“Well, well, well, Jin Long. I haven’t seen him for many years, but he’s still so handsome.” Yang Xiaocao held Jin Long’s hand tightly with his other hand, looked up and down, and said happily.

 “Jin Long has been good-looking since he was a child.”

 With the appearance of the golden dragon, everyone finally looked away from Shen Yun.

 At once, many people asked Shen Yun about their experiences over the years.

Jin Long has really experienced life in another world, and Shen Yun's talk about traveling around the world is just a white lie. She has been practicing in the Kunlun Mountains for so many years, so she doesn't know what is out there.

But fortunately she was quite knowledgeable when she was in school and could tell a few things about anything. Shen's elders, who had little knowledge of other countries, were also dumbfounded.

Just a few people who went to college outside felt that something was wrong. These things seemed to be like what was said in the book. However, seeing Shen Yun speaking seriously and telling some small details, everyone also accepted their doubts. Inside the mind.

 The foreign country is as described in the book, and there seems to be nothing wrong with it.

After this incident ended, Shen Yun stayed at home for decades, teaching the younger generation of his family, accompanying his parents and elders, until he sent away all the elders in his family who had not practiced cultivation.

"My parents have been practicing for a long time and can still take care of themselves now. You and Jinlong go out and have a good time. Look at our country again. Maybe you will ascend soon and it will be difficult to see you again in the future." Yang Cancan looked at Shen Yun was fine in the valley. Most of the children in the family went out to study and work. The two old people and Shen Chen were the only ones at home. It was really quiet in the valley, so I wanted to persuade Shen Yun to go out. Take a walk.

"Then why don't we go out together? After all these years, I haven't gone out with you and dad. I didn't have the chance when I was a kid. You also said that I might ascend in the future. Let's go together." Shen Yun held Yang Cancan's arm. said the hand.

Both of them are cultivators. After so many years, with the death of the older generation in the family, they have been able to look away from many things. That's why Yang Cancan was so calm about letting Shen Yun go out to play, but now he heard his daughter inviting them to come together. After going out, she was still moved.

"Okay, let's go together. I'll go back and pack my things, and we'll leave right away." Take action when your heart moves. Now that you have practiced cultivation, why can't you live a more casual life?

“You are all gone, then we three brothers will be left at home.” Shen Chen and the others also wanted to go out and play.

“You guys have seen it well at home. You have gone out so many times over the years, but it’s your third aunt and I’s turn.” Shen Limin gave his eldest nephew a look and went to pack his things.

 Looking at the couple who had walked away, Shen Yun turned to look at his eldest brother and the others.

"Our family can be considered a cultivating family. I have a lot of good things in my hands, which are all sealed in my room. These are three tokens. Together, they can open the formation at the door of my room. You see, they are dirty. Whoever holds it appropriately can store any good things found in the family in the future. In this way, our family’s resources will accumulate more and more, and the things inside can also be used as rewards for the younger generations in the family to practice. Brother, what do you think? "Chen Yun wanted to give his family one last piece of advice before ascending.

"This is a good idea. It can also save a lot of things for the family." When the three of them heard this, they knew that Shen Yun's idea was for the future of the Shen family. Those who practice in them all know that sometimes resources are used in cultivation. Time is really important. If you join the national cultivation team, the country will provide training resources, but when you are young, you still need to provide resources from your own family.

"Okay, you can talk to the others about this later, and the token will be handed over to you." Shen Yun immediately handed the thing in his hand to Shen Chen.

Yang Cancan, who knew how to pack things, also came out.

 “What’s wrong? Is there anything else you want to explain to your brother and the others?”

“No, everything that needs to be explained has been explained, let’s go.” Shen Yun took Yang Cancan’s arm and walked outside, followed by Shen Limin and Jin Long.

Originally Jin Long was supposed to go back, but he was afraid that Shen Yun would do something else, so he planned to wait until Shen Yun ascended before leaving.

Shen Yun took his parents around the world. He went to all the places he had never been to before, relying on his current cultivation level. He didn't even miss the North and South Poles.

