Chapter 454 (454) Asking for Benefits

The three people who were busy looked up and saw a silver-robed young man hurriedly walking inside with a person in his arms as if he had traveled through time and space. If it were not for the colleagues still standing beside them, they would have thought that they had traveled through time and space.

 After being in a daze for a second, he saw the other person holding a man in ragged clothes and covered in blood.

"Master." Several people immediately handed over their work to the colleagues next to them and hurriedly gathered around.

Shen Yun was too seriously injured, so he didn't react at all even when faced with the three apprentices he hadn't seen for a long time.

"You guys take a look at your master's condition. I'll go out again." Jin Long handed Shen Yun into the hands of someone he knew well, then turned and walked outside. It was a shame to just kick the ancient **** giant, so he quickly went back and took a look. Has the other party been destroyed by the laws of heaven in this world? Before that, beat him up.

 A ray of light once again passed through the camp and disappeared in front of the eyes. The low-level people did not notice the person who had just passed in front of them.

As for the high-level people, they finally passed through the layers of lightning tribulations and reached the area where Shen Yun and the others were, only to find that the people were no longer here, and the big hand stretched out from the sky had also retracted, so They don't know what the situation is up there now.

Although Jin Danxiu can fly, it is still a bit difficult to reach the height of the void.

"Apply for satellite assistance and check what is happening in the sky over here." Yan Han immediately sent an application to the above. The two nearby satellites immediately began to work together, but the results returned were not useful. Only one was seen in the void. A pen and a scroll painting, but nothing else was photographed.

Jin Long arrived in the void and saw two constantly rotating machines, hiding his figure directly in the camera.

Looking at the white light that has grown in a large circle, swallowing up the ancient gods and giants, as well as the luck accumulated by the entire planet during this tribulation, the other party is no longer as small as the Heavenly Dao they saw when they went back. The strength has been restored to one third of what it was in ancient times.

 He came a step too late after all, and it was impossible to beat the Ancient God Giant.

Looking at the magic pen and the mountain and river map still flying in the air, Jin Long waved his hand and they flew down.

The fight was in full swing just now, and the void with spiritual energy flames flying across the sky was now quiet and there was no sound at all. Except for the golden dragon standing out of thin air, in the distance was the white light beating like a heart.

"Little Phoenix, thank you for your help this time. I didn't expect that an old guy like me would fall into the trap of that false **** after living for such a long time. I'm really careless." An old and powerful voice came from the white light. Except for the golden dragon No one can hear it.

"I just helped you a little bit. It was the humans below who rescued you from the darkness. In order to save you, they even gave up their own lives. You know, the planet and the way of heaven that are targeted by the giant gods are the last The result is basically destruction, and very few can save themselves successfully, so don't thank me, you have to thank the people on this planet," Jin Long said seriously.

 White light does not respond during the day.

Jinlong knows the arrogance of some powerful people. Just like in their world, some arrogant **** kings will not accept help from people with low cultivation level. In their view, such people are just ants. How can they have the energy to save gods? Woolen cloth.

He didn’t know if Tiandao, who had lived for who knows how many years, had the same idea in front of him.

"What you are saying is that I was supposed to protect the creatures in the lower world, but unexpectedly I was saved by them. I owe you a favor." The old voice said a little sadly. Having been doing Tiandao for so many years, he never thought that something like this would happen. Although he had only mastered the world in the past few thousand years, he had some consciousness a long time ago when Tiandao left.

He has lived for a long time, so long that he can’t even count the years. As the Dao of Heaven, he sees things more thoroughly than any human being. He had a vague premonition of this disaster before, but he didn’t expect it to be so close. The disaster of destruction.

What happened this time was also thanks to Little Phoenix and the little girl with a strange fate. Fortunately, I had left them a glimmer of hope in the spirit of God's good intentions. I didn't expect that this saved myself.

"As the law of heaven in this world, you should help each other with the people in the lower world. But this time, tens of thousands of people survived the disaster at the same time. You must also know that this matter is not easy to accomplish. This is their belief in saving you. , allowing them to overcome the tribulation at the same time.

 Furthermore, my friend was seriously injured physically because of this incident. "Jin Long gave a little mention and stopped talking.

Tiandao, who has become a spirit, certainly knows what the golden dragon means. Fortunately, giving benefits to people in the lower world will also accumulate more luck for himself, which is not a bad thing.

  After thinking about it, he directly rained down the rain, and the entire country of China was plunged into mist.

The cultivators felt that the spiritual energy in the air had greatly increased. The spiritual energy eyes suppressed by the ancient **** giants in various places were also opened one after another. Various spiritual plants and spiritual creatures quietly appeared in the mountains and rivers. As for the magic cave near Baiyun Town, It was wiped away by Tiandao with a wave of his hand.

That was set up by the ancient **** giant to encourage people in this world to practice. Heaven felt that it was no longer necessary to exist. Anyway, the people below did not like it.

After doing this, a white light key appeared on his huge body, "This is my gift to that little girl. It is the friendship of Heaven. No matter which world she goes to in the future, she will be favored by Heaven. As for you, just I’ll give you a magic weapon.”

As he spoke, a small jade-like key and a silver-white spear appeared in front of Jin Long. The red tassel on the spear was like the real fire of a phoenix. It was automatic without wind. Although the spear head was not as bright as the one in his hand. , but that restrained light seems to be no simple thing.

"Then I'd like to thank you on behalf of Shen Yun. I'll take the things. By the way, teach that ancient **** a lesson for me." Jin Long put away the two things in front of him without any courtesy.

“Don’t worry.” Tiandao’s voice sounded, and he felt like he was gritting his teeth when talking about the ancient gods.

Seeing that his goal was achieved, Jin Long returned directly to the infirmary.

It took only a blink of an eye, so when he came back, Jiang Zhi and the others were still nervously treating Shen Yun.

"How is the situation?" Jin Long's voice suddenly sounded next to Jiang Zhi.

 Several people heard a familiar voice and immediately turned their heads and glanced, "Uncle, are you back? I just said that the voice sounded like you just now.

How did the master get injured like this? Not only did he suffer from thunder calamity injuries, but he also suffered countless internal and external injuries. The key is that his consciousness was also severely injured? "Jiang Huai recognized the man who was dressed like an ancient man at a glance.

 (End of this chapter)

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