Walking to the still unconscious Yuren next to him, he repeated the steps just now. In the dumbfounded eyes of the person next to him, a black shadow was pulled out, and he was immediately greeted by another curse. Although these little black people He claims to be an angel, but his quality is really not that high.

"What on earth is this?" The man next to him finally found his language. He obviously didn't believe that a big man had a talking thing in his belly. Who wouldn't be afraid? Think about what the other person just said. , apparently he had one in his own belly before.

"You are the thing. I am a great divine envoy, stupid human beings. The divine envoy has blessed you, but you actually use despicable means to suppress the divine envoy. You don't know what you have missed. When the great **** comes to the world in the future When the time comes, you are the betrayers." There is no difference between this villain and the villain just now. They both look like crazy fans.

“Are you saying that the loyal ones must sacrifice their bodies and let their consciousnesses die, and then you use their bodies to live in this world?”

"It is their honor to be chosen by the God Envoy." The villain was very dissatisfied with Shen Yun's words.

"Listen, I'm not deceiving you. This is what they said themselves. The little person in your body just said the same thing. They are just waiting to consume all the mental power in your mind, and then you will If you die, they can take over your body openly." Shen Yun said to the confused person.

As Shen Yun spoke, he did not forget to take out the gradually weakening little man from the spirit beast bag. Although this thing was difficult to deal with, it didn't work long after it was taken out. It was still super crispy.

"This is what was caused in your body. Look at the difference between your body and before you turned into a feathered person." Shen Yun blocked the mouth of the villain who was shouting while holding on to his body.

"Why is my mental power gone? I was originally an intermediate magician, but now I am a low-level magician." Hearing Shen Yun ask him to check his body, he started to panic after he checked.

"You have to ask these villains about this. They absorb energy from your body, improve their own strength, and then devour your mental power. When the day you die, they will naturally take over your body. The idea of ​​starting to become a feathered person is a conspiracy." Shen Yun carefully shared the situation with him, and the man next to him who had lost his wings and was pricked awake also listened to the whole process in silence.

"What a **** angel. I didn't do it voluntarily. I was caught. He wants to kill me and take over my body. I'll kill him." The one who woke up at the beginning didn't say anything. The person who woke up later After hearing the whole story, he immediately struggled towards the little man in Chen Yun's hand.

Shen Jian and others next to them quickly stopped each other's movements. Who knew whether this person was going for the villain or Shen Yun.

"Who are you? Why did you stop me? There must be some purpose." The man was very dissatisfied when he was stopped, and looked at Shen Jian and the others with a sullen face.

"Brother, you didn't see the situation clearly. We have rescued you now. Besides, what purpose can we have? You attacked our people and we just arrested you. What purpose can we have?" When Shen Jian heard this, he quickly He laughed in anger, and immediately started arguing with the other party in a bad foreign language.

While arguing, I also thought about studying hard later. I don’t understand the language, and it’s not fun to quarrel with others.

 “I attacked your people?” The man was confused.

“It’s not you, it’s you guys together.” Jiang Zhi’s foreign language was much stronger than Shen’s, and she said angrily from the side.

Obviously the two of them have no memory of this matter at all. Although it may be the villain occupying their bodies who did bad things, they are the only ones everyone sees. This does not mean that you don't have to pay if you get the things out of your body. The price has been paid.

The two half-lying injured people looked at each other in confusion. Obviously, they didn't expect that occupying their bodies would not count, and they came out to do bad things. Now they were left with this mess. Shen Yun and the others looked at each other as if they were not from their country. This was a cross-border crime, and the key was caught. I was filled with hatred. The Yumen were just a myth created by a group of thieves who took over human bodies. "You also have to think about it. This is not what we want to do." The other party tried to reason with Shen Yun and the others.

Shen Yun ignored them and directly dealt with the two people next to him. He showed them the villain. Yan Han and the others took care of the rest and took the people out.

Chen Yun then looked at the four little figures in his hands. They were all wilted. Although they were still arrogant, seeing that they had become shallower at different times because they came out at different times, he knew that these things were about to dissipate. Chen Yun I don't want to listen to their nonsense anymore.

With just a squeeze, these villains screamed and disappeared.

Then he got out the three white-feathered people he brought back. Now that the situation of the black-feathered people has been clarified, the three captured ones are no longer needed. Let's see what happened to the three white-feathered people before going. Handle the situation of the wounded in the army.

The Bai Yu people were still conscious after being brought out. When they saw Shen Yun, they immediately started to curse arrogantly. Their arrogant attitude was exactly the same as those of the villains just now. Shen Yun didn't know if this was because their bodies were being controlled or if they themselves were Like this.

 No nonsense, amidst the other two incomprehensible curses and a painful howl, Shen Yun directly pulled out a small white person from the opponent's Dantian.

Yuren fainted from the pain.

The two people next to him didn't expect Shen Yun to be so cruel. When they saw clearly what was in Shen Yun's hand, they couldn't help but struggle even more fiercely.

"How dare you attack the great envoy of God." These two people actually knew what the wilted little man in Shen Yun's hand was.

 Obviously their current bodies are controlled by villains.

Sure enough, the confused look on Yu Ren's face when he woke up after losing his wings proved Shen Yun's conjecture.

"It seems that the attack plan was really made by these things." Yan Han also came to a conclusion beside him.

Shen Yun asked Shen Jian and the others to take the white-feathered man out, explain the situation to him, and then put the remaining two white-feathered men into the space.

“We’ll discuss the situation here later. Let’s go deal with the injured first.” Although the two of them had a lawsuit this time, there were still important things to do.

"Okay, I'll tell someone to come over and we'll have a meeting after the wounded are dealt with." Yanhan also responded.

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