Because of the smooth progress of the Thunder Tribulation Plan, the current structure and destiny of the world can be clearly seen after so many years of development. The Chinese country, which is favored by Heaven, is obviously developing better than other countries. It is not only fast in cultivation. The development of technology and the combination of magic are also in full swing.

When he felt that the spiritual energy in his body was becoming more and more abundant, Shen Yun returned to the capital with his parents who were becoming more and more proud.

“It’s better to be in your own country and feel at home. When can we go home? I’ve been out for so long and I feel homesick.” Shen Limin sighed as he looked at the familiar scenes in Beijing.

"Don't worry, I'll be back in a few days." Shen Yun said with a smile, and the teleportation talisman prepared in his hand flew out as soon as Shen Yun finished speaking.

"I called my eldest brother and the others over. Let's get together again in Beijing. Think about the last time we were in Beijing, the year I disappeared and returned. Beijing has changed a lot over the years. This is the last stop of our tour." Shen Yun explained.

Shen Limin and the others don't have any objections. The family is full of practitioners now, so it's easy to come here. Since their daughter wants to gather here, they don't have any objections. The next night, the family had a meal together, and Shen Yun made an appointment with everyone to go out to watch the sunrise together the next day.

"You really didn't tell Auntie and the others in advance?" Shen Yun was sitting on a rocking chair in the yard looking at the moon at night, while Jin Long stood on the side and asked.

"My family is mentally prepared. We will know tomorrow. If we tell you in advance tonight, I think my parents will be wiping away tears tonight." Shen Yun said with a smile.

 “That’s up to you.”

 “Are you going back tomorrow too?” Shen Yun asked, raising his head.

“Go back, this world is boring and the spiritual energy is thin. I have to go back and practice as soon as possible.” Jin Long said while turning away his eyes.

Shen Yun smiled and said nothing. Don't expose someone's duplicity.

"We agreed, we will meet in the upper world, and you can't break the promise this time." Jin Long stared at Shen Yun and said.

Shen Yun looked at the other party as if to confirm, and quickly said, "Don't worry, we will definitely not break the promise, as long as our upper bounds are in the same place."

When we arrived at the place to watch the sunrise the next day, the Shen family realized that it was Shen Yun's ascension meeting. This place was not only occupied by the Shen family, but also many other people nearby.

 It seems that everyone came here to see Shen Yun Feisheng, and the Shen family was stunned.

"Mom and Dad, everything that needs to be explained along the way has been explained and everything that needs to be said has been said. You practice well and I will wait for you in the upper realm." Shen Yun took the hands of Yang Cancan and Shen Limin and said, but these words But he said it to everyone in the family.

"Both parents know, go ahead and be fine, don't worry about the family." Yang Cancan sighed and patted Shen Yun's hand.

 Shen Yunhe looked at the people at home and nodded to the friends around him.

Looking at the golden dragon that had disappeared long ago, Shen Yun turned around and walked towards the prepared position.

When the divine light shone down, Shen Yun slowly floated towards the sky under everyone's sight, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight.


“How about it, are you surprised or not?” Jin Long sat on a giant pillar and looked at Shen Yun, who was still a little confused after flying up just now.

"You are...have you ascended a long time ago?" Shen Yun rubbed his head, a little confused about the situation for a while.

"No, the place where you ascended is my hometown. If I want to ascend, I will go to the God Realm. Didn't you practice for too long to become a god? I stopped practicing specifically to wait for you." Jin Long said proudly.

 Some people are still cultivating, and some people were born in the immortal world. This time, Shen Yun finally realized the meaning of this sentence, which made him feel a little sad.

But considering that I met a phoenix when I first came up, I think I have a backing in this world. "Then I'll have to rely on you to take care of me from now on."

“Let’s go, brother, let’s take you out to see the world first.” The golden dragon flew down from the giant pillar and pulled Shen Yun to see the new world.

"Brother, you have to call me sister." Shen Yun's unwilling voice disappeared into the sky.


 She will start another wonderful life in the new world.

 After all, there are dragons and phoenixes in the upper world, and the ancestors of the Shen family who have lived for who knows how many years. She doesn't want to go to the lower world anymore. She is a pampered existence in the upper world.


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