The five-clawed golden dragon that looked so majestic and domineering in the sky suddenly became so small. Anyone else would have to slow down for a while.

"I don't know what's going on." Jin Long was also confused. He was more fortunate this time. Fortunately, it was getting smaller instead of getting bigger. If it had been getting bigger, the mountains they rented would probably not be small enough. This caused It's okay to make a big noise and attract the attention of outsiders. A few drops of blood will make those foreign feathers, animals and plants badly beaten. If the true identity is leaked, it will probably attract the covetousness of people from all walks of life. .

"Why don't you ask your dad." The two of them were stunned for a moment, remembering that the person involved was already awake, and no matter how young he was, he should be able to speak.

“Yes, yes, yes.” Jin Long responded, carefully holding his father in the palm of his hand.

"Dad, can you hear me? How are you injured? How did you become like this?" Jin Long, who was still a little shy at home, thought of many words in the past few days when his father was in coma, waiting for his father to wake up and He said, who would have thought that now that he was holding his father in the palm of his hand, he really couldn't say anything, and he just threw out all his questions.

The five-clawed golden dragon raised his eyes and glanced at the golden dragon lazily. It was quite cute.

“I am your father, Aoyang.” The five-clawed golden dragon looked handsome, but when he spoke, he had a deep male voice.

“Well, it seems that my dad is fine, and he is quite confident when he speaks.” Jin Long finally felt relieved.

"Well, it seems that your dad is really related to the Dragon King. They both have the same surname." Shen Yun was also shocked by the other party's name. Although Shen Yun accepted the other party's inheritance, the other party did not tell her his name. , so this was the first time she heard the name of the dragon.

“Dad, just be okay. Dad and dad mean the same thing. It’s popular in this place. Let’s just do as the locals do.” Jin Long held his dad close to his eyes and said.

Aoyang had just recovered and had to work hard to suppress his own strength. He only came to introduce himself urgently, and heard his son talking a lot with the girl Balabala next to him who had his own inheritance. The clan is a little different.

This child's talkative temperament is nothing like his mother's, but a bit like his terrible brother.

At this moment, he has suppressed his strength, and now he can only maintain this shape to prevent the Heavenly Law of this place from coming to trouble him in advance.

"My dear son, don't worry. The pill you gave me is very effective. I didn't expect that there would be such a skilled alchemist in this newly emerging world." Aoyang looked at the two people staring at him, thinking that Jin Long was there. Worried about his injury, he comforted him.

Shen Yun almost laughed when he said the first sentence. Seeing the petite five-clawed golden dragon shouting at a tall boy of nearly 1.9 meters, the contrast was indeed a bit big.

"It's okay, Dad, you came to this world just to save me. You came just in time. I was going through a thunder tribulation at that time. If it weren't for you, I would have passed into nirvana on the spot." Talking about overcoming the tribulation. , Even if he is a phoenix, he is still afraid. Life is so precious, and nirvana is lost every time. He doesn't want to waste it. "I felt in another world that you were in danger in this world, so I forcibly broke through time and space to come here. Now you are also a Nascent Soul. When I recover from my injuries, we can go home together." Yao Yang and Shen Yun said Follow the whole story.

Shen Yun was silent as he listened. It was just as he had guessed. He was here to take the golden dragon back. The farewell would be in the near future.

"I don't want to go back, it's good here." Once the golden dragon was unhappy, not even the old father he had longed for.

"No, you have to go back. That is your home. Heaven will not allow your existence in this place. When you become stronger, you will be the first to attack." Yaoyang said majestically. The dragon's body also lifted up, and its eyes were fixed on the golden dragon's.

"Jinlong, my uncle is right. The Yuanying Heaven Tribulation Dao has attacked you. There will be many calamities later. My own strength is only like this and I can't protect you. You go back to your home. There should be many calamities there. Of the same race, and you are originally from there, the law of heaven will not target you.

 Look at me, I am not 18 years old yet, and I still recognize my biological parents. You go back and practice hard, and I will practice hard here. Maybe we can meet again in the fairy world in the future. "Chen Yun tried hard to control his emotions and said with a smile, but at the end of the sentence, his throat was still a little dry.

Jin Long stared at Shen Yun without saying anything. He held Ao Yang in his palm and gave Shen Yun a complicated look. This human being has good qualifications, but it's a pity that he was born in this place...

"Okay, stop looking at me like that. Uncle said there will be some time left. When you are as strong as uncle, you will come across time and space to see me." Shen Yun was looked away by Xiao Bengtao's eyes. She is not willing to give up her life. They have lived together for several years. From holding her to growing so big, she has watched him grow. She is not a hard-hearted person, but staying here is really harmful to him. She must Encourage people to go back.

"Okay, don't talk about it anymore. Today is a happy day. Let's talk about this later. Can we be my father?" Jin Long turned his attention to Aoyang again.

Aoyang looked at him with a look that looked familiar to his wife, and finally nodded. There was no telling when the hidden wounds on his body would heal, but it wouldn't be too late to wait until they healed. Anyway, people are sure of themselves. If he wants to take him away, even if he knocks the person unconscious, he still has to leave this place.

Seeing Yao Yang nodding, Jin Long finally showed a smile.

"Dad, it's all thanks to my sister that your consciousness recovered so quickly this time. You should thank him." For the biological father who was about to take him away just after they met, what kind of affection is there, and what kind of nostalgia is there? All timidity has completely disappeared. He is now an almost adult phoenix, and he can see the current situation very accurately. Even if he refuses again, his father's strength to break through time and space will not be able to take him away. There is no problem, and it is even more unrealistic to work hard to become an immortal before his father takes him away, so now he can only help Shen Yun pick up some wool for his father.

"This is what it should be. Pills for repairing spiritual consciousness are not common. Here, this is a defensive magic weapon scale shield made from my scales. Just think of it as a thank you, little friend." Yao Yang was wealthy and directly transformed into a golden shield. A jade stone the size of a baby's palm shines with golden light,

Take out the high-grade spiritual weapon as soon as you say it is taken out, there is no ambiguity at all.

Chen Yun looked at the magic weapon floating next to the five-clawed golden dragon, "Uncle, the golden dragon is my friend, and you are his father. Don't worry about this little thing. You'd better put the things away." Chen Yun said directly Refused.

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