Chapter 3: Helping when there is an injustice on the road

 Some are subtle and some are direct. This is the first time Ji Yun has received such treatment.

Ji Yun raised the corner of his mouth and smiled at the people around him, then lowered his head slightly and walked directly out of the alley. Although there were people who were more playful, Ji Yun was not ready to go over and say hello now.

"Ji Yun, where are you going? University hasn't started yet?" Li Shutong, who lives in a courtyard not far from Ji's house, asked with a smile.

Ji Yun knew what kind of person she was. She dared to say anything and ask questions. At this moment, she was sure that this person knew everything, but she still came over to ask her, obviously wanting to see a joke.

“Aunt Li, you are wrong. My surname is not Ji anymore. I heard someone said my surname is Shen. Is that so?” A woman watching the excitement said with a smile.

  When this person said this, the people next to him stared at Ji Yun, as if they wanted a definite answer.

"Yes, it's almost noon. Let the aunts get busy. I'll leave first." Ji Yun didn't want to say anything more to these people, so he just hesitated and walked forward.

Those who originally wanted to see Ji Yun's joke were stunned when they saw Ji Yun admitting it so readily, and no longer knew what he was talking about.

 She needs to move her household registration first, as there is an office at the entrance of the alley.

With Ji Shen, the male member of the Ji family, following him, things went smoothly.

Ji Yun took his household registration transfer certificate and chuckled. It was great that he no longer had to share the household registration book with Ji's family.

"You still have the nerve to smile. You are really heartless. Your family member who has supported you for nineteen years is about to leave. Don't you feel a little bit reluctant to leave?" Ji Shen said with an ugly face.

"You were the one who wanted to leave me first, weren't you?" Ji Yun looked directly at Ji Shen and asked softly.

"When were we going to let you go? It was obviously you who asked to go back. You stole Sister Momo's life for nineteen years, and our Ji family supported you with delicious food and drink. Why, you can't bear this grievance. "Really?" Ji Shen looked angry.

"Why should I suffer this grievance? Haven't I suffered enough grievances in the past ten years? Don't stand and say sarcastic words without back pain. It's obvious that you are the only ones who are living well. Now that I have left the Ji family, I don't know how happy I am. "Yeah." Ji Yun said softly, with a smile that couldn't be concealed on his face.

"What did you say?" Ji Shen was very unhappy when he heard what Ji Yun said. He had been raised by the family for so many years, and he left as soon as he wanted. He also said that he had been wronged at home. He was really a white-eyed wolf.

“You said I stole your sister’s nineteen years, why don’t you say your sister also stole my life? Maybe I like the life in my biological parents’ home better. No matter how poor I live there, I will be happy with it.

 Unlike in the Ji family, everything has to be given to you and your eldest brother. The whole family is cold and impersonal. You should hurry up and cultivate a relationship with your sister now, and don't waste your time on me, an outsider. "Ji Yun looked at Ji Shen and said loudly, and walked directly outside the office without waiting for him to say anything else.

Ji Shen stared at Ji Yun who was walking away. What does it mean that his family is impersonal? He is a boy, so shouldn't he give in to others?

 Wanted to continue looking for Ji Yun to reason, but saw that Ji Yun had already walked away.

Ji Shen got rid of him, and Ji Yun even laughed out loud.

It's time for me to visit Baiyun Village and see the poor but kind parents who gave Ji Momo the same love. Now they all belong to me. Ji Yun couldn't help but curl up the corner of his mouth thinking about it. stand up.


 When we arrived at the train station, we directly bought a train ticket to Suzhou City.

After getting off the bus, Ji Yun found a bus to Jinhua Town on the other side of Baiyun Village after some inquiries.

Ji Yun breathed a sigh of relief after struggling to squeeze into the car from the crowd. This trip was not easy, and he almost missed it.

There were many people and a lot of cargo on the bus. Ji Yun could only squeeze in front of an armrest and hold on tightly to prevent himself from being thrown out of the ups and downs of the bus.

The bumpy roads made people dizzy, and Ji Yun couldn't bear it. She really didn't expect that the roads in the townships were so bad at this time.

Hibernating the discomfort, Ji Yun wanted to walk forward, maybe it would be less bumpy.

