Chapter 11 Obtaining the Jade Card

Shen Yun looked at the jade plaque in his hand that had lost its luster, and carefully put it into his pocket. He had only been back for a few days, and his family had given him such a great opportunity. He remembered this great favor.

Everyone watched the grandfather and grandson pay their respects to their ancestors, and happily welcomed them into the house without asking them why they stayed inside for so long.

Shen Yun watched them happily discuss the university he was admitted to. Apparently he had no idea that his ancestors were immortals.

 I only saw grandma winking at grandpa, but there were many people at the meeting, so she didn’t ask anything.

Shen Yun sat in the main room and received the warm gazes of the family. He was suddenly more nervous than when he had just encountered the supernatural event in the ancestral hall.

"If you want to ask anything, just ask, but don't look at me like that." Shen Yun looked around, seeing the curious faces of his elders and juniors, but without saying anything, she took the initiative to speak and finish it quickly. It feels like a whole family review. My heart is focused on the jade plaque in my pocket.

A group of people pushed and shoved each other, but it was Shen Limin who finally spoke.

"Yunyun, how much is the tuition for this university? Tell me first, and dad will prepare it for you." After he was just happy, the first thing he thought of was this question. In the past, Momo had a lot of money to go to high school. You have to prepare a semester in advance. The tuition fees for college must be more now, not to mention living expenses.

Momo used to eat at her second sister's house, and she had to give her some living expenses every week. Living expenses in other places when she goes to college are even more indispensable.

Shen Limin had joy on his face, but he couldn't stop the sadness in his heart.

“Third brother, you are so happy. Why do you ask this? We are responsible for the money.” Aunt Wang Aifen said quickly.

“Yes, we have a college student in our family. This is an honorable thing. We must be civilized no matter what we say. Third brother, don’t refuse.” The second aunt Liu Xiaofeng was not to be left behind and hurried to follow.

I'm afraid that the third child will refuse like before. Both of their families have grown-up children who can make money. In the third child's family, the children are still young, and there is still one in the belly. The pressure will be even greater in the future. Isn't it necessary to help? Besides, if there is a college student in the family, he might be able to take care of the younger ones. In the future, there will be a few college students in their family, which will make you laugh out of your dreams.

“Dad, eldest aunt and second aunt, don’t worry, I can take care of the tuition myself.” Shen Yun looked at several people saying this and said quickly.

If she hadn't come back before, it would have been a bit difficult to earn tuition fees, but now she is the version of herself who lived for more than thirty years in her previous life.

"What's going on? You're still a student. Don't worry, you don't have to worry about tuition fees." Uncle Shen Lijun made the decision with a serious face.

Shen Yun didn't argue with them about this matter, since they would know it by then.

"By the way, I heard people say that universities are divided into majors. So, which university do you major in?" Yang Cancan asked curiously.

This topic immediately aroused everyone's interest. Even if Shen Limin was worried, he couldn't help but **** up his ears to listen to Shen Yun's answer.

“I went to Beijing University, Department of Archeology.”

 “Kyoto University!”

 “Department of Archeology!”

The family members are all old farmers, but Shen Huaan works as a doctor in the town, and the third cousin of the eldest uncle's family and the eldest cousin of the second uncle's family both work outside. Although they don't earn much, they have some knowledge of the outside world.

  Beijing University is a well-known and good university in the country. It is not only the top scorer but also the second place in the exam.

 The old Shen family is really amazing!

 At this moment, the family members were as happy as if they had passed the exam themselves.

Unlike when he was in the Ji family and said that he was admitted to Peking University, they blamed themselves for choosing a promising major like the Department of Archeology and blamed themselves blindly.

I also persuaded myself to change my major. If I hadn't been able to firmly follow my own ideas, I would be a member of the finance major now.

 It means that the Ji family can't get involved in education, otherwise I don't think I would need my consent to change my major. This is the first time that Shen Yun has felt that others are happy for him in such a long time since he has been in college.

“Little sister, what do you major in archeology?” Shen Chen asked curiously from the side.

“It is to study the history of ancient human society based on the physical objects left behind.” Shen Yun said as simply as possible.

“Sister, the teacher said that human beings have become apes, is that true?” Shen Hai, who was in junior high school in the second uncle’s family, asked with wide eyes and curiosity.

Shen Yun nodded, this is undeniable.

“Then how do you study?” the receptionist asked curiously.

“Usually digging things underground.” Shen Yun said euphemistically.

 Oh, the family doesn’t understand this.

 But it feels very high-end.

Seeing that they had no problem, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief. It was great that he didn't have to tell them that most of his job was to dig the tombs of ancient celebrities.

The family asked a lot of questions until they couldn't remember what to ask, so they let Shen Yun go.

After dinner, everyone's enthusiasm continued. Even if Shen Yun was anxious to go home and see his jade plaque, he couldn't leave the whole family here.

  The family simply had another meal at the old house in the evening, and then went home happily.

After Xi Suhao told his parents, Shen Yun hurriedly got into his room.

He took out the jade token in his pocket and looked into it with his spiritual consciousness. The restriction on it was no longer useful to him.

 The spiritual consciousness successfully entered the jade tablet. There is a fairy mansion inside and a vast spiritual field outside.

Although I already had a picture in my mind when I first got it, the feeling of seeing it with my spiritual consciousness is still very shocking.

"The aura inside is much stronger than outside. If we could go in and practice, wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort?" Shen Yun felt the aura inside and couldn't help but muttered.

As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Yun realized that he had changed places. Isn't this the space he just saw with his spiritual consciousness?

The feelings of the naked eye and spiritual consciousness are different. The edge of the spiritual field cannot be seen, and the fairy mansion is tall and simple. The faint aura makes the whole space feel a little hazy.

Shen Yun took a deep breath of the spiritual air and felt that the whole day's waiting was worth it.

 As I approached the Fairy Mansion, the door opened automatically, as if I knew someone was approaching.

There is a path inside, with some unknown plants on both sides, some dead and some wilted. They don't look very energetic, but looking at the aura emanating from it, you know that the plants here are not ordinary. It's a pity. Shen Yun does not study plants, so he cannot recognize these plants that may have been growing for thousands of years.

Carefully avoiding these things, Shen Yun walked into the room.

 (End of this chapter)

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