Chapter 1684 Bao Yiqiu Extra Story (16)

Bao Yiqiu didn't want to entangle with Lu Shan any longer, she said: "Ziheng is not with me. You don't want to look for him anymore, my son can't continue to support you and your son. If you have self-knowledge, you can sign the divorce earlier .”

  Someone next to him interjected: "I stole my life and gave birth to a bastard, and I don't want to divorce and let a man take care of me. I don't want this face."

   Someone sneered and said, "Does she have a face? If she has a face, she won't appear here."

  Lu Shan was scolded and left covering her face.

  Bao Yiqiu felt that it would not be a problem to continue like this. After returning home, he said to Qi Ziheng who was busy in the kitchen: "Do you want to go see her? It is not a problem for her to search all over the world."

  Qi Ziheng nodded in silence.

   That afternoon, Lu Shan received a call from Qi Ziheng, but she heard a name before she could speak.

"Lu Shan, you shouldn't forget this name, right? You argue that the affair with Feng Zhisheng is a fragment of drinking, so what about this Li Houbin? Li Houbin is only twenty-nine years old this year, and you are tasting red wine, waltzing and driving. As for forcing you, right?"

  Lu Shan argued that nothing happened to the two of them.

   Two people may not have a relationship, but there must be ambiguity.

Qi Ziheng said: "This is only this year. I didn't check the previous ones. Lu Shan, if you keep dragging on, I will continue to investigate and present them as evidence to the court. If you don't want to be notorious, you should get divorced earlier." Sign the agreement."

   Before Lu Shan could speak, he hung up the phone.

   Knowing that it was impossible to recover, Lu Shan immediately changed her attitude and went to a lawyer, expressing that she must keep her property.

  After learning about the situation, the lawyer said that they would definitely not be able to keep the school district house.

  Lu Shan said: "This house was given to my son as a gift. There is no reason to take back what is given away."

  The lawyer explained patiently: "Mr. Qi gave this house as a gift on the condition that Qi Jiming is his grandson. Now this prerequisite does not exist, and Mr. Qi has the right to recover the house."

  Mom Lu is not concerned about the school district house, but the house she lives in now: "My wife and I paid for this house."

  The lawyer stated that this house belongs to the joint property of the husband and wife, and one person has half of the property rights. However, if Lu's mother and Lu's father can produce evidence to prove that they paid the money, they can also calculate the ratio according to the house payment.

  Mother Lu paid 1.8 million at that time, and the transfer records are kept. When I bought this house, it was 16 million, which means they accounted for nearly twelve.

  After learning the details, the lawyer communicated with lawyer Jiang entrusted by Qi Ziheng.

  Attorney Jiang also presented Bao Yiqiu's proof of payment for buying the house back then, as well as Qi Ziheng's proof that the current house was bought with the money from the old house.

  They sold the house. When they bought it, it was 1.59 million, and Bao Yiqiu paid 800,000. It was sold four years ago for 7.8 million. That is to say, Bao Yiqiu's payment accounted for 24% of this apartment.

   In addition to the house payment, Qi Ziheng also demanded recovery of Qi Jiming's upbringing and mental damage costs, totaling one million.

  When Lu Shan knew that the school district house could not be kept, she told the lawyer that she had to keep the house she was living in no matter what.

  The lawyer said that the court will definitely deduct the contribution ratio of both parents first, and then half of the husband and wife. There is no room for manipulation. The only point of contention now is Qi Ziheng's request for child support and mental damage, which can be lowered.

  Lu Shan said: "I don't deny the proportion of the house, but if we don't have this house, we won't have a place to live."

  The lawyer felt that Lu Shan was too greedy, and he would have known why today. Just as an attorney, he couldn't say anything bad. He reminded out of hand: "Ms. Lu, this house still has a mortgage of more than 4 million yuan. If you want to continue living here, you have to repay the mortgage and pay the property fee yourself. "

  As far as he knows, the house had a loan of 6 million at the beginning, using the method of equal principal, and now it has to pay more than 40,000 mortgages every month. And Lu Shan's monthly salary is about 20,000 yuan, and she can't afford the mortgage at all.

  Lu Shan regretted so much, she knew that she should urge Qi Ziheng to pay off the house payment, so that she could continue to live.

  With the persuasion of the two lawyers, an agreement was reached. The school district house will be returned to the Qi family, and the house they live in now will be distributed in proportion to the money after it is sold. The other two cars in the family, the expensive one belongs to Qi Ziheng. Qi Ziheng asked for child support compensation and mental damage, and Lu Shan gave 200,000.

  Lu Shan can’t get the money out, so it will be directly deducted from the house payment after the house is sold.

  After getting the divorce certificate, Qi Ziheng didn't look happy. Sixteen years of hard work has resulted in such a result.


  After coming out of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Qi Ziheng saw Mingming. As soon as the child saw him, he threw himself on his leg.

   After all, he is a child who has been in pain for more than three years, and Qi Ziheng can't speak ill of each other. He touched Qi Jiming's head and said, "I'm not your father, don't call me that in the future."

  Qi Jiming's eyes filled with tears: "Dad, don't you want to be clear? Dad, Mingming will be very obedient and obedient in the future."

  Qi Ziheng said: "It's not that father doesn't want you, it's because your father has someone else. Let your mother take you to find him!"

  Bao Yiqiu couldn't watch this scene, turned his head sadly and said, "Ziheng, let's go!"

   At this time, Qi Jiming rushed over and beat Bao Yiqiu: "It's all you, you are the bad guy, you caused my parents to divorce. You are a big villain, I will beat you to death."

   Don't look at a three-year-old child, but it hurts to be beaten like this. Qi Ziheng pulled him away, and said to Lu Shan with a cold face, "Change his name as soon as possible."

  Because of the obvious complaints, even the last bit of warmth no longer exists.

   It doesn't matter if the surname is Lu or Feng, but it doesn't matter if the surname is Qi, he is disgusting.

  Looking at the backs of the mother and son, Qi Jiming sat on the ground and wept loudly.

  Bao Yiqiu was so sore when he heard the crying, he shouted "I'm guilty." It's not about committing crimes, the mistakes made by adults are for children to bear.

   Qi Ziheng felt more uncomfortable than Bao Yiqiu, but it was impossible for him to accept Qi Jiming. This child is the evidence of Lu Shan's betrayal of him and his shame.

  Mother Lu watched Qi Ziheng leave without looking back, she asked: "Shanshan, the house is going to be put up for sale, where do we live?"

  Lu Shan said a little irritably: "I won't let you live on the street. I'll find a house when I go back."

  Seeing her like this, Lu's mother felt that when the house was sold, the money must be held in her hands. If you really can't live here, then you can take Mingming back with the old man. It is also fortunate that she will keep a hand in everything she does, and did not sell the house in her hometown back then. Otherwise, there is no way out.

  (end of this chapter)

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