Chapter 349 (349) Going crazy

 This option would definitely not be considered by Shen Yun.

 The situation has not yet reached such a severe level, and consuming one's life is the most unavoidable option.

"In this way, I have a closed formation here. The base of the formation has been completed. You can help set it up. You are fast. I will go check on Shen Jian and the others. After you set up the formation, go back home directly. There is I'll leave it to you, okay?" Shen Yun handed over another task to Xiao Bengqi. At this moment, his image was not important. He was his partner and he absolutely trusted him.

"Okay, I'll take care of the matter. I'll pick you up outside." Xiao Bengqie responded seriously.

"Okay, just set up the formation and send me a message. I will activate the formation inside." Shen Yun directly handed over the formation base to him.

"Okay." Xiao Bengqie nodded. The two of them have worked together many times, and they still have a contract with each other. There is no telling how tacit understanding they have.

 Separated directly in mid-air, Shen Yun rushed in the direction of Shen Jian and the others.

When they arrived at the place, they saw that Shen Jian and the others were being attacked by a group of monsters. In the time it took for him to come over there, the two sides were already fighting hard to separate each other. The monsters' eyes were red and they were obviously looking at each other. Abnormal appearance, fearless and fearless, as if under control.

Seeing the few people below fighting in embarrassment to gradually being able to control the rhythm, Shen Yun wanted to leave some time for them to grow, but the current situation did not allow it. He went directly to deal with the low-level monsters and watched the blood flowing out of his body. Black blood, it seems that these monster beasts are also infected by demonic energy.

"Sister, we can deal with these. Why are you here? Where's the golden dragon?" Several people didn't bother to clean up their own embarrassment and looked directly at Shen Yun.

"Something happened. I asked Jin Long to do something. This is an exorcism charm. You should bring it with you." This was a little useful for the demonic energy pipe, but the effect was not that good. Shen Yun did not expect such a situation to happen when he went out this time. , I didn’t prepare the exorcism charm, so I had to make do with this.

 A few people were very obedient and immediately brought the exorcism charms with them.

"What happened? Why do these monsters have black blood? There must be ghosts." Shen Jian asked in surprise. Now that the conditions at home are better, he comes into contact with more things, so when something happens he thinks There are more.

"It's not a ghost, but it's much more difficult to deal with than a ghost. It's a demonic energy. Once infected with the demonic energy, you may suffer from mental problems at worst, or fall into violent hallucinations, kill people, and then turn into a demon to release the demonic energy. If the cultivator is... Being infected by demonic energy is a terrible thing.

Moreover, there are many types of demonic energy. Some of them will be hidden in the human body and cause chaos in your heart when you advance. Think about it, when you are struck by a golden elixir lightning, the demonic energy will suddenly come out and cause chaos. , disturb your heart, then do you still live? "Chen Yun carefully talked to several people about the powerful relationship, and carefully watched the status of several people. Fortunately, several people had no traces of being infected by the demonic energy.

"Is it so serious? What should we do now? How about we evacuate from here." Shen Jian looked at the few children next to him and was very worried. This was the first time he came out and encountered such a thing. If there is anything thing, then he doesn’t have to go back.

"It's okay for now. Follow me. Let's go see other people first." Since there is nothing wrong with his family, as a supervisor, he must first go see other people's situation.

"Okay, let's take a look. We've encountered a lot before." Jiang Zhi thought about what he had encountered before and immediately became worried. As a doctor, he was already thinking about how to start using his skills next.

"Okay, let's go." The few people were no longer as cheerful as when they came, and they all followed Shen Yun obediently.

The demonic energy inside was much stronger than that outside. Shen Yun led them forward. After a while, they encountered several demonic auras. Shen Yun directly used lightning to eliminate them.

"Thunder spells can only be learned by those with golden spiritual roots. You Shen Yue has golden spiritual roots. Shen Yue, you should follow and study hard. As for you, divide these talismans. These are all sky thunder talismans, which are very useful in dealing with evil spirits." The effect." Shen Yun directly took out a stack of talismans from the space and handed it to Shen Jian to share. As for Shen Yue, Shen Yun started teaching on the spot.

Several other people have seen Shen Yun deal with the demonic energy, which is some dark red gas that cannot be seen if you are not careful. Holding the talisman, everyone tensed up and paid attention to the situation next to them.

 “Help!” A sharp scream came from the front.

 Several people looked at Shen Yun in unison.

"Go over and see what's going on. Protect yourselves. I'll take care of the rest." Shen Yun explained as he walked forward.

 “Okay.” Several people nodded obediently.

 While walking through the messy grass, I saw a man attacking the people next to him indiscriminately.

Coincidentally, it was the man who had just snatched someone else's object, and it was the woman who screamed. Everyone else was busy dealing with the man, and the woman screaming next to her was very attractive to the flames of war.

“Sister, are they having internal strife?” Shen Xing couldn’t understand the situation.

"Look at that person's eyes. They are contaminated by demonic energy. Don't come close. I'll deal with it." Shen Yun pointed out a few people and without any delay, went over and controlled the person.

 The opponent was obviously infected by the demonic energy, and then he couldn't control himself and fell into a murderous state.

  This meeting was controlled by Shen Yun, and he kept howling.

“Who are you and why did you arrest him?” Seeing that the danger was over, the screaming woman immediately pointed at Shen Yun and asked.

Shen Yun glanced at her and said, "This person was contaminated by demonic energy, that's why this situation happened. How about, are there any casualties?" Shen Yun explained simply.

"Not yet, but the injuries are serious." The person who was still standing looked at the state of the lying people and said, the boss suddenly attacked, they were unprepared, and several people were seriously injured on the spot.

"We are doctors." The three young apprentices stood up and walked over there. Shen Yun frowned, but thinking about how many of them had worked hard to get the doctor's license, they still didn't stop them from moving, "Shen Yun Jian, come together."

 “Okay.” Several people moved towards that direction together.

"Who are you? How can you be sure that Brother Qiang is infected by demonic energy?" The woman over there looked at her when she saw no one was around and continued to ask Shen Yun unconvinced.

"This is my ID. I am the supervisor. I have already conveyed the news to people outside. This person must be controlled, otherwise he will hurt others again." Shen Yun directly flashed his ID.

"It turns out to be the supervisor. You came too late. I was frightened. Please take us out." The woman knew Shen Yun's identity and said anxiously.

 (End of this chapter)

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