Chapter 347 (347) Going out for training

Several people know this. Some of the books on cultivation knowledge that Shen Yun handed over have been printed and entered the library. They have them in several offices and have read them all. If it is really as stated in the information, then There is indeed something wrong.

But it’s not a big problem. “In this way, you can write an application yourself and see how the superiors approve it. But I guess the superiors may not agree with it, but if you take a step back and become an honorary principal, there should be no problem. This is a matter of name.” , your rights are the same, but there is no job." Several teachers thought for a while and gave a suggestion.

Thinking about it, Shen Yun could only think like this, "Okay, I'll write an application now." Master Shen Yun turned around, found pen and paper from the conference room and started writing.

 After writing it, several teachers polished it again, and then asked Shen Yun to copy it and sign it.

"We will hand this thing in, and then send you the information when the results are out. There is nothing else to do during the summer vacation. We will go home when we are done with this. You can go back first." Several people also Shen Yun was not kept. After the application was written, Shen Yun was sent back to rest.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, teachers." The end of the semester was full of tiring academic work, and Shen Yun couldn't help much, so he didn't stay here to cause trouble.

By the time Shen Yun returned home from school, the family members who were going out had already packed their things and were waiting at the place where they practiced physical training every day.

“Sister, my things and luggage have been packed for you. When should we set off?” A few of the younger ones took out Shen Yun’s luggage from the space.

"Wait, I'll go talk to my grandparents and parents." Seeing everyone's anxious expressions, Shen Yun was really convinced. I can't wait for this meal, right? Let's go out and let you feel what it's like to go out. Thank you for your hard work. Everyone thought going out was a fun thing. After two days of going out, you will know what kind of life it is like to live outside.

I said hello to my family, and the family sent me to the mountain pass, and then reluctantly went back.

“Sister, how shall we leave?” After the family members left, a group of children all looked at Shen Yun.

"Let's go, you're going out for training, not just for fun. You expect me to take you with me on a flying carpet. Let's go. Or wherever you want to go, use the flying sword to see how long you can fly." Shen Yun glanced at several people said.

Flying swords are not a good choice. A group of people have built a foundation, so going out is not a problem.

But it probably won’t take long.

"I heard that a small spiritual eye appeared in the city next door to us. How about we go over and have a look." Shen Jian is a little older and often visits stores in the town. He comes into contact with more people than the rest of the family. Those who know will know more than a few little ones.

Countries with small Aura Eyes like this will not have special controls and allow ordinary people to experience it. Every time the Aura Eye appears, there will always be some good things or some phenomena, so many people with a small Aura Eye like this are willing to go and experience it. .

Shen Jian has wanted to go for a long time, but he has been unable to leave. This time when he got an opportunity, he planned to see all the spiritual energy he met that could pass. Maybe he could encounter some opportunities mentioned in story books. If It’s beautiful to think about being able to get that powerful inheritance and become an immortal or a **** in the future.

"Okay, let's go there." Shen Yun didn't have any objections to this. "I'll go to the town first and let you have a look. I'll show you what you need to add."

"Okay." Several people agreed. As for Xiao Bengqi, he just followed the crowd and watched the excitement. He didn't have any objections wherever he went, as long as he came out to play.

Several people went directly to the town with their swords. In the past, they used to fly with their swords in the mountains at home. When they came out for the first time, they were all cautious. When they saw a person flying with their swords in the distance, they stayed away. Obviously, they were not ready yet. Get used to the outside environment. The current town is not the same as when Shen Yun just came back. It is very prosperous and has more cultivators than other places. Not only are there many ordinary shops on the roadside, but there are also more shops selling cultivators' things.

This place is now in a unique position. The Xiuzhe Academy is not far from here, and the Shen family only has a store in this place. The store's business is good, and the whole town has become prosperous.

  This was the first time several people came to the town where they had changed their borders, and they couldn't help but widen their eyes.

“Sister, I remember coming here once when I was a child. There were not many people on the road at that time.” Shen Yue said in surprise as he looked at the scene of people coming and going around him.

"You guys should take a good look at this place now. News spreads very fast about this place. Everything you need is sold here. Think carefully about what you want to buy. Let's get ready. We may not encounter such a complete place later." Shen Yun carefully said It was the first time for everyone to travel far away. Among them, Shen Yun, Xiao Bengqi and Shen Jian were the only ones who were really experienced. The others basically had no experience in traveling, so the next few people were serious about shopping. After discussing it, they went out to buy it in pairs. The final meeting place was at the entrance of the Shen family's alchemy workshop. Shen Yun took out the spiritual plants and elixirs prepared in advance.

The preparations for going out this time are considered to be complete.

 “Let’s go, the next stop is the Aura Eye.” Shen Yun had no intention of taking a rest. He had already built the foundation anyway, so there was no need for lunch.

 “Okay.” Everyone was very positive, not feeling tired at all, and extremely excited.

  The new aura eye is in the next city, not too far away.

On the way, Shen Yun slowed down and listened to a few people discussing the news they heard in the town. Each of them was quite good at arranging, and had planned where to go next after this stop.

Shen Yun didn't have to worry anymore. She only needed to give some advice occasionally with Xiao Bengqiao.

There was some distance from the aura eye, so a few people got down and started walking. The aura near the aura eye was chaotic, and their cultivation level was not good enough to control flying swords. It was obviously not a good idea to go up there.

They were not the only ones who came down to explore. There were a lot of them. Shen Yun even saw a few people wearing Xiu Zhe School uniforms.

 Looks like they are all out for adventure.

"The danger here is not great. It's up to you to get in. If we don't encounter fatal danger, Xiaobengqi and I will not take action." Outside, Shen Yun vaccinated several people first.

"Don't worry, sister, we are very powerful. We will definitely not let you take action, and we will not embarrass you." Shen Xing said confidently. He saw that there were only a few people next to him who could compare with him in cultivation. , so he has this confidence.

"This is the best." Shen Yun did not dampen their confidence.

 (End of this chapter)

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