Chapter 353 (353) Why are everyone so noisy?

"Sister, I can help you here at least." Shen Xing was a little unhappy. He was the most cultivated among several people and didn't want to go out at this moment.

"Don't ask me to say it a second time. Professional people will come to help in a while. You go out and follow the arrangements." Shen Yun said, looking at the disobedient children.

"Sister, let's go out. You have to pay attention to safety inside. I will keep an eye on them when I go out. Nothing will happen." Shen Jian directly grabbed Shen Xing.

With so many people staying inside, it would be more dangerous for my sister to be distracted from taking care of her. It would be better to go outside and see if there is anything that can help. I didn’t see such a powerful Jin Long obediently staying outside. My sister did this. , there must be a reason.

 Seeing Shen Jian take several people out, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing five more people coming in, Shen Yun directly closed the formation.

 The five people who came in included supervisors and people from special departments. Coincidentally, several of them were acquaintances.

"Master Shen, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet here this time." The young Taoist Wang Jing still called Shen Yun according to his previous habit.

"Long time no see. We are all acquaintances. This is Qu Jing, a medical cultivator. Next we have to take the people here out smoothly. There was no difficulty before, but now there is a little more devilish energy inside. A few of them They all have golden spiritual roots. If we encounter demonic energy, we will use thunder and lightning to attack. I wonder if everyone knows the thunder spell." Before going in, Shen Yun first wanted to know everyone's basic situation.

“I know how to do it, I just figured it out myself.” Zhuo Yu said.

"Okay, you guys can't do it, right? Then I will teach you something. Before you go in, you can memorize it quickly." Shen Yun looked at several people and said.

He quickly talked about the secrets of lightning magic, and demonstrated the technique of casting the spell with his hands.

They are all smart people, and they often go on missions together. They are not slow to learn things, and they can emit simple lightning in a short time.

With this matter completed, they walked directly to the other side of the aura eye.

On the way, while Shen Yun was talking to them about the situation and precautions inside, he did not forget to spread his consciousness to see if there was anyone around.

 Fortunately, Shen Yun and the others had searched more thoroughly just now, and no one was walking this way. They walked to the opposite direction, but still saw no one.

“It seems there are not as many people here as we expected.” Wang Jing said optimistically.

"I hope that's the case." Shen Yun was not so optimistic. When she set up the formation, she could see many people with the naked eye. It has been more than half a day, and who knows how many people inside have been invaded by demonic energy. dyed.

A few people walked along, burning the magic grass they saw along the way. After walking for more than an hour, they finally saw a person.

He was covered in blood, and although he still had breath, he looked like he was about to leave at any moment. If he hadn't met Shen Yun and the others in this situation, he would have either confessed immediately or attracted the monster.

Without letting Shen Yun say anything, Qu Jing hurried over to save people.

“How is the situation?” Several people gathered around to protect the Dharma and asked.

"I just gave him medicine and an injection. He lost too much blood, suffered serious internal injuries, and had multiple fractures on his body. Whether he can wake up depends on his life." Qu Jing put away his needle bag and said Check out the situation.

"What should I do? I can't take it with me in this situation. I guess it won't be able to withstand the torment." A few people nearby were also a little worried. "Go directly to the teleportation array and teleport out." Shen Yun suddenly thought about why this convenient method was useless. In fact, the best way is to use the teleportation talisman, but that talisman is too difficult to draw. Shen Yun's current cultivation level is basically Can't draw it.

“Then use the one-way teleportation array to save spiritual energy.” Several people hit it off immediately.

This formation has been discovered a long time ago. Everyone in the special department has learned it. Shen Yun doesn't even need to do anything to make the formation. Shen Yun doesn't even need to provide the tools now.

 The formation was completed within a short time.

The person directly supported the formation and disappeared in an instant.

"Okay, the news has been spread. I hope it won't scare the people outside. Let's move forward quickly." Wang Jing clapped his hands and said.


A few people continued to walk forward, their spiritual consciousness spreading horizontally, and almost no one would be missed wherever they went.

“Hurry, someone in front has a problem.” Shen Yun and a few others simply flew with their swords, which would make them faster.

When they arrived at the place, they saw dozens of people fighting together. The two who were infected by the demonic energy had not gone crazy yet, but the other people who were fine started to go crazy. By now, a melee had broken out. When Shen Yun and the others arrived, they were fighting hard. It's hard to tell.

Although Shen Yun and the others were a little confused about the current situation, they still had their own responsibilities and separated them without hesitation.

Before both parties could yell, they showed their IDs and blocked the other party's words.

"I don't want to know what's going on with you right now. You're fighting, and you're in such a dangerous place. It looks like you're dying. The sea of ​​people infected by the real demonic energy is fine. You're using this to cause trouble. right.

 Let's wait until we get out to settle this matter. Is it because the cultivators haven't learned the regulations clearly? "One of the supervisors, Peng Chang, obviously dealt with this kind of thing often. As soon as he separated the people, his face turned fierce, and the people who were fighting passionately just now became honest now.

"No, they said that our brother is sick and needs to be treated. Can we be happy with this? Wouldn't this lead to a fight?" one of the people explained.

"Originally, your brother's eyes are red when he looks like that. He can't beat a person with half a stick, but now he wants to provoke everyone he sees. Isn't he infected by the evil spirit that the woman above just said? , What else could it be? People say they want to control people, but you are stopping us. How can you be so safe? If there are casualties, can you bear the responsibility? "The people on the other side were not to be outdone, and they started fighting. It is reasonable.

"My red eyes are because I didn't sleep well last night. What does it have to do with that evil spirit?" The person opposite was still not convinced. Anyway, no one could do anything to his brothers.

"Shut up, everyone." Shen Yun was going to be noisy to death by this group of men. Why were they all so noisy?

"Qu Jing, let's go and have a look at those two people. Others should be on guard. There is more demonic energy here. Be careful of yourselves." After Chen Yun finished explaining, he protected Qu Jing and moved toward the two people who were contaminated with demonic energy. Go.

I don't know if the outer area is blocked by my own, but the overflowing demonic energy is gathering more and more in this space. Shen Yun and the others didn't feel it so obviously when they were flying in the sky, but now they feel that the demonic energy is obviously stronger than before. It was much stronger just now. With so many people fighting, these two people were obviously the ones who got hit. The others were really lucky.

 (End of this chapter)

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