Chapter 31 The dazzling green color

“I just came here to say goodbye to you and tell you the address of our Beijing office.” Yan Han’s expression remained the same, as if coming here was just a matter of routine.

"Why do you need to make a special trip to this? Just leave me a message." Shen Yun looked at Yan Han and felt unhappy. After all, she only saw this man successfully dismantling his work yesterday. Today she had reason to doubt this man. Did he come here to ask questions?

"Just a side trip, yesterday was already delayed for a whole day because of some people, so I don't care about half a day." When he said this, Yanhan looked straight at Shen Yun.

Although Yan Han did not say this out loud, Shen Yun knew from the look in his eyes that this person must be alluding to him.

 Since they didn’t catch themselves on the spot, some people just pretended that they didn’t know about it.

"Then I'd like to thank you for the trip. I'll definitely come over and visit you when I have time when I get to the capital." Shen Yun continued to greet him.

  After a few words, the two of them were speechless. Yan Han wanted to test him, but Shen Yun was not sure that he wanted to join them, and he didn't want to fight.

  Anyway, you say what’s yours, and I’ll say what’s mine.

 Shanhan's face became even colder.

"Okay, in this case, we welcome your arrival. I won't disturb you today. I'll take my leave now." Yan Han might really have something to do, so he talked to Shen Yun and then called Yang Xiaocao and the others in the room. Say hello and leave directly.

I have to say that this person's education is really good. Even if ice shards fall off his face, he still treats Yang Xiaocao in a gentle and polite manner.

"Why did Xiao Yan leave? He promised to stay for dinner." Yang Xiaocao looked at Yan Han walking away and asked Shen Yun a little doubtfully.

"Maybe he has something to do. After all, he has to work. He just stopped by to talk to me about something today. I feel sorry for wasting his time." Shen Yun explained casually on the side.

“That’s right, Xiao Yan is a kid who has great abilities at first glance.” Yang Xiaocao himself made good excuses for others.

have to! Shen Yun can't say that Xiao Yan in your mouth wants to come here to find out about your granddaughter's background, so he can only skip this matter and talk to Yang Xiaocao about other things.

Yang Xiaocao took care of a few people for a late lunch, and then went back to work.

Shen Yun was worried about the result of his grandfather going out, so he followed him down.

 It wasn't until mid-afternoon that the old man slowly walked back from outside.

"Grandpa, how are you?" Shen Yun was sitting in the yard. When he saw the person, he went over to him and helped the old man towards the stool.

"Hey, I went with you to see him today. Some results won't come out for a few days, but judging from your uncle's appearance, he's not in a good condition. He's coughing up blood." Shen Guoliang said with a heavy heart, and he was afraid that others would hear him. , deliberately lowering his voice.

"The doctor said a lot, but I didn't understand much. Anyway, the situation is very serious and can't be cured." The old man became even more depressed when he said this. He has only had this daughter all his life. She is getting old and will soon retire. Why wouldn't he feel distressed if he had to suffer like this again?

Shen Guoliang's hands couldn't help but tremble a little when he thought about how his daughter burst into tears after hearing the doctor's words.

“Grandpa, do you still remember what I said to you?” Shen Yun turned around and looked around, seeing no one, and said in a low voice.

"Stop making trouble, our ancestors of the Shen family just gave you a jade token. Even if you sell it and get rich, the doctor says it can't be cured. This is not something that can be done with money." Shen Guoliang said Waving his hand, after living for so many years, he has seen the strange thing that a wooden sign turned into a jade sign, but the country has said that there is no need for feudal superstition. Even if the wooden sign turns into a jade sign, it will be worth a little at most, but nothing will change. . "Grandpa, I'm not talking about the jade plaque. I'm talking about my own methods." Since the old man didn't want him to reveal the jade plaque, Shen Yun didn't talk about the jade plaque, only about himself.

"Oh, what can you do? Do you know any reliable doctors?" Shen Guoliang thought for a moment that his granddaughter was from the capital and might really know some famous doctors. Maybe his son-in-law could be saved.

He has worked hard in the town for more than ten years in the Public Security Bureau and has done so many good things. It’s time for God to open his eyes and not let such a person die like this.

 Shen Yun looked at Shen Guoliang's expectant eyes.

 He directly took out the marrow cleansing liquid he made last night.

“Grandpa, I made this myself. If you believe it, I will give it to my uncle to try.”

 Shen Guoliang looked at the dazzling green liquid in the bottle and listened to what his granddaughter said. Although he felt a bit like seeking medical attention due to a sudden illness, he couldn't help but calm down.

“Does archeology also lead to medicine? I haven’t heard Teacher Xu and the others mention it.” Shen Guoliang muttered in a low voice.

"Grandpa, to tell you the truth, I didn't learn this when I was in school. Before I came back, I had some adventures. If you don't believe me, just take a look." Shen Yun said, made a knot on his hand, and then pointed towards the table Pointing at the cup, the cup that had just been empty was immediately filled up in a moment.

“Oh, you’re like this!” Shen Guoliang was startled and almost fell off the chair.

Shen Yun quickly supported Shen Guoliang and watched the old man calm down and carefully look at the water glass on the table.

“Granddaughter, it’s not like my eyes are dim, right?” Shen Guoliang raised his head and said uncertainly.

"No, I just made the water here." Shen Yun said with a smile. She planned not to tell anyone about the matter of space. After all, ordinary people were not guilty and only guilty of possessing a treasure. But I can tell my family about the matter of cultivation. According to the two discoveries of spiritual energy, it will be a matter of time for spiritual energy to recover in this life. It is better for the family to prepare in advance so that in the future, there will be a trace of freedom in the world of the jungle. The power of retribution.

“No wonder, no wonder, I said that the wooden sign at home has not been moved for so many years. It turns out to be waiting for you.

By the way, that wooden sign won't have any impact on your adventure. "Shen Guoliang just said that he doesn't want feudal superstition, but he accepted it faster than anyone else. He accepted Shen Yun's difference in an instant.

 When I looked at the contents of the bottle on the table, I no longer felt dazzled. I just felt that this thing was a life-saving thing.

“Don’t worry, grandpa, it won’t have any effect. What about this medicine?”

"Stay with the medicine. I'll deliver it tomorrow. Don't worry, grandpa knows what to say." Shen Guoliang stopped the job immediately.

"Okay, grandpa, please go out again. Just mix this with water and drink a small sip a day, which is about a week's supply. When it is used up, if it works, I will do it again." Shen Yun said with a smile.

Although the marrow cleansing solution can remove toxins and dirt from the body, Shen Yun is not a professional doctor after all. He is not sure whether it can completely remove the root cause of the disease. It depends on the subsequent effects of the medication and whether to switch to another medicine.

 (End of this chapter)

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