“You will know later if you follow them. They are not just injured. There are more serious problems behind them.”

When Shen Yun said this, Jiang Min, who was half-hearted, felt relieved again, and followed Shen Yun towards the ward.

Jiang Zhi and the others had already sealed the ward in advance. Shen Yun directly asked everyone to go out, and then used reincarnation to knock down the patients who were lying down to recuperate. After dispersing the smell of reincarnation, he invited people outside to come in.

“Weren’t you fine just now? Why did you faint again?” Jiang Min thought something had happened in this moment.

"I just took the medicine. Don't worry, it's okay. You will understand my intention later." Shen Yun did not explain in detail and started to act directly. The sooner the injured are treated, the more damage will be done to their consciousness and spiritual roots. Small.

 Time is life.

Jiang Min, who had not yet experienced anything, saw Shen Yun taking out blurry black figures from the injured person's Dantian.

 When the busy work is over, I have time to explain the ins and outs to Jiang Min, who is a little confused.

"These feathered people are so cunning. What's going on? They're so despicable." If Jiang Min hadn't been of a slightly higher quality, he would have been so angry that he would have started to curse on the spot.

"No, we have to be on guard against this. Fortunately, their big wings are very eye-catching. It's not easy to do this secretly. However, we need to inform the person in charge of this matter as soon as possible, and give me a cold blow immediately after saying so. They send a message, he knows about this matter, it depends on how he arranges it.

While the two of them were talking, several apprentices had already given the antidote to the person who had been knocked down by reincarnation, and this time they all woke up one after another.

Same procedure, first let them check their own situation.

 Fortunately, these people were injured for a relatively short time, and the black shadow was parasitic for a short time. The injuries to their consciousness and spiritual roots were not as serious as those suffered by Yanhan and others.

If you want to continue to improve your cultivation in the future, even a little injury to your spiritual root needs to be treated, but this is not as serious as using elixirs.

Chen Yun directly took out a prepared booklet and handed it to the three apprentices, "I will leave their situation to you. If you need any spiritual transplants, just ask Jiang Min to apply. The spiritual roots and consciousness of these people have been restored. Let’s go back to the mountains.”

This booklet was found in Dan Fang's room after Shen Yun Yuanying. This thing had been banned before. When he was promoted to Yuanying, he opened it and found that it seemed to be some medical information. The ancestors had good intentions. I was afraid that the younger generation would not be able to continue on the path of alchemy resolutely, so I set this restriction. They have already reached the Nascent Soul stage, and it doesn't matter if they learn more.

Shen Yun left the original document in space. She sorted it out in her spare time. She had been busy with things for a while, but only now did she remember this thing. "Thank you, Master!" The three of them took the booklet and thanked them before they could see what it was.

Shen Yun waved his hand, and the three of them opened the book to see what was inside. After flipping through a few pages, the three of them were breathing heavily. The excited faces of the three young men were red. No wonder the master had just mentioned the matter of rescuing people. I gave it to them. It turned out that this thing existed. I don’t know where Master got it. It was so well-intentioned.

I heard that the master used to be an archeologist. Could it be that he dug the tomb and copied it to them? The three of them thought about it and became very excited. They quickly put the booklet into their bag and handed it to Shen Yun. Guaranteed.

"Okay, I'll leave this to you. The injured on the other side of Yan Han are more serious. I have to go back and figure out how to make the elixir. I'll leave these three apprentices and my brother to you." Shen Yun faced Jiang Min and the others said.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely protect them." Jiang Min solemnly agreed.

"Okay, let's meet again in Beijing. The beauty elixir has been refined for you, and I'll wait for you to come back to pick it up." Shen Yun didn't forget to say this before leaving.

“It’s so interesting.” Jiang Min’s originally serious expression also started to laugh this time.

Is there nothing going on here? Shen Yun didn't stay too long and ran around to the place where Xu Guoqing was. The place was calm and no attackers came. Shen Yun didn't come empty-handed and directly put the things he had saved. A copy of the reincarnation pollen and antidote was given to the other party.

After carefully explaining how to use the other party, Xu Guoqing left with peace of mind. Xu Guoqing had already completed the foundation building process and was ready this time, so they were not afraid.

   , the support staff here have arrived, but there are more people than Yanhan and others. They were unprepared at first, but now they are on guard. The Yuren outside will have to think carefully if they want to cause trouble. If the incident about Dantian villain spreads back to their country, then the people inside them will probably be in chaos.

Shen Yun did not go home, but went directly to the capital city. The Yu Emperor's matter had not been resolved yet. Shen Yun's idea was to directly take out the villain in his body to see what level of person this was, but now Yu Emperor The emperor was involved in many things, and Shen Yun was also a person who had an overall view of the situation and had to listen to the arrangements of those above him.

This time I came to Beijing and went directly to report to the leaders from last time. I originally thought that they would solve the problem of Emperor Yu by themselves, but now it seems that the impact is a bit big.

 Shen Yun honestly told the other party what happened.

The leader glanced at Shen Yun after hearing this, and was silent. This girl went abroad and brought Yuhuang back. Can this be said to be her fault? If someone robbed his things, he was not willing to do so. He looked at Shen Yun With a look of shame on his face, the leader cleared his throat and said, "The little girl is a bit reckless in doing things. Don't be so aggressive next time."

“I’ll definitely not do it next time.” Shen Yun responded quickly.

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