"Dad, you and Yunyun take a rest for a while. I'll cook. I'll be ready in a while." Shen Huaan was busy in the kitchen just now. Now he saw two people coming in, said hello, and went straight into the kitchen. .

"Auntie, please stop being busy. We packed some food at the restaurant outside. My brother and the others are waiting over there." Shen Yun said quickly.

“Oh, tell me what you spent the money on. Wouldn’t it be easier to do something at home?” Shen Huaan complained with a smile.

“Aren’t you all busy at work? The children also feel sorry for you. Okay, stop sitting. I’ll let you relax today.” Shen Guoliang said quickly.

 “Dad, you are also messing around with the children. If others know that you go to your daughter’s house and pack meals from outside restaurants, you will die laughing.” Shen Huaan said angrily.

"Times are different now. This is your nephew's filial piety to you. Please rest quickly." Shen Guoliang continued.

"Mom, my dad and I are busy at ordinary times, and you are also busy with your own work. They all said that you should take it easy to eat something in the cafeteria, but you just didn't listen." Huang Bin also took the opportunity to say.

"You kid, you will have a lot of money to spend in the future. Besides, the food in the cafeteria is not as delicious as at home. Anyway, we have a break at noon. I am used to cooking just a few dishes." After Shen Huaan finished speaking, he turned directly towards He walked to the kitchen and said, "I still have vegetables cooking in the kitchen. Even if I go out to buy vegetables, I still have to finish them. You guys should rest first."

As soon as the voice fell, the sound of cooking could be heard in the kitchen.

 “Let me go and help.” Shen Yun packed up the things he brought and walked directly towards the kitchen.

“Auntie, do you need any help?”

"No, don't do anything. I'll pack it up soon. Go sit down and have a rest." Shen Hua'an stopped Shen Yun's movements. "I'll be fine soon. You and your grandpa go and sit for a while. The family is worried about not coming back for such a long time. Next time if something happens, be sure to say hello to the family. Otherwise, what will happen all of a sudden? It's so painful." Shen Hua'an looked at Shen Yun and couldn't help but say what was in his heart.

"Don't worry, there won't be a next time. Even if I go out in the future, I will let my family know that I am safe. This time it happened suddenly, and I didn't expect to be trapped for such a long time, but I have learned a lot. Quite a few, this kind of thing will definitely happen in the future, including my cousin, who may enter some kind of secret realm and be unable to get out for a while, so you have to be mentally prepared for this." Shen Yun took precautions in advance.

“You said something like this would happen to your cousin?” Shen Huaan stopped what he was doing.

"I mean it's possible, because we don't know many things now. Sometimes things like this are beyond our control, do you understand?" Shen Yun saw her nervousness and said quickly.

 “Yeah, just like when he was a policeman.”

“Yes, you are right to think so, so now I can only try my best to improve my strength, so that when facing unknown things, I can save my life more.

 Including you, if you have this condition, you must also improve your strength. "Chen Yun took advantage of the situation and said.

“I’m just an ordinary person who gives injections to people. How can I improve my strength?” Shen Huaan took out the food and asked sadly.

"Wait a minute, I'll give you a test. If you also have the talent for cultivation, then practice together, and you can look after your cousin in the future." Shen Yun gave the answer directly.

"Okay, I'll test it." Shen Huaan didn't pause and responded directly.

He took off his apron and pulled Shen Yun out of the kitchen. "What do you think? I'll do it as you say."

"Don't be so nervous. Auntie, sit here and I'll test you." Shen Yun directly helped Shen Huaan sit on the stool next to him.

"Are you going to test my mother's spiritual roots?" Huang Bin saw the spiritual test stone that Shen Yun took out and immediately understood what Shen Yun was going to do. Shen Yun nodded, "Auntie, please concentrate and put your hands on this stone. Don't feel any psychological burden. No matter what the outcome is, we are still there." Shen Yun saw Shen Hua'an being nervous and reassured her.

Shen Huaan took a deep breath and said, "Come on."

 Shen Yun and Shen Huaan were testing here. Shen Guoliang and Huang Bin watching from the side were even more nervous than when they were testing themselves.

 After waiting for a while, there was still no result. Shen Guoliang had seen this situation a lot, including his two eldest sons and his wife. Seeing this situation, he couldn't help but sigh.

"What's wrong? Did you fail the test? Mom, please concentrate." Huang Bin had never experienced such a situation, and he was very nervous now.

"It's over. Unfortunately, my aunt has no spiritual roots." The cruel words finally came out of Shen Yun's mouth.

"How could it be possible? I have it, my brother-in-law has it, and my grandparents have it, so why is it that my mother doesn't have it?" Huang Bin scratched his head anxiously, not believing the result.

"Sorry, spiritual roots are not hereditary. Although children born to people with spiritual roots are very likely to have spiritual roots, there are still some who don't, such as the uncle and the others." Shen Yun has seen several people in his family without spiritual roots. Although I feel very sorry, I am still very rational.

 “Then what should we do?” Shen Huaan asked blankly.

Shen Yun, who had always had an idea, had no idea now. "How about we let my uncle test it again and see how it goes. Don't worry." As for the problem of not having spiritual roots, she really couldn't solve it.

“Okay, okay, let your uncle try.” Shen Huaan seemed to have new hope.

"Hua'an, come here and say a few words to you." Shen Guoliang directly asked Shen Hua'an to go out.

“My mother has no spiritual roots, what will I do in the future?” Huang Bin finally understood.

"Cousin, this is beyond human control. Now that we have the means of cultivating immortals, at least we can allow people to grow old safely. If it had been before, it would have been the same result." Shen Yun didn't know how to comfort people, so he could only So said.

"But you know, once a person has something, he wants to have more." Huang Bin said sadly.

Of course Shen Yun knows that, who doesn’t want the family to be together forever? This is something that even if you practice cultivation, you can’t do it. People are not gods after all.

 Two people sat in the room and looked at each other in silence. "I asked for too much."

“The days ahead will be long, so stay with me. Life is limited, but the memory in your heart is infinite.”

Huang Bin nodded aside.

Shen Yun didn't listen to what Shen Guoliang and Shen Huaan said outside, but they came in after a while, and the sad expression on their faces disappeared and returned to its previous look.

"Son, no matter what, your grandpa and cousin will be with you in the future. In the future, you can find a girl who can accompany you. This is what mom hopes for." Shen Huaan in turn advised Huang Bin.

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