Chapter 328 (328) Pig teammates

"We really didn't mean to look for trouble when we came here today. We really wanted to come over and see if there is anything we need at home. Momo is the only little sister in the family. We are definitely not worried about her going out on her own. Just like that, you too Feeling uneasy.

  This is really sincere, please don’t be so nervous. "Ji Ming found it difficult to end this scene. He originally thought of bringing Ji Jin over to make friends, and then letting Ji Momo over to cheer people up, but it seems to have had the opposite effect now.

"Explain your reasons for coming. Don't think that just because Ji Momo and you are here, we can have a relationship. If you have something to say, just tell me while I still have the last bit of patience." Shen Yun took a deep breath and said.

"I just want to come back and see my family. There is no purpose. Do you think everyone is like you, cold-blooded and ruthless? After leaving the Ji family, you have completely forgotten the kindness of raising me for so many years. Don't talk about going back. Look, I'm not even happy when I meet you. This is the first time I've met someone like you." Ji Momo said harshly.

"Eldest brother, second brother, chase them away. People have seen it now. I don't want to see these people in the old house. Just go anywhere and don't stay in my territory." Shen Yun could see that he didn't want to be harsh. The attitude will be tougher.

“Please, if you really do it, you’ll hurt someone.” Shen Chen, as the eldest brother, said proactively.

"Brother, you are also my eldest brother. I told you that these two brothers of mine have good cultivation. They really want to come and have a look. If they do it, it will be you who will be hurt." Ji Momo said to the others. People are not so sharp. She has spent a long time in the Ji family, and her thoughts have gradually changed. She always thinks that men have the final say in matters at home, and now that her brothers are powerful, she relies on her brothers for her reputation outside. given by them.

“If you have some cultivation, let’s see who is afraid of whom.

Brothers, it’s time to show off your strength. "Shen Jian has been sleeping for such a long time and is still not afraid of trouble. Now when he heard Ji Momo say this, he immediately became unconvinced.

 The spiritual energy in his hand flashed, and he was about to start attacking.

"Get out of the way, don't block me, I want to vent my anger on my sister." Xiao Bengqi struggled behind for a long time, and finally squeezed to the front, but was squeezed by Shen Jian and pushed to the back again.

Suddenly he became so angry that he pulled the people behind him and said, "There is no need for so many people. I can do it by myself. You all stand back."

"Little Benda, take it easy." After Shen Yun finished explaining, he pulled Huang Bin and took a step back.

 Then I saw a burst of small fire floating by. It didn't look very powerful, but only those who encountered it would know that this fire had strong controllability and burning ability.

The fire just flashed past, and then was taken back by Xiao Bengqi. In this moment, he saw that the three people who were originally well-dressed were now covered in black, and their well-dressed clothes became tattered. .

 “Hey…” A high-pitched soprano voice sounded unresponsive.

 “What’s it called? I didn’t do anything to you.” Xiao Bengqi said unhappily.

 As a child, he didn’t know the difference between men and women, but all the men present turned their heads in embarrassment.

  Shen Yun mainly wanted to teach people a lesson, but he really didn’t want to insult them.

"Jinlong, hurry in. This is an adult's business. Sister will take care of the rest. Don't worry, I won't be bullied." Shen Yun quickly sent the child away.

The sister-in-law who realized something was wrong hurriedly came out and handed the clothes to Ji Momo, and then walked in with Xiao Bengqi in her arms.

"Okay, it's quite ugly now. If you don't want to make it even more ugly, then leave quickly." Shen Chen said on the side. Ji Ming's face was ugly, but now his face was also dark, so no one could tell.

"This is too much bullying. How dare you? You don't know that we are all public officials. You are attacking public officials." Although Ji Ming didn't say anything, there was someone talking next to him.

"Are you here as public officials today?" Shen Yun is not afraid of this, who is not?

“Ji Jin, shut up.

My brother is talking nonsense, we are here as private persons today.

 We are mainly here to see you, and we also have a few small things to trouble you with. "Ji Ming has calmed down now. After hearing Ji Jin's words, he suddenly felt that the children of his second uncle's family were really unreliable when it came to serious matters, and he was very tired. But thinking about the strength shown by the Shen family just now, this matter is also I can only go back and deal with it.

“Is it okay to just say no when I asked you just now? You have to say it now.” Shen Jian squeezed back again.

"Tell me what it is, and I'll think about it." Shen Yun did not agree directly.

"I heard that the Foundation Building Pill was created by the Shen family. Ji Ming and I are about to build the Foundation. There is really no Foundation Building Pill on the market. We can only come here and ask with hope." Although Ji Ming is now He looked very unseemly, but he still spoke calmly and in an orderly manner.

"Who did you listen to?" The transactions between Shen Yun and the Jiang family were all conducted privately. They are not loudmouthed people and cannot publicize it everywhere. After all, this is still an exclusive business. If the Jiang family wants to continue to work with Shen Yun If we cooperate, it will be impossible to leak the news.

"It's the news that came from the night market." Ji Ming didn't hide it. This news has been spreading like crazy since the Foundation Establishment Pill appeared in Beijing. "If you don't believe it, you can ask people you know in Beijing."

Shen Yun didn't expect that the incident at the night market had spread. This was really possible.

“You only asked about the Shen family’s Foundation Establishment Pill, but did you find out how much it costs?” Shen Yun did not deny the news.

“Eight thousand, that’s how the night market spreads.” Ji Ming said with certainty.

"I really don't know if you are stupid or the person who spread this message is stupid, eight thousand, hundreds of thousands of families are rushing to get it, eight thousand, how can you have the nerve to say it." Shen Jian didn't know about the black market, but the auction later He knew everything clearly, and couldn't help hearing what Ji Ming said.

"Hundreds of thousands, I think you are crazy about money. The Jiang family can ask for this price at the auction. What level are you, and you dare to pay the same price as others? We are here to take care of you." Ji Jin came out to speak again.

"Who knows if what I bought is a fake? Eight thousand is the price in Beijing. This is a mountainous area. Even if you want eight thousand, it won't work." Ji Momo filled in the rest of the words.

He seemed to have lost his brain while practicing. Shen Yun was worried for Ji Ming. He was probably going to die of anxiety when he came with such a bad teammate.

“Ji Jin, take Momo down the mountain to buy some clothes first, and I will handle the things here.” Ji Ming said while holding back his anger.

 (End of this chapter)

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