 I saw three hands reaching into the pocket of an old woman next to me.

Ji Yun regained his composure and looked at the tall thief next to him. Ji Yun, who currently had a low force value, did not choose to go directly.

Just when Ji Yun was thinking of a way, the thief had already stolen the wallet quickly.

The car made a sharp turn, causing Ji Yun to stumble. It also gave Ji Yun a chance to stab the man hard with a pole next to him. With the speed of the car, the man smacked him. Fell down in the carriage.

"Auntie, your things have been stolen." Ji Yun took advantage of the thief's confusion and quickly called out to the aunt who hadn't noticed yet.

“Ah, my things have been stolen.” Shen Huaan felt that there was nothing in his pocket and shouted.

The bus driver probably heard the cry and braked immediately. The thief who was about to get up fell back again.

The driver stopped the car, stood up and asked, "Whose things were stolen? Look quickly to see if anything else has been stolen. No one got on or off the car along the way. We are going to catch this thief today." "The driver had a strong sense of justice and immediately closed the car door to try to catch someone in a trap.

Once everyone heard what the driver said, they immediately stopped complaining about the driver’s wild driving skills and stood up directly to start checking their luggage.

“Oh, isn’t this my wallet? Everyone, hurry up and catch this thief.” Only then did Shen Huaan realize that the person lying down seemed to be holding her wallet.

This thief was unlucky enough. He was about to steal the last one and get off the car. Unexpectedly, Ji Yun saw him. Looking at the stolen goods that were dug out, he immediately cried out that he was unlucky. Why was he accidentally touched by a pole? .

“Hey, driver, this man has stolen so many things, let’s send him directly to the police station, otherwise there will be another one.” Shen Huaan said angrily, thinking about the public funds he almost lost.

"Okay, everyone, sit down and hold on. We'll go directly to the police station. You don't have any objections." Driver Li was also a cheerful person. He greeted him directly. Seeing that no one had any objections, he accelerated the car to the fastest speed and drove the car in the air. The road ups and downs, moving forward quickly.

 After sending the person to the public security bureau and recording a confession, Ji Yun went out and saw the woman in the car whose money had been stolen waiting for someone outside.

"Girl, thank you just now. I heard others say that you poked the thief in the car and made him fall. You helped me a lot." Shen Huaan did not dare to say anything while in the car. I was afraid that the little girl would be retaliated by the thief, so I came here to express my gratitude.

Ji Yun thought he was hiding his actions, but he didn't expect someone to discover him. He felt annoyed that his abilities had deteriorated, and then he accepted the fact that he was still weak. "It's a small matter, don't take it to heart." Ji Yun said with a smile.

"This is not a trivial matter. The money in my pocket is public money. If I lose it, it will be a sin. Fortunately, with your help, not only did I find the thing, but also helped others find it." Shen Hua An Yue The more friendly he feels when he looks at this girl, and the happier he feels when he thinks that this girl has helped him. "By the way, girl, are you here to visit relatives?" Shen Huaan asked curiously when he heard that Ji Yun's accent didn't sound like the local accent.

Ji Yun nodded, "I want to go to Baiyun Village."

"Baiyun Village, you probably won't be able to make it now. It will get dark soon. Going to Baiyun Village is all mountainous. It's very unsafe for a little girl like you." Shen Hua'an knew Ji Yun's destination and said quickly.

Ji Yun didn't know this. After all, he came here more than ten years ago in his last life, and it was only 1989. It was normal to think that the roads were not repaired.

No matter how powerful Ji Yun was in her previous life, she is still a helpless 19-year-old girl. She really doesn't dare to walk into the mountains alone at night and reach Baiyun Village.

"Then let's go there tomorrow morning." Now that we're here, Ji Yun is not in a hurry.

“Well, I’ll treat you to a meal tonight.” Shen Huaan said enthusiastically.

Ji Yun refused again and again, but was finally pulled over by Shen Huaan for a meal.

 After dinner, we stayed in a guest house in town for one night.

Early the next morning, Ji Yun packed up and prepared to go to Baiyun Village. Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked out of the guest house, he saw the aunt he met yesterday waiting there with a young man.

