Chapter 260 (260) Refining the Space Ring

“Second brother, you go home tomorrow and see how the old man and the old lady at home are doing.” Shen Heng, who followed, winked at Shen Mu.

"Okay, I'll go back tomorrow." Shen Mu immediately agreed. He knew what he meant and directly brought the two old people at home over. Even if the third uncle and the third aunt wanted to meet someone, they would not come to the house to meet them. .

"Okay, you can do whatever you want. By the way, since you want to go back. Then let a few people go over and bring Shen Jian over. I will make an appointment with the doctor tomorrow and go directly to see Shen Jian. "Chen Yun knew what they meant. Since they were all protecting him, he would follow them this time.

As for what Yang Cancan will do, although she has only been out for a year, she is not someone who can't figure it out. She may only be emotional for this moment, and she can figure it out after a while.

"We have been busy in Beijing this year, and we really haven't thought about this. We want to bring Shen Jian here to have a look. Maybe he will wake up early." Several people nearby heard Shen Yun say this, and they were a little annoyed. , I was only thinking about Shen Yun and forgot about this matter.

"Even if we bring Shen Jian here, we don't know anyone and can't find a good doctor. This is a wild card." Shen Heng understood clearly that when he was in the south, he relied on connections, so there were so many people. Show it to Shen Jian, and it was Shen Yun who sent him home later because of his connections. Even if they brought Shen Jian here this year, they could only send him to the hospital to see an ordinary doctor. If he wanted a good doctor, It still requires some relationship.

"That's true." In the year after I came out, no one was the same young man who was in the country at that time. I have gained a lot of experience by running around.

"Then let's go out and call home to tell them to clean up." Several people didn't stop writing and immediately started to separate.

"Fourth brother, they're all gone, why don't you go out." The room was quiet for a while, and Shen Yun turned around and glanced at Xiao Bengqi, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, and then at Shen Heng, who was sitting motionless next to him. Mushrooms are growing in your room. Everyone has gone out to work. Isn't it a bit lazy for you to stay here?

"I'm not just idle. Let's see when you have time to work. Look at my burned jade." Shen Heng looked at Shen Yun and saw that there was no sad expression on his face, so he smiled and put his Things are said.

"I was about to say this, but I was delayed again. Please bring the things over and let me take a look." Shen Yun responded accordingly.

Shen Heng immediately went back to the room and took the things he had cherished for so long. "Look, I have been calcining and polishing them with spiritual energy during my free time this year. What do you think?" Shen Heng As he spoke, he handed the things over.

As long as the iron pestle is ground into a needle, I originally thought of getting some jade and putting it in the space to soak it into spiritual jade, but the one in front of me was directly polished into spiritual jade by my fourth brother.

Chen Yun took a closer look. The quality of the jade itself was very good. In addition, after a long period of refining, the impurities inside were basically gone. Shen Heng was using spiritual energy to nourish himself when he was not doing anything. Now the jade is exuding The gleaming white light is no longer ordinary.

“Fourth brother, you are so patient, this has become a good thing.

Today I will teach you how to refine something. If you master this, you don’t have to worry about money. "

"What, tell me, I will definitely study hard." Shen Heng heard Shen Yun's affirmation and was immediately overjoyed.

"Have you heard about Mustard Seed Space? I will teach you today. Watch it carefully." As soon as he finished speaking, Shen Yun directly set a ban on the room, and then began to divide the spiritual jade.

 She plans to use this spiritual jade to make several space rings. Although the space is not as large as the bracelets, it saves materials.

"Let's refine the jade into a ring first." Shen Yun took one and started working on it. This step was a little more complicated than removing impurities, and it also consumed a lot of spiritual energy, and he couldn't stop in the middle. Shen Heng watched from the side and did not start rashly. There was not much material, and he could only make three. He would feel bad if he tried to break it.

Shen Yun's speed is very fast. He has been promoted to the middle stage of Jindan, and his spiritual consciousness has also grown accordingly. Coupled with the purification of his bloodline, Shen Yun is now smoother with his spiritual consciousness than with his hands.

 Three simple ring shapes are ready in just a moment.

 The movements in the hands are non-stop, and the next step is the key step. The complex formation must be engraved on it, so that this space ring can be completed.

I have simply used the formation when making storage bags before, and I am familiar with it. Even carving the small ring is a little more difficult than the top of the storage bag, but this is not a problem for Shen Yun.

Shen Heng saw a ring floating in the air. After a while, a complex pattern appeared in front of Shen Yun. Then with a gesture, the pattern flew directly towards the ring. Then the pattern shrank and disappeared. The originally extraordinary jade ring... It will look like an ordinary ring, nothing special.

Shen Yun then made a few more gestures before stopping what he was doing, and the ring slowly floated down.

 “Put some blood on it and try to identify the owner.” Shen Yun checked it out and found that the space inside was not big, but there were about 10 cubes. He threw the ring to Shen Heng aside.

Shen Heng took it hurriedly, "Is this done?"

Shen Yun nodded, "Try it, let's move on to the next one."

Without saying a word, Shen Heng directly used spiritual energy to make a cut on his finger, and smeared the blood on the ring as if it was free of money.

A faint light flashed, the wound disappeared, and the blood on the jade slip also disappeared. Shen Hengli felt that he was connected to a medium-sized space in his mind. He tentatively picked up the cup on the table. With a thought, the cup It disappeared directly and appeared in space.

Shen Heng immediately jumped up and down with joy. If he hadn't accidentally seen the child sleeping on the bed, he would have screamed with joy. After trying a few more things, Shen Heng stopped his movements and said, "Is this mine?"

"Of course, keep it well and don't leak the wealth. This is still a rarity outside." Shen Yun explained and continued to the next one.

Originally, Shen Heng wanted to go out and talk to his brothers. When he saw Shen Yun's actions, he immediately put the ring away carefully and watched Shen Yun's actions more seriously.

After all three were refined, Shen Heng rubbed his eyes and smiled bitterly, "I understand the rest, but this formation is a bit difficult. Can you draw it for me to see?"

"Okay." Shen Yun took out the pen and paper and started drawing. The sequence of steps was clearly listed. "Watch it for yourself, don't show it to others for now, but it's useless to see this. You also need to prepare the corresponding techniques and learn them quickly. Everyone in the family will be assigned one by then, otherwise there will be no way to distinguish between these three." By the way. , Shen Yun also wound up Shen Heng.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely study hard.” Shen Heng happily took it and without saying a word, he put it into the space he had just obtained.

 (End of this chapter)

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