Shen Yun frowned and ignored the excited voices of the students next to him, and carefully thought about which steps he had just taken that were inappropriate.

The aura has become more and the consciousness has become stronger. Why is alchemy not as before? This is not in line with the law.

Shen Yun casually released a wisp of flame, which changed into various shapes in his hand. It was still as smooth as before. Even because his spiritual consciousness became stronger, the various things formed by the flame became more refined.

 Shen Yun's hands kept changing the shape of the flame.

The students next to him also watched Chen Yun playing with fire without saying a word, secretly admiring him in his heart. It's no wonder that the teacher was so good at refining the alchemy. The fire was already playing tricks, and wouldn't it make him more comfortable when refining the elixir? They went back Also practice well.

More and more people were watching here, and Shen Yun finally discovered his problem.

Although my spiritual energy and consciousness have become stronger, I am used to the previous intensity. This suddenly became stronger. I am still a little uncomfortable using it. There are still some slight flaws in the control. This is not good in battles and so on. It doesn't matter, but when it comes to alchemy, the slightest mistake can lead to a thousand miles. I didn't blow up the furnace because of my rich experience.

Knowing the reason, Chen Yun was not in a hurry to refine the next batch of elixir, but turned to look at the people watching beside him, "Do you have any questions? This elixir is very good this time." Exercise opportunities. You will graduate from school one day. The teacher can only hand over the methods to you. Many new prescriptions may be handed over to you in this way in the future. This time is regarded as an internship. , if you have any questions, please discuss them while the teachers and classmates are here. You can also talk to me now and we will discuss it together.

  This is also the first time for me to make this elixir. Isn’t this a problem? "

Everyone looked at the smile on Shen Yun's face, and their hearts that were a little nervous at first calmed down.

"Teacher, haven't you succeeded? Why are there still problems?" The girl Shen Yun saw just now said boldly.

“Seven intermediate elixirs and one high-level elixir, this is a problem for me.” Shen Yun smiled lightly and looked at the elixirs in the bottle in front of him and said. ;

“But you don’t always tell us that it’s successful once you practice it.” Someone questioned Shen Yun’s words.

"Yes, beginners, if you can make elixirs, that is a big step forward. I have been learning alchemy for many years. This requirement cannot be placed on me. If you have also been refining alchemy for several years, you will have a solid foundation in everything. , then I will definitely have stricter requirements on you. You don’t need to tell me at that time, you will probably demand it yourself," Shen Yun explained with a smile.

Everyone is really smiling like this. I heard before that Teacher Shen Yun has passed through the Nascent Soul Tribulation. Some of them have just passed the Foundation Establishment. This one is definitely incomparable.

After thinking about this, the students no longer struggled with this, and directly began to ask themselves what they had questions about. Shen Yun answered these questions in detail one by one, and watched them return to their seats one by one. He withdrew his eyes and looked at the alchemy furnace in front of him.

Instead of refining the exorcism pill urgently, Chen Yun directly took out the spiritual plant from the space and began to refine the pills that he was familiar with before. After refining more than a dozen different potions of pills, Chen Yun felt more familiar with the body's spiritual energy. Controls are as silky smooth as ever.

 Then she asked and took another spiritual plant from Teacher Zhang.

"Teacher Shen, would you like to get a few more copies? The spiritual plants this time have been fully prepared, and I have ordered you to refine some more for later use." When Teacher Zhang saw Shen Yun, he took a portion of the spiritual plants and then looked at the eight in his hand. After taking the elixir, he opened his mouth and said.

It's not that he ordered Shen Yun to work, it's just that although there are many spiritual plants this time, they are also very precious. He has been feeling heartbroken when he saw these students and teachers burning alchemy furnaces here these days. Now powerful people are here. , he just thought that if Shen Yun practiced more, Lingzhi would waste less. "There are so many people here, let them young people practice more, and I will set an example. If they don't practice, they will have to practice sooner or later if they encounter any problems in the future." Shen Yun turned around and said with a smile.

  Teacher Zhang heard Shen Yun say that young people felt awkward. After all, she was only in her twenties, so why did she speak so old-fashionedly? But thinking about it, what the other party said was right. Sooner or later, this spiritual growth would be wasted.

"Okay, then go ahead and talk to them about the essence of alchemy later." Teacher Zhang stopped trying to persuade him and arranged for someone to deliver Shen Yun's newly refined elixir.

Shen Yun nodded and walked directly towards his alchemy furnace.

As Lingzhi was put into the alchemy furnace, Shen Yun's alchemy also began.

 The benefits of stronger spiritual consciousness are also reflected now. In the past, Shen Yun could only handle several spiritual plants at the same time, but now there are more than a dozen spiritual plants in the alchemy furnace, and Shen Yun can accurately control the flames of each one.

 As the spiritual vegetation is burned into the form you want, the next step is the more important process of condensing the elixir.

He gestured toward the alchemy furnace one by one. The various spiritual plant materials inside slowly gathered together, slowly condensed, and separated. After Shen Yun's last alchemy-forming gesture, he punched in, and each one was spinning slowly. Different lines slowly appeared on the elixir.

Dan is done!

Shen Yun looked at the 6 pills inside. Although the quantity of the pills this time was small, the quality was not bad. There were 3 high-grade pills, two intermediate pills, and one top-grade exorcism pill.

Shen Yun packed up the other elixirs, picked up the top-grade elixir and looked at it carefully. Like the top-grade elixir refined before, the fragrance of the medicine was solid, and the elixir pattern was more natural.

 Shen Yun did not hesitate and directly put the elixir into another bottle.

"Teacher Zhang, these elixirs are newly refined. Please be sure to send this elixir to a patient over there named Xu Lei. His condition is the most serious. The effect should be better with this." Chen Yun took the pill and found Teacher Zhang at the door and explained.

“Don’t worry, I’ll hand it over there.” Teacher Zhang took the things solemnly.

"Okay, I'll leave you with the trouble here. They've already practiced well. It's just a matter of time before they can become elixirs. I just gave them the answers. Now I'll go back first. If you have any questions, you can directly Just ask Jiang Zhi and the others to send me a message or go back to find me." Shen Yun also confessed before leaving.

 “Okay.” Teacher Zhang nodded.

 Seeing Shen Yun leave, he immediately arranged for a reliable person to send the elixir out quickly.

Some people in the isolation area over there have already eaten the first batch of elixirs delivered. Originally, Xu Lei's serious situation must have been the first batch to arrange the elixirs, but suddenly a man was invaded by demonic energy at the scene. The infected person violently hurt others, but the second acupuncture was not as good as the first. In order to prevent the evil spirit from spreading rapidly in the body, the pill was put into other people's mouths.

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