Chapter 118: Sowing discord

None of them realized that things were developing in this direction. Teacher Zhang and this person actually knew each other, and from listening to the conversation between the two, they had a very good relationship before.

"Since you have been looking for me for so many years, I have one request now, give me all my things, so that the two of us are settled." Jia Weihe had no intention of chatting with Zhang Qing'an, and directly proposed that he requirements.

"What do you want?" Zhang Qing'an was locked in the room just now. When he came out, he saw Shen Yun and others chasing Jia Weihe. If the other person's face didn't look like that of a seventeen or eighteen-year-old, he wouldn't be sure I could recognize him at a glance. When I heard him asking for something, I felt a little inexplicable. I didn't realize for a while that this might be the fake monk Shen Yun mentioned before.

"Old man Zhang, didn't you ask knowingly? Don't you know what you have gotten in the past two days that does not belong to you?" Jia Weihe was a little furious after hearing Zhang Qing'an's words.

"Teacher Zhang, he is a bad guy. He is no longer the person you used to know. He just locked us up in a formation. He almost killed a few of us. Don't believe him. He is just a stone statue." The master behind it." Xu Ling shouted anxiously from the side.

“Did you make the stone statue?” Zhang Qingan turned his face in disbelief.

"Isn't this what you taught me? Over the years, I have thoroughly studied what you taught me." Jia Weihe said this with a sarcastic look on his face. Although this man abandoned himself, he still became a man. It's a good thing, it pointed me the way to the sky.

“What I teach you is to help you live a good life, not to harm other people’s lives.”

 “What’s the difference? If I want to live a good life, I have to do these things.”

 Zhang Qingan was speechless by the words.

Shen Yun was watching the situation between the two parties. Jia Weihe and Zhang Qing'an were talking, but while his body was shaking, he walked towards the room where the stone statue was placed.

Mingming’s stone statue has been sealed with a specially made isolation material, as if he can still feel the existence of the thing.

Shen Yun looked at him with a weird expression on his face, and then looked at the dark red aura on his body that began to stir, more like a tentacle slowly stretching towards the room over there.

"Qingfeng, go!" The spiritual energy on him touched the door of the room, and he looked excited. The moment his eyes focused on Zhang Qingan shifted, Shen Yun immediately took action, and the Qingfeng sword flew directly towards that side.

As if it had eyes, it stabbed Jia Weihe directly in the face.

 “Be careful!” Zhang Qingan shouted directly.

Shen Yun's eyes turned cold, and he watched the two people over there fall directly to the side. Qingfeng, who didn't stab anyone, flew back to Shen Yun's hand.

"You are a very cruel apprentice. You dare to attack me even though your neck is still in my hand. Is this because you are too confident in yourself or don't care about your life or death at all?" Jia Weihe escaped. Chen Yun quickly stood up from his attack, not forgetting to pull Zhang Qing'an up as a shield.

"Chen Yun, I'm sorry. You have full control over the rest of the matter, except for one thing. You must not give him anything in the room." Zhang Qing'an seemed not to have heard Jia Weihe's sarcasm. Thinking about what he had just said subconsciously, he felt that he no longer Suitable for special departments, he softened when facing people he knew, and this person was a murderous devil.

"Do you think I need to give it? Are you not confident in me, or in your decades of research on Taoism? Looking at your current work, you should know that the world has changed. People like me, From now on, you will be the master of this world. What do you care about benevolence and morality? As expected, it has not changed in more than ten years." Jia Weihe kept tightening his grip as he walked out of the room. It's two or three meters away.

Shen Yun pointed the tip of his sword at the ground, and the spiritual energy on it kept turning.

“Let go of Teacher Zhang and we can discuss it carefully.” Shen Yun said looking at the other side.

"Let him go. He has betrayed you just now. If you let him go, you won't be afraid that even if I am caught, I will still be let go." There was a sternness on Jia Weiheba's face that did not match his face.

"Don't sow discord here. You are a bad person, but the teacher is not. He saved you because he is a normal person. It is not normal for someone like you to be a wolf-hearted person." Xu Ling watched Zhang Qing'an's face turn purple and couldn't help shouting. .

"Here you go, let's see if you can save him." Jia Weihe had already moved to the door with Zhang Qing'an during a few words.

He directly threw the unconscious Zhang Qing'an aside and dodged directly inside.

Shen Yun didn't stop. He walked directly to the door in three or two steps and directly inserted the jade token he had prepared in advance into the gap in the wall next to him.

"Can this really trap him?" Yuan Lang asked worriedly as he watched Shen Yun complete his movements.

"Don't worry, although this Five Elements Bagua Town is simple, it is enough to deal with the person inside." Shen Yun nodded. Since he had expected that the person inside was not simple, they could not be unprepared. Originally, this formation was Just in case, who would have thought that this person directly held Zhang Qing'an hostage, otherwise, if several people came together when they were outside, it would not be impossible to do anything to him.

But now he has entered the formation directly and is more relaxed. As for the stone statues inside, most of them were finished yesterday and were taken away directly by the severe cold that rushed over. He entered the small secret realm to practice for a few days, and now he has reached the level of Qi training. With the sixth level of cultivation, the Mountains, Rivers, and the State Map can also be temporarily taken out of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Chen Yun used the brush that he barely took out from his sea of ​​consciousness to draw a small secret room in the middle of the mountain and river design. A few people directly stored the stone statues in it. The severe cold had been brought back to the base, and there were only two or three people who would stay here. indivual.

 Xu Ling was here to treat Zhang Qing'an. Shen Yun and Yuan Lang went to the back of the room to dig some soil and took out several boxes of stone statues buried there.

"There seems to be something wrong with this thing." Shen Yun opened the sealed box directly and saw that the originally dark stone statue was flashing with a dark light, flickering like breathing, and then a layer of light appeared on it. The dark red aura floated directly in the direction of the formation inside.

"I didn't expect that the energy inside has not been absorbed by the other party. No wonder he is so anxious to get these stone statues. We must destroy this quickly and stop providing him with assistance." Shen Yun looked at it and said.

"When Teacher Zhang passed out just now, he already said that you have full authority to decide this. You can make the decision." Yuen Long didn't have any objections. He also felt that such harmful things should disappear from the world as early as possible. good.

 (End of this chapter)

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