A burst of light flashed, and a hole appeared directly in the ground. The spiritual veins that were moving slowly underground were now being caught in the hands of Little Bouncer.

"You are moving very quickly. Let me put it in a jade bottle for you." Shen Yun did not move slowly. When he saw something, he took out a jade bottle.

Xiao Bengye looked at the spiritual veins in the jade bottle with satisfaction, "Didn't our family rent a large mountain? Then we will put this spiritual vein in the mountain, so that we will have a spiritual stone mountain in the future." Little Bengqi has already thought about how to deal with it.

Shen Yun didn't expect him to arrange it like this, "Don't you need to put it in your Fengyu?"

"No, I don't like to stay there. The spiritual energy there is abundant, so there is no need to add another spiritual stone mine." Xiao Bengqiao waved his hand and said.

"Okay, I listen to you. Let's deal with this matter when we get back. By the way, we can set up an array in the place we rent. After all, we will raise some spiritual beasts and monsters in the future. It would be bad if someone comes in and injures them accidentally." Shen Yun respected Xiao Bengqie's decision, at worst, Xiao Bengqie changed his mind one day, and just dug out the spiritual veins.

The two people put away the spiritual veins, and then dug out a lot of top-grade spiritual stones from the hole. Just as they put away the things, other people who came out to look for clues felt that the fluctuations of spiritual energy were coming over.

"What happened here? We feel the spiritual energy fluctuations from a long way away?" Xu Ling came over and saw that Shen Yun and the others were fine, so she asked curiously.

“Look at what’s inside this hole.” Shen Yun pointed directly at the big hole left by digging the mountain.

"This is? Lingshi Mine." Xu Ling also widened her eyes.

 “Yeah, you’re lucky, there’s still this thing on this island.”

"I'm thinking now whether Jia Weihe is stupid for doing these things. As long as he finds this spiritual stone mine, the spiritual stones in it can't make his cultivation level rise upwards. What kind of puppet will he need at that time? "Xu Ling murmured while looking at the Lingshi Mine.

"Who says it's not the case, but he probably hasn't discovered this place before. We also thought about digging up the hill because it felt so strange. As soon as we dug up, we saw a scene like this." Shen Yun smiled. said.

“Occupying this island, but not even discovering the spirit stone mine on it, the result is that God is no longer on his side.” Xu Ling couldn’t help but sigh.

 Several people next to him nodded in agreement.

However, although the spiritual stones and spiritual veins were found, there was no way to dispel the fog outside. Shen Yun felt that maybe he should really go to the sea to take a look.

 The Lingshi Mine will be dealt with later. For now, the main purpose is to find a way out.

 Shen Yun told everyone and prepared to go to the sea to have a look.

"Come and see what I found." Shen Yun and Yan Han were discussing the matter of going to the sea when they heard shouts from the seaside.

At first glance, it turned out that someone had already entered the sea in advance and was carrying something upward.

Several people hurried over and asked, "Are you okay? Are you in danger?"

"It's okay, I just encountered a vortex below. Fortunately, I grew up on the beach, so I touched my forehead. Look what I found." Huang Jian wiped the blood on his head nonchalantly. He motioned to Shen Yun and the others to look at what he had in his hands.

Several people were treating the wound on his head, while others were looking at the big stone in his hand.

With the regular lines on it, you can tell at a glance that this stone slab is engraved with a formation.

"Is this formation recorded in the documents just now?" Yan Han looked at it carefully and asked Shen Yun and the others uncertainly. "No, it's not recorded on it." Shen Yun said firmly.

"It's a bit similar to this one." Shen Yun said, taking out a small stone that he had just put away from his pocket, "We just found this at the entrance of the palace."

“What kind of formation is this?” Several people took a look at it and asked Shen Yun directly without any clue.

"I'm not sure yet. This looks like a spirit gathering formation, and there seems to be other formations sandwiched in between." There is no way, Shen Yun has inheritance in her hands, but she has to learn all these by herself. In the formation, On the other hand, I have to admit that I am not as good as Jia Weihe. If he does not go astray, he will definitely become a well-known formation master.

"There are many such stones on the seabed. I can't pick them up, so I can only bring one up for you to see. It seems to me that the patterns on them are all the same." Huang Jian saw that several people had already come to a conclusion, and then put himself underneath I recounted the scenes I saw.

"Since the small stones you just saw are related to the formation, then these stones may also be related to the formation on the sea." Yan Han guessed.

"It's possible." Shen Yun nodded, "I'll go down and pick up all these rocks and take a look."

"Can you swim? There is an undercurrent below, which is difficult to control and quite dangerous." Huang Jian warned when he saw Shen Yun wanting to go down.

“Don’t worry, with my current strength, it won’t be difficult to control the water for a while.” Shen Yun said with a smile, and told Xiao Bengqi to be obedient on the shore before walking into the water.

  She felt a little suffocated when she first entered the water. Shen Yun was about to use his spiritual energy to separate the water, but unexpectedly the suffocating feeling disappeared. He felt as if he was wrapped in the gentle sea water, which was extremely comfortable.

Shen Yun paused for a moment, thinking about the dragon blood purification he received. Dragon is the king of water. Maybe his current feeling is related to that purification. Shen Yun did not remain calm and directly used spiritual energy to guide Huang Jian. separated a space.

 Shen Yun saw Huang Jian giving him a thumbs up, and also praised him.

Shen Yun nodded and pointed forward, without showing that he was any different from him.

Huang Jian nodded and swam forward.

Shen Yun followed, and not far away, he saw many rocks in the water that looked like rocks.

“That’s right there.” Shen Yun heard Huang Jian say.

 He nodded to show that he understood, and swam directly over. With a glance of his consciousness, he knew that those were stones with formations engraved on them.

 After collecting these, Huang Jian said there were no more.

Shen Yun looked around, pointed upward, and motioned Huang Jian to go up first while he looked around again.

Huang Jian saw that Shen Yun was more stable than him in the water, so he nodded and swam directly up.

 After confirming that Huang Jian had reached the water, Shen Yun began to move quickly in the water. She was much faster by herself than two people.

 Going around the island, we found a few more stones, put them away, and then returned to the beach where we met.

“There are a lot of stones here, and I don’t know what the formation is?” Shen Yun directly released the stones.

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