age of 14 with good talents.

"Maybe, this is also an opportunity for me?"

Millions of 14-15 year olds are in an awkward situation, and may even become a foil on the last train.

If he doesn't do something, he will be sorry for this opportunity to gain fame and profit.

Brothers, I'm so tired from the blind date today.

Only two chapters today, I'll make up for it later.

I need to sleep, I need to rest, my brain is burnt out.

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