Neither party had any intention of introducing their positions. Boss Wang confirmed the identities of Shen Yun and the others, and did not even question their current attire.

 After making arrangements, I left immediately.

 Shen Yun directly set up a barrier in the room, while Jin Long was watching his father's condition by the bedside.

 “How is it?” Shen Yun asked standing nearby.

"The spiritual energy was excessively consumed, the consciousness was damaged, and there were many wounds on the body. They should have been injured while traveling through the space world and rescuing me." After careful inspection, Jin Long came to his own conclusion.

"Do we need to ask Jiang Zhi and the others to confirm again?" Shen Yun is not a doctor, and neither is Jin Long. Shen Yun is really afraid of getting Zhen by mistake.

"You can try it when you get back, but before my father fainted, he put a barrier-breaking seal on himself. Now if others want to explore his body, it probably won't be possible. I just relied on the power of my blood to do so. "Jin Long frowned and said, the seal barrier a dragon placed on himself cannot be broken by them if they want to. It must be to prevent the world from being xenophobic towards him, and to avoid being attacked by heaven when he is injured. So I set a barrier for myself.

"Then what should we do now? I have a recipe for the God-Reviving Pill here. The refined God-Reviving Pill can repair spiritual consciousness. Is this useful for your dad?" Shen Yun asked uncertainly. Who knows what the dragon eats and how it works? People eat differently.

"We can only try it first. By the way, sister, do you have any medicine to repair wounds? Give me some and try it first." Jin Long asked Shen Yun directly for something.

Although there was no Restoring Pill, there were many pills for repairing internal and external injuries. Shen Yun took out several pills directly from the space. Before he could say anything, he saw Jin Long picking up the medicine bottle and pouring it directly into his father's mouth. .

     is not just one kind, but several kinds.

“Hey, Jin Long, you are trying to murder your real father.” Shen Yun quickly stopped him.

"I'm not thinking that since my father's body is bigger, I guess the amount of medicine needs to be increased, otherwise it won't work." Jin Long put down the medicine bottle sternly.

"Then you should take one and try it first." Shen Yun directly received all the medicine bottles at his side, then found two types and poured one of them into the golden dragon.

“Try these two first. If it doesn’t work, wait for a while before trying the other ones. Otherwise, the medicines will conflict with each other and aggravate the injury. That would be a good intention but a bad thing.”

The two people fed the medicine into it, and it worked a little. The wounds on the body were being repaired visibly, and it no longer had any effect on the dragon.

The two of them breathed a sigh of relief after seeing it. The wounds gradually recovered. After the effect of the elixir wore off, Shen Yun and the others continued to administer the medicine.

The injury was finally healed, but the problem of spiritual consciousness cannot be solved by the two of them for the time being. Refining the God-Reviving Pill requires a large number of special spiritual plants. Although there are seeds in Shen Yun's space, they are not specially cultivated, so the number is still a little less. Wait. Go back and spawn some more in the empty rooms before you can start refining the elixir.

"The external and internal injuries have been repaired. It's up to him to recover his consciousness and spiritual energy first. We have been in this room for five days, and it's time to go out and say goodbye to Boss Wang." Shen Yun stood up and walked towards the door. Father Long The wound was not as serious as they imagined, and the wound that always exuded the temptation of dragon blood had healed. They would have no problem taking it on the road, and they would not lure people into the country.

 When he went out, he saw Boss Wang sitting in the living room downstairs. Shen Yun walked over directly. “Boss Wang, I’m sorry to bother you these days.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

“It’s okay, how is it? Is the patient’s condition okay?” Boss Wang said with concern.

"The situation has stabilized, and we plan to go back. The past few days have been a turbulent time here, and it is not good to stay outside." Shen Yun directly stated his intention to come.

"Okay, then I won't keep you here. The situation here in recent days is really hard to understand. You'd better leave as soon as possible. Do you need me to make arrangements for you?" Boss Wang heard what Shen Yun said, There is no stopping him. He has already decided to go abroad. He may not be able to go back for a while, but he is very happy to see his compatriots go back. After all, the situation at home is much better than outside.

"I won't bother you. We will find a way to go back ourselves. I have disturbed you here for the past two days. This is a thank you gift for you. It is not a good thing." Shen Yun directly took a bottle of Zhu from the space. Kidan, although this is relatively common in the world, it really doesn’t exist abroad. Those of them who work abroad can only get some when they return to China, but people like Boss Wang have relatively few opportunities to go back. .

“It’s too valuable, I can’t accept it.” Boss Wang could tell at a glance what the bottle contained.

He has also heard news in the country that elixirs are not cheap. He has not been of much help here in the past five days. He just provided a room. He would feel bad if he accepted this thing.

"Boss Wang, don't refuse. What I'm giving you is nothing else but a bottle of Foundation Establishment Pill. I see that your brothers and sisters here are basically in the qi training period. If you want to make breakthroughs in qi training later, The Foundation Establishment Pill is the fastest option. This is not for you alone. It is saved for you, and the excess will be distributed to others, and the rest will be given to you.

 You have also sacrificed a lot abroad, and I can only use this to express my gratitude. "Chen Yun persuaded sincerely.

"This..." Boss Wang heard what Shen Yun said and couldn't refuse. It was not easy for the people who followed him to leave their hometown for such a long time. He heard that there were Nascent Soul cultivators in the country, and he yearned for them even more. But they won't be able to go back for a while. They have only heard about the magic of the elixir, but they have never seen it. This time the thing was delivered to him. He wanted to refuse, but he really couldn't open his mouth. Who doesn't want to change? Strong, they are inherently dangerous outside, and they are even more eager to become stronger.

"Then I'll accept it shamelessly. I'll thank you on behalf of the brothers here. I'll send someone out to inquire about the situation first, and then we'll leave." Boss Wang finally took the things.

 Then he directly called a few people over to inquire about the situation.

The speed was very fast, and the latest situation of the day was brought back before lunch. The Yuhuang disappeared. Now everyone outside is discussing what to do. All forces are ready to move on this position, but there are fewer people paying attention to other situations. Shen Yun and the others Now is a good time to leave.

 The two of them didn’t waste any time and took Father Long and Boss Wang with them to leave.

 Flying directly into the sky, taking the letter entrusted by Boss Wang and others, he flew towards the motherland.

“Sister, let’s go back and practice hard, and be a strong backing for their people in the future.” Jin Long said with emotion.

“Of course, everyone in the country is working hard.” Shen Yun looked back at the people in the yard who were getting smaller and said with a smile.

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