Chapter 312 (312) Numb scalp

“Be careful, Jia Weihe is a formation master, no one knows if there is any formation ambush in his lair.” Shen Yun reminded several people around him.

"Who dares to be careless when walking in this place? It's so dark that I'm afraid something will suddenly come out from the side." said a colleague who followed me.

“It’s not that exaggerated. It’s easy to spot something moving, but sometimes you don’t know about things like formations until you walk in.” Shen Yun comforted.

 When several people heard what Shen Yun said, they became more careful, and the fireballs in their hands became bigger one by one.

“Shen Yun, look at the lines on the wall. Are they formations?”

“You see these stones are arranged very regularly, are they in a formation?” Shen Yun then received constant inquiries.

This made Shen Yun a little bit dumbfounded, "It's not that exaggerated. He comes to this place often. If so many formations are really set up, it will be troublesome for him to go back and forth by himself. After all, the formations don't recognize people."

“Oh, that’s true.” A few people heard that it made sense, and it was indeed like this.

Shen Yun and the others hadn't walked long before they saw a room that was so dark inside that it felt as if any light entering it was swallowed up by the darkness.

"Be mentally prepared, this should be the opponent's war room." Shen Yun reminded.

The three of them were a little confused. They had to be mentally prepared for the war room. Could it be that there were some prohibited weapons or some biological and chemical weapons inside?

Shen Yun looked at the eyes of several people looking at him and understood that these people probably didn't quite understand what he meant.

A ray of spiritual light shot directly into the room, and the room that was not illuminated by the flames was directly illuminated by this spiritual light.

A few people also understood what Shen Yunrang was getting ready for. There were rows of puppets standing inside, as well as animal puppets. Were they not war preparations?

"Don't go forward. There is a formation inside. No one can say whether you will be turned into a puppet if you enter." Shen Yun reminded.

  I had already stepped out, but the severe cold stepped back again.

"These look like they are all elementary puppets. They have been successfully refined. This place has a very strong Yin energy, and it seems to be their place of life and death. As long as they are refined here for a while, these puppets will be similar to those outside. You can move freely." Shen Yun looked at the puppet inside carefully and said to the person next to him.

“Have they become puppets? But their faces still look like normal people.” My colleague asked sadly.

"You all came in through the door. Do you remember any of the people underground who don't look like normal people?" Shen Yun asked in return.

"How sad it would be if their family members found out about this. My children seem to be fine, but they have no emotions or senses." Yan Han murmured.

"It's not that they don't have feelings and five senses. According to what we say, these puppets are already corpses, so everything about them is gone. It's just that Jia Weihe's refining made these corpses move again." Although Shen Yun She felt uncomfortable, but the next thing still had to be dealt with, so she had to break the formation here and take care of the funeral affairs of these puppets.

 Knowing what was going on here, Shen Yun easily broke the formation.

The puppets inside have now lost their masters, so they will not actively attack people like zombies, but start to move randomly. The flexibility of these junior puppets is not very good. Shen Yun and the others blocked the door. , and can’t get out.

"What should we do?" Several people looked at each other in confusion. Thinking that there were a group of corpses walking around in front of them, their scalps were numb.

"Tie your hands with a rope and take them out directly. What else should you do? Do you want to deal with it directly here?" Shen Yun put forward his own suggestions and did not forget to ask other people's suggestions.

 “Take it back and send it home to them?” the person next to you asked in a low voice. "How scary it is to send this home. Who knows if this thing will turn into a zombie and bite people." Thinking about this scene, the other person suddenly trembled.

"It's not as scary as you say. These puppets also need energy. It won't take long for a junior puppet like this to stiffen its limbs and completely die. So, don't think about such terrifying things later. They probably won't be able to wait. Let's send them home." At this point, Shen Yun felt a little regretful.

“Oh, that’s right, it’s hard to see her even for the last time.”

“Ahem, hurry up and get to work.” Yan Han coughed lightly next to him, waking up the two people who were meditating next to him.

The two of them saw that Shen Yun was already busy with work. They looked at Shen Yun with envy and started to work quickly.

It's great to have a storage bag. You can bring whatever you want without taking up space. It has a rope. When will they be able to afford a storage bag with the money they have saved?

Shen Yun didn't care what they thought, and quickly started to tie the puppets in the room into a bunch.

He tied it to the rock next to him and said, "Keep going inside. Put this here first and talk about it when you come back."

There are four people in four groups. It’s quite funny to look at them tied here, but Shen Yun and the others can’t find it funny at all.

 “Let’s go.” Yan Han took the lead and walked forward.

Shen Yun's consciousness was always paying attention to the situation ahead. He thought that the place ahead, where Jia Weihe often stayed, must be full of dangers, but he didn't know that there was nothing there.

With a false alarm, they went directly to a large room, which was very messy. There were a lot of materials in the room, and it didn't look like a place where people often rest.

"Are these the formation materials he studied?" Several people opened it and took a look. They all had familiar symbols, which looked similar to the formation diagrams in the best-selling book published by Zhang Qing'an.

"It's very possible." Shen Yun flipped through it. There was a lot of research information in it, and looking at the previous information, Jia Weihe seemed to have entered the Tao through formations, but later in order to quickly improve his cultivation, he entered the evil way. .

 Looking through the Jindan Thunder Tribulation record again, Shen Yun only had 9 at that time, while Jia Weihe actually had three times more.

 It is true that the bad guys live for a thousand years, so many thunders did not kill them.

“Pack up all the information and take it back for processing.” Yan Han looked through it and made a decision immediately.

"I don't agree. Some data can be destroyed directly here and let him stay here with this island." Shen Yun said immediately.

“Time is tight, and we have no way to tell what is useful and what is bad in such a short time.”

 “I can tell.” Shen Yun immediately answered.

Yan Han was silent for a moment, "Can you guarantee that I will be completely screened out?"

“I’ll make up for whatever is missing,” Shen Yun said firmly.

 The atmosphere was a bit tense for a while.

 The two people next to them looked at Shen Yun and the others like this and didn't know what to do for a moment.

 (End of this chapter)

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