"I know you are going to Baiyun Village today, and my son is also going there. I heard you said yesterday that it was your first time to go there. The mountain road is difficult, so I just want him to lead you." Shen Hua'an pulled Ji Yun and said enthusiastically.

Ji Yun didn't expect that he could find a guide for himself.

I couldn't help but look at the young man behind Shen Hua'an. He looked like he hadn't woken up. He must have been dragged out of bed early in the morning. He was about 20 years old. He was wearing a floral shirt and a popular middle-parted hair. He is a fashionista. I wonder if he is reliable as a guide?

“No need, just give me directions.” After all, we had only met twice, and Ji Yun didn’t want to trouble him.

“It’s okay, Huang Bin’s grandma’s house is also over there, so let him go and have a look.” Shen Huaan said enthusiastically.

Just like that, Ji Yun was enthusiastically handed over to the guide.

Baiyun Village is located in a mountain col. There is a small plain in it, and the houses are built against the mountain.

Looking at the smoke rising from the houses in the distance, Ji Yun followed Huang Bin and walked there.

"I've been sleeping all this way. Which house are you going to?" Huang Bin, who was walking in front, stretched and turned his head to look at Ji Yun. At this glance, he felt that this girl seemed familiar.

Have you seen her before somewhere? Huang Bin turned his head and thought, but he would definitely be impressed by such a beautiful girl.

Ji Yun didn't care what Huang Bin thought. He followed him to the village and said, "I'm looking for Shen Limin."

  Hey, this Shen Limin seems to be my brother-in-law. Huang Bin reacted belatedly, "Why are you looking for him?"

"There is something, something big." Ji Yun was not familiar with him and had no intention of going into details.

Ji Yun stopped when he reached the slightly familiar door.

In his last life, Ji Yun came here once, but he only talked about his life experience, and then left in a hurry because he had something to do. He died before he could arrange the rest of the things.

 This is my second time in this life.

Ji Yun suddenly became a little nervous.

Looking at the slightly dilapidated wooden door in front of him, Ji Yun reached out and knocked.

 Huang Bin was a little confused. Why did he knock on the door of his grandma's house instead of looking for his brother-in-law? Thinking about it, his mother told him to come and see his grandma before leaving home. Huang Bin felt that it was not too late to visit his brother-in-law after seeing his grandma.

"Who is it?" It was almost noon, and someone was at home. He heard the knock on the door and answered immediately.

"Looking for someone." As soon as Ji Yun finished speaking, the door in front of him was opened.

"Girl, who are you looking for?" Yang Xiaocao looked at the kind-faced girl in front of him and asked curiously. This girl's clothes are not cheap at first glance. Who are you looking for in this mountain? I haven't heard of anyone I don't know. Relatives in the city, could it be that the young man in the village went out to find someone, and they found him at home.

Ji Yun saw the old lady appearing in front of him looking at him with a little curiosity. The old lady was kind-hearted, not tall, slightly thin, wearing an apron, and she seemed to be cooking.

Ji Yun took a deep breath. He had never seen this old lady in his previous life. Could it be that she was his grandmother? She looked a bit like her.

"Hello, grandma, I'd like to see Shen Limin." Ji Yun said politely.

 Hey, Shen Limin, isn’t this my youngest son?

"Grandma, you're here to see my brother-in-law." Huang Bin saw that grandma didn't notice him at the moment, so he took the initiative to greet him.

"Why are you here again? Didn't I say you're not allowed to come over until you find your partner?" Yang Xiaocao noticed Huang Bin behind him and said angrily.

"Grandma, I'm your grandson. My mother specifically asked me to come and see you. Plus, my mother asked me to bring people here. Isn't this a mission?" Huang Bin was very unjust, but it was not his own initiative. Coming.

Hearing what Huang Bin said, Yang Xiaocao rolled her eyes at Huang Bin and turned her gaze back to Ji Yun. His youngest son didn't go down the Tiantian Mountain very often. How could he know such a girl? No, this girl looks familiar. .

"Shen Limin, just wait, I will take you there myself." The old lady took off her apron, put away her smile and walked straight up. This little daughter-in-law is about to give birth. If something happens, it will be bad. .

Ji Yun looked at the old lady’s figure and realized that her biological parents’ home was still up there!

 (End of this chapter)

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