Looking at the little meditating figure in his Dantian, with distinct facial features, he was clearly a smaller version of himself.

 The birth of the baby was successful, although the final thunder tribulation felt a bit anticlimactic.

Shen Yun stood up after feeling that his injuries were almost healed.

At this move, everyone watching outside was shocked, and then there was a burst of cheers, as if Shen Yun had succeeded, and they were happier than themselves.

Shen Yun stood where he was and could hear the cheers coming from far away.

 As my cultivation level increases, my current spiritual consciousness has also increased, my abilities in all aspects have increased, and I can hear sounds farther away.

Shen Yun turned around and looked around. This time, the noise was a bit loud and he was in the city, so the onlookers stood in a circle. Although they were far away, they could still see the faintly rubbing figures.

Shen Yun was not in a hurry to go out, but walked towards the small lake not far away. He didn't dare to be on the edge of the lake at that time, because he was afraid that Lei Zai would blow up the seal, and he would go over and take a look.

 The seal is still intact, but the thunderstorm still has an impact here.

The originally black-red lake water has become a little clearer after being struck by more than 50 thunders. This is good news.

However, thunder split the outer formation into pieces. In order to prevent someone from approaching and destroying the seal, the outer formation still needs to be put up.

 Walked around and found that there was no problem with the seal for the time being.

Shen Yun turned around and flew outside. After this tossing, the spiritual stones in his own space were basically consumed, and he needed to be replenished by the above before setting up the formation.

"Look, Shen Yun is back." The people here had already seen Shen Yun's figure, and they were there in an instant.

"Congratulations, congratulations." The voices one after another rang loudly when Shen Yun came over.

 Shen Yun fell directly from the sky and thanked everyone.

 Then he walked straight towards the Shen family and Yan Han.

"Sister, you are back. The Golden Dragon is about to advance. I don't know where it has flown. My brother and the others have gone to look for me, leaving me here waiting for you." Shen Xing became anxious when he saw Shen Yun coming. came over and said.

"I already know this. I'll be there in a moment. Don't worry." Shen Yun reassured.

"Okay." Hearing Shen Yun say this, Shen Xing's heart was relieved.

“This lightning strike is really scary. How is it? Are the wounds on your body healed?” Jiang Min had a more out-of-the-box personality and came over to ask directly.

"Well, the birth of a baby has just been successful, and the injuries on the body are healed. This thing just looks a little scary." Shen Yun looked at himself, and he was really embarrassed. If he hadn't used magic to cover it up, he wouldn't have been able to do it now. When meeting someone, he said, "I'll clean up first and I'll tell you something later."

It was okay if I didn't pay attention just now. Now Shen Yun just wants to go over and change clothes.

"Okay, we'll wait for you here." Yan Han nodded.

Shen Yun didn't waste much time. He found a place to change clothes and hurried over again.

"It's about the formation. The formation outside was shattered by lightning just now. I set up a seal inside. If someone goes in and destroys the seal, the demonic energy will come out again, so the formation outside still needs to be repaired, but before My spiritual stone consumption is too high. If I want to set up a large formation this time, I may need support from above." Shen Yun got straight to the point and expressed his meaning directly.

"There's no problem with this. If you need anything, just tell us and we can help." A few people responded directly. They wouldn't have time to report to the superiors, but if they all agreed, there would be no problem. "Okay, let's hurry up. I'll go over to see the situation at Jinlong later." Shen Yun walked directly towards that side.

"Okay, tell me about the materials. We have everything we have with us. Use them first. If there are not enough, bring them over as soon as possible." Yanhan immediately started arranging things.

 Piecing together, after ten minutes, everything was put together.

Chen Yun began to arrange people to set up the formation. Everyone who could be used was used. The formation base he had prepared before was used up. Now he could only rely on people to set up a little formation. Fortunately, there were more people and more strength, so he was jumping around. Before the thunder tribulation, Shen Yun successfully sealed the area just now.

 The next time you open it, it’s probably time to experiment with technological methods to see if the magic gas tube doesn’t work.

 Shen Yun was ready to rush towards Xiao Bengqie.

"Let's go there together, the news has spread now." Yanhan and the others stopped Shen Yun.

The movement of the Nascent Soul Thunder Tribulation was not small. Before anyone noticed it, the satellites in the sky noticed that the clouds were gathering quickly. Coupled with the news from the people below, this combination made it immediately clear where Xiao Bengqi was. .

"Okay, let's go then." Shen Yun did not refuse. Even if they were not with him, they would probably rush over if they knew about it.

 Yanhan Jiang, Min Liangshan, the four of them, plus Shen Xing and Shen Yun, the six people in the group moved very quickly.

 Under the leadership of Shen Yun, they flew directly towards Xiao Bengqi.

Little Bengqe felt that the thunder tribulation was coming. He was afraid that the thunder tribulation would come down at any time, so he did not look far away. He directly found a deep mountain and chose a suitable place to start to overcome the thunder tribulation.

It was difficult to walk in the mountains, so there weren’t many people watching. Some of the more powerful people flew over directly to watch.

By the time Shen Yun and the others arrived, Lei Jie had already accumulated enough energy.

"Xiao Bengge, I'm here. I'll give you the spirit stones. You can go through the tribulation with ease." Shen Yun directly communicated with Xiao Bengge, then took a storage bag filled with spirit stones and threw it over with spiritual energy control. .

Little Bengqi didn't say anything. He nodded directly in the direction of Shen Yun and went all out to deal with the thunder and lightning.

It feels really different to watch others go through the thunder tribulation and go through it by yourself, especially when the person sitting over there is his partner. Shen Yun feels more nervous than when he went through the tribulation by himself just now. The thunder light struck down, and Chen Yun's I can't help but mention it.

Little Bengqi himself is a phoenix, and the strength of his blood and muscles is not comparable to that of humans, so his movements did not change even after more than a dozen thunders were fired.

“Is Jinlong’s thunder calamity weaker than yours?” The people next to him were a little confused.

"It's stronger than mine, but the golden dragon itself is stronger than me." Shen Yun directly rejected the other party's idea.

 “Better than you?” Several people nearby were a little surprised by this answer.

"Yes, so he can deal with thunder tribulation much more calmly than me. His thunder tribulation is much stronger than mine." Shen Yun looked at Xiao Bengqi intently.

 After dozens of thunder tribulations, it was a bit difficult for Xiao Bengqi.

He has some formation bases prepared by Chen Yun for him to prevent this kind of situation from happening. He took them out now. In addition, he can also access the things in Fengyu at any time. In the second half of the Thunder Tribulation, He looked better than Shen Yun just now.

At this moment, several people nearby also believed what Shen Yun said about Xiao Bengqi being better than her.

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