Chapter 46: Fighting the Big Snake

In vain, she was thinking about whether she was breaking the law by killing a wild animal, but she didn't know that this huge creature turned out to be a loach.

This space can actually turn a loach into a crocodile. It’s not simple, it’s not simple.

Shen Yun breathed out and used his sword to pull down the three loaches on the ground. The wounds on his body were all there. It was indeed caused by himself.

Thinking about how embarrassed the three loaches here were, Shen Yunzai didn't dare to be careless.

  Putting away the high-pitched loudspeaker and retracting the net, slowly, slowly, Shen Yun decided to use his spiritual sense to search slowly, so that he could detect any danger in time.

 Carefully approached the mud pit again. The muddy water just stirred up by the crocodile was still next to it, but the mud pit returned to its calm appearance. There are some wild flowers blooming quietly around.

“Well, why do these wild flowers look a bit like the Guyang grass used to refine the Peiyuan Pill?” Shen Yun couldn’t help but muttered.

 Looking closer, I saw that it indeed exuded a special fragrance, and looking at the grass in front of me, it must be hundreds of years old.

Unexpectedly, what is precious here is not the three crocodiles, but the five Guyang grasses here.

Shen Yun carefully dug out three and put them into the space, then turned around and continued to look for people in places he had never been before.

The place is very big here, and just like outside, it gets dark after six o'clock.

At this moment, Shen Yun was still wandering around inside, and she did not encounter any danger again. However, she arrived in a canyon, with rugged cliffs on both sides. Under the illumination of the flashlight, it was slightly reflective.

The sound of footsteps can be heard far away in the dark canyon, and there are echoes.

Even Shen Yun, who has always been very courageous, felt a little embarrassed now.

 Thinking about the fact that he had the top-notch defensive weapon left by his ancestors, Shen Yun became a lot more courageous.

 Listening to the echo of footsteps, continue walking forward.

"No, I can only have one echo at most. This sounds like there is one more echo." Shen Yun suddenly stopped and looked around in surprise.

Nothing at all!

Control your hair and warn yourself that it’s not the time for spiritual energy to recover yet, and there is definitely no such thing.

The reflection of the flashlight on the mountain wall told her that this was a place where loaches could turn into crocodiles, and it might be a little different from the outside.

Hearing this, I stopped walking, but I still heard the faint footsteps coming from me. Shen Yun almost lost control and entered the space directly.

"It's okay. I'm a cultivator now and I still have magic weapons on me. It's okay. Ghosts can't get close to me." Shen Yun stood there and made some mental preparations for a while.

Withdrawn the flashlight, took out a moonstone from the space, and carefully approached the place where the footsteps came from.

Since you don’t know what it is, go and have a look, otherwise you’ll scare yourself to death.

Through the twists and turns of the canyon, Shen Yun tightened his grip on the sword in his hand as he heard the footsteps getting closer.

A familiar fishy smell came from the tip of his nose. Shen Yun couldn't help but glance down with his consciousness. There was no snake.

 Continue walking towards the sound of footsteps.

His consciousness was the first to see what made the footsteps.

Yanhan was supporting an injured man, and a very large snake was following behind them, like a cat playing with a mouse. It followed them slowly and watched them flee in embarrassment.

Shen Yun paled. He encountered this thing so often and it was so big. He must be at the level of his ancestors.

Moreover, Chen Yun could actually feel that this snake was exuding spiritual energy, and it turned out to be a snake that knew how to practice.

Shen Yun took a breath and took a look at Yanhan and the others, who were obviously in trouble. He put away the moonstone and ran over there quickly.

  Obviously, practicing animals are more sensitive than humans. Before Yanhan and the others could sense Shen Yun's arrival, the vertical pupils of the snake over there were staring closely at Shen Yun.

"It's cold, stay aside." Shen Yun threw the fireball and shouted directly.

Yanhan didn't hesitate when he heard the sound, and directly dragged the people on his back behind a big stone. Chen Yun directly faced the big snake over there. He looked at the snake's body, which was dozens of meters long, and its head, which was as high as a three-story building. It could easily dodge his own fireball, and looked down at him with cold eyes. There was also a hint of anger in it.

Looking at the ease with which it dodged the fireball, Shen Yun knew that this guy in front of him was not easy to deal with.

 It’s not easy to deal with yourself, so I’ll try it today.

Shen Yun took out the bell, injected spiritual energy into it and shook it quickly. A strange sound came from the bell. The sound that had no effect on the crocodile just now did not matter.

 The big snake in front of him shook his head as if he was drunk.

Shen Yun hung the bell on his body and continued to input spiritual energy. He held a sword in one hand and a sword in the other to attack the big snake over there.

 Fireball and metal spells hit the big snake directly.

The pain awakened the opponent's mind and body, and the huge body rolled in the canyon, with gravel flying everywhere.

Shen Yun nimbly avoided the rocks while using his sword to create wounds on the snake.

The pain made the sound effect of the bell not so good. Shen Yun directly stopped the input of spiritual energy. The sound wave attack is only effective when there is no defense. Now the opponent has suffered a loss. His own level is here. If he wants to control the opponent, he can It's not easy anymore.

 Shen Yun gave up the attack and started attacking directly with spells.

 For a time, the entire canyon was filled with sand and rocks.

Shen Yun rubbed his thigh, which was hit by the snake's tail in order to avoid being hit on the head.

 Fortunately, I have practiced physical training, and now my muscles and bones are stronger than before, otherwise my leg would have been broken by now.

 Looking at the sword not far away, he looked at the big snake that was attacking him crazily.

 Shen Yun flew directly to avoid it.

"Huhu, I don't believe it. Your blood will never bleed dry. Let me wait until you die." Shen Yun looked at the big snake covered in blood and felt the thin spiritual energy in his body. He directly stuffed the only soul-boosting pill left by his ancestors into his mouth.

 He took out the net he had just used.

While fighting, he caught the big snake on the head.

 Shen Yun grabbed the net tightly with both hands.

 Looking at the rolling snake, it has grown so big that I can't even reach it by seven inches.

 Shen Yun tightened the net in his hand. The body kept rolling with the big snake.

“Shan Han, you don’t want to die, why don’t I let you hide?” Turning over, Shen Yun saw a person running out of the corner.

 It’s not who the severe cold is.

If I weren't in such a miserable situation now, I would definitely scold this guy.

Yanhan didn't answer and went straight to Shen Yun's fallen sword.

Before Shen Yun could say anything, he saw the guy approaching with a sword.

 Shen Yun immediately knew the other party's intention and directly placed a golden body to protect him.

But the target was not himself, but the big snake in front of him. The tumbling snake's head was fixed for a moment by the golden body.

In this moment, Yan Han inserted the sword in his hand seven inches deep.

 Looking at the snake's golden body that was torn apart by pain.

Shen Yun directly let go of the net in his hand, turned around and hid in the cold weather on one side.

 Such a big snake rolled over before death, so don't let the cold crush it to death.

 (End of this chapter)

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