Chapter 351 (351) Pushing the limits

 The woman was finally speechless and shut up due to Shen Xing's harsh tone.

Looking at a group of people, they saw a group of brats who were still young, and sure enough, they didn’t even look at them at all. Of course, the woman could only complain in her heart.

Shen Yun didn't have the time to care about the bickering among the people behind her. She was paying attention to the situation around her.

The surrounding trees are very dense, and the evil energy passes through the trees. You can't find it unless you are careful.

The more I walked inside, the more I realized that this aura eye was not as simple as I thought. In just a few days, some magic grass appeared in the forest. Although it looked inconspicuous, it contained a certain amount of magic energy. , will absorb and release demonic energy just like spiritual plants absorb and release spiritual energy.

 The way each one swayed in the wind was like a living source of evil energy in Shen Yun's eyes.

Small flames flew along Chen Yun's fingers towards the magic grass underneath, and each one withered immediately.

"Sister, what kind of grass is that?" Shen Jian asked curiously when he saw Shen Yun's movements.

"It's a kind of magic grass. It's not a good thing. If you see it, just burn it with fire." Shen Yun explained.

 “Okay.” Shen Jian nodded and told the few people behind him about this matter.

Despite the presence of demonic energy and the appearance of magic grass, the group of people were really fast and soon saw the group of people in front of them.

At this time, several people were suppressing two crazy people. Looking at the school uniforms of this group of people and the badges worn by several others, it was a coincidence. They met students from the school, and the other few were the ones I saw before. supervisor.

One of the people who will go crazy is a supervisor, and the other is a student. The supervisor is stronger, and of course he is also very powerful when he goes crazy.

Shen Yun went directly over and trapped the two people with a net. "How is it? Everyone is okay."

"Principal Shen." Someone who knew Shen Yun shouted in shock when he saw him.

Hearing the students shouting like this, the supervisors also looked over. They were originally thinking of asking someone to help, but they didn't know that the person who came over was the senior supervisor, or he could be changed to the deputy director now. After all, the supervisor is also a department now. .

 “Minister Shen, it would be great if you came.” Everyone said happily.

Shen Yun didn't bother to ask when he got another title. Instead, he walked quickly to a student and directly blocked the attacking hand from behind her. This student probably didn't pay attention just now and was accidentally invaded by the demonic energy. If you get infected, this will start to happen.

"Ah." The girl realized that there was danger behind her. If it weren't for Shen Yun, she would have been directly attacked. The girl couldn't help crying, "Teacher Shen, what's going on? We were walking forward fine, why did they suddenly become like this? If there weren't many of us and we controlled them immediately, we It’s hurt,” the girl said while crying.

"This situation is beyond my expectation. I have informed others now, but now you can only follow me. It is also very dangerous for people from outside to come in now. People outside are currently preparing elixirs. Don't be afraid. I believe that the students majoring in alchemy in our school, and I have also notified the Shen family alchemy workshop, everyone will be fine," Shen Yun said reassuringly, these students are all the first batch, and they are all carefully selected talents. Some people have really never experienced anything. After starting to practice, they are treated as treasures by their families. It is inevitable that they will panic when encountering something.

“Teacher, we believe in you.” A group of students seemed to have found a backbone and looked directly at Shen Yun with trust.

"Then let's take a look at the conditions of these people first. Qu Jing comes over and uses the needle, just like the person just now." Shen Yun directly called Qu Jing from behind.

He immediately came over with a needle bag and put three people on the ground. After a while, there were three more unconscious people on the ground.

“Each party carries its own people on its back and we continue to move forward. There are still many people here.” Shen Yun explained the personnel of both parties.

There were no ink marks on the people on both sides. The people who came directly picked up the three lying people on their backs. They were all cultivators, so there was no big problem in carrying one person on his back.

 Shen Yun plans to gather the people in the Ling Qi Eye half and send them out, and then go to the other side to find people. Otherwise, as more and more people gather together, I may not be able to protect them.

People who come to the Aura Eye do not necessarily go together. Shen Yun and the others also meet a few people who have nothing to do. Of course, they also meet one of the group of people who is more crazy. When Shen Yun and the others arrive, By the time, several people had died.

And the crazy man was already red-eyed. When he saw Shen Yun and the others approaching, he immediately attacked and was directly **** with a net by Shen Yun.

"Teacher, he killed someone." Although the students had been practicing for a long time, this was the first time they had seen such a scene. Some of them vomited on the spot. Shen Yun thought that some of his family members would not be able to bear it. Yes, who knew that several people persisted and even went over with the supervisor to help treat the wounded. This was the only gratifying thing in Shen Yun's heart.

"The supervisor will decide his outcome according to the cultivator regulations. As for what we want to see now is the condition of the injured." Shen Yun did not do anything to the person under control. Instead, he called Qu Jing over as before. Place the needle.

"I really don't know what value a person like this has in treating him. This is murder. Killing requires a life. Even cultivators are no exception. Do we need someone to carry him out? I think it's better to deal with it on the spot." The silent woman seemed to have finally had enough of the constant rush, and complained unhappily. There were actually a few people in the crowd who seemed to agree with her words.

"Who do you think you are? You are just fine now, that's why you say this. If you yourself have such a time when you can't help yourself, then you definitely want to die more than anyone else. What will be his ending? Of course there is a law It’s not your words that determine someone else’s fate. I’ve already said it, and I don’t want you to save people. What are you saying next to me? Isn’t it just to go a little further? A cultivator can’t even walk this little way. No, it's really a joke. "The female student just now has turned into a loyal fan of Shen Yun. Now she saw that Shen Yun was busy, so she immediately attacked him.

I have long been disgusted with this man. He has been squeezing in among their students, taking advantage of the thin-skinnedness of some of them, so he keeps pushing the envelope. It is really a shame to these women.

"It's none of your business what I say. Dogs and mice are nosy. Are you the supervisor? I just made a suggestion for everyone's benefit. What's wrong with me?" The woman raised her bright face and said unconvincedly. Time has become a bit competitive.

"If you keep making blind suggestions, I'll let you try how good your suggestions are. You guys have controlled the people. Didn't you see that your eyes are red?" Shen Yun turned around and said.

 (End of this chapter)

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