The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 16: If you are illiterate, you won’t study what you educated people want to do.

Chapter 16: Illiterate people will not study what you educated people are going to do.

Thinking about what I learned through inheritance, the spiritual energy of space has gradually dried up without being replenished for so many years. The crops in the tens of thousands of acres of spiritual fields outside have been consumed by the space itself. Many plants in the Immortal Mansion have also left their seeds and disappeared.

Even those who are still alive are languishing.

You can also feed the space a little in your own cultivation, but the fastest way to grow space is still some genius treasures, spirit stone and the like.

I have reached the level of Qi training in the space, and there are no obvious changes in the plants outside. But as soon as this plant came in, the spiritual energy in the space suddenly increased a lot, and the spiritual plants inside became much more energetic.

Shen Yun couldn't help but feel better. This trip was not in vain. Although he was mentally shocked when he entered, the result was still good.

Shen Yun walked around the space and harvested half a bag of peanuts.

Thinking that time was almost up this time, Shen Yun left the space directly. Although there were many snakes outside, they immediately scattered and fled as soon as the pressure on Shen Yun was released.

Looking at how late it was getting, it was probably time for dinner at home. Shen Yun did not dare to delay any longer and ran directly down the mountain.

From a distance, I can see the smoke rising from the cooking fires in the mountain village.

Before I even got home, I heard a voice calling me.

“Hey, I’m back.” Shen Yun responded quickly.

"You kid, where have you been running away all afternoon? The whole family is so anxious." The person who heard Shen Yun's voice was her aunt, who hurriedly walked towards Shen Yun and relaxed as soon as she saw Shen Yun. tone.

 “I’ll just walk around in the bamboo forest up there.” Shen Yun explained.

“Your elder brother and the others went up to look for you several times, but why didn’t they see you?” Wang Aifen said doubtfully.

“Well, I went a little further inside and didn’t hear anyone calling me.” Shen Yun was embarrassed, but he didn’t expect someone to go to the mountain to look for him.

"Girl, why are you so brave? It's summer, and there are a lot of snakes and insects on the mountain. You don't know how to be afraid." Wang Aifen heard what Shen Yun said and nodded at Shen Yun helplessly.

 “I have something to do when I go up the mountain?”

"What's going on? Everyone at home is here. Can't you invite your brother and the others to come with you? What needs to happen for you, a little girl?"

Okay, come back with me quickly, everyone at home is worried. "Wang Aifen said a few words, pulled Shen Yun and hurriedly walked down the mountain.

Grandpa is waiting at the door, and grandma is escorting Yang Cancan in the house, who is about to go out to find someone.

 When several people heard Shen Yun's voice, they immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Girl, next time you go to play, ask grandpa to go with you. Grandpa is so old and it is a strange time for the outside world. If you take grandpa with you, you can take care of me and let me enjoy my granddaughter's filial piety." Shen Guoliang didn't say anything. When he saw Shen Yun, he just said this.

"Okay, the child is back, what do you say? I can take you with me when the child goes to school in the future. You, an old man, have a pretty good idea. I still want to go." Yang Xiaocao interrupted with a smile.

"Your mother is still waiting for you in the house. You go in first and take a look. I'll cook. Aifen, you go and call everyone back." Yang Xiaocao was about to send Shen Yun away. Shen Yun thought that Yang Cancan was probably very worried at this moment, so he walked directly into the house without refusing.

"You old man, what are you talking about about being filial and unfilial? Our granddaughter is fine, don't put any burden on your child." Yang Xiaocao watched the two people leave and said to Shen Guoliang in a low voice.

"That's what I'm saying. Doesn't it mean that I like my granddaughter more? We currently only have so many children. The three generations combined include two girls, Hua'an and Yunyun. I'm just going to express my closeness. "Shen Guoliang muttered quietly.

“Okay, okay, I got it, come over and cook with me, otherwise you’ll have to drink the northwest wind all night.” The old lady walked quickly and walked directly towards the kitchen.

As soon as Shen Yun here entered the house, he saw Yang Cancan holding the child and looking towards the door.

"Mom, don't worry. I just went out for a walk and accidentally lost some time. It's been so long since I've been back. I haven't even found the place near my home. I'll be going to school in a while. By then, There is no time again." Shen Yun pulled Yang Cancan and explained.

"Okay, you should tell your family next time you go out." Yang Cancan explained.

When the whole family came back, Shen Yun realized that his disappearance all afternoon had worried his family so much that he even thought that he could not bear such a hard life and left directly.

"That's not true. In fact, I was walking up the mountain and accidentally got lost. I saw a hole there with a tomb inside. You also know that I study archeology. Don't you have to take a look when you encounter it?" Shen Yun A simple explanation, otherwise the look on Shen Limin's face would make him sick to death.

Everyone was worried at first, but when they heard what Shen Yun said, they gradually came to their senses and were shocked. How could this girl be so brave and dare to visit other people's tombs alone? Besides, what is the relationship between studying archeology and visiting tombs?

Thinking this way, everyone also asked the same question. Seeing that the direction of everyone's concern gradually changed, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

“Isn’t this an ancient tomb? As we study archeology, when we encounter an ancient tomb, we should dig it out and take a look at it if it is suitable. Especially such an unknown one, we must study it.” Shen Yun explained.

At this time, even the people who were relatively calm were stunned. This person in my family is a college student, but he is doing the kind of job of digging graves. This is an immoral thing that uneducated people like them cannot understand.

“Don’t tell anyone about this when you go out. Our family is mostly college students, majoring in archeology. We don’t know anything else.” Yang Xiaocao reacted quickly. Seeing everyone in his family looking in disbelief, he immediately warned him.

"By the way, grandma, I think there will be some commotion in the village recently. I plan to call my teachers over to take a look. They are all professionals. They will come to study and bring the cultural relics back to the country. I can't do this alone. Things." After hearing Yang Xiaocao's warning, Chen Yun couldn't help but say this. Now he didn't need to tell his family, the villagers would probably know it themselves.

It's not enough for one person to do this thing. He also asks the teacher to do it together. Forget it. As an illiterate person, I shouldn't study what these college students are going to do.

“Okay, this is all about the country, so we won’t say anything else.” Yang Xiaocao decided that filling his stomach was more important.

"Don't go out and talk. I went to look and there was a snake. It would be a bad thing if someone wants to go and take a look or get something." Shen Yun explained.

Seeing everyone in her family nodding, she was relieved a lot. Anyway, she didn't tell the place, and even if she went there, she might not be able to touch the place.

 (End of this chapter)

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