The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 50: Yesterday I ignored you, but today I can't reach you

Chapter 50 Yesterday I ignored you, but today I can’t reach you anymore

“That’s right, what’s in your head gives you the answer, doesn’t it?

 Brother, this is a Chaos Treasure after all. Your expression is a bit dull now. You should jump up and spin around a few times in excitement. "Chen Yun said calmly on the side.

Yanhan, who was originally very restless, felt that he had little knowledge when looking at Shen Yun like this. Isn't it just the "Picture of Mountains, Rivers, Society, and Country"? What's so great about it.

But is there something wrong with this script? Why did they suddenly pick up the fairy's script? Are these things ordinary people like them can get? Now they seem to regard themselves as masters. Although the key to the door is in Shen Yun's hand, But this is also a big deal.

 The two people who suddenly obtained the treasure were a little confused for a moment, staring blankly at the two things on the table.

"Don't be stunned. Let's go out quickly. Let's study how to use this thing when we go out." Shen Yun was the first to come to his senses. After all, this is not the first time he has gotten such a treasure. Spirits grow in space. Ancestors who don't move in the spring don't seem to be simple things.

 Once familiar, twice familiar, Shen Yun directly picked up the brush next to him.

 The spiritual energy in his body quickly poured into the brush, and he drew a door on the castle.

Yan Han over there looked at Shen Yun's movements without hesitation. He put away the scroll and went out to help Li Ming in. Without any explanation, the three of them walked directly towards the door that was glowing with white light.

 The moment he went out, the brush disappeared directly into the air and appeared in Shen Yun's sea of ​​consciousness.

Looking at the domineering brush that occupied half of the place, Chen Yun couldn't help but murmured. It was indeed an incredible treasure, and it entered his sea of ​​consciousness without his permission.

 At the same time, I feel a little lucky that I recognized my master, otherwise this thing would be a time bomb in my sea of ​​consciousness.

Shan Han over there was much calmer than Shen Yun. Maybe he had experienced too many things in the past two days. He was stunned for a moment by the things that suddenly appeared in his mind, and then directly supported Li Ming and walked out.

Shen Yun looked at the two disappearing figures and quickly followed them.

As soon as he stepped across the white light, the scene in front of him instantly changed.

Shen Yun looked at the people next to him who were all armed and looking for something. He felt the sticky soil under his feet. It seemed that these people had drained the water and were looking for someone.

Hurryly, he lifted his foot that was stuck in the mud, and quietly used a small spell on the sole of his foot to make the mud no longer so sticky.

 The people nearby quickly noticed the sudden appearance of these three people.

“Hey, Captain Yan and the others are back.”

After the shouting, Shen Yun saw the people next to him coming towards this direction.

“Li Ming is seriously injured, please notify the medical team immediately.” Yan Han’s voice was still so clear amidst everyone’s urgent cries.

Shen Yun looked at the calm Yan Han next to him and suddenly remembered something. This sudden disappearance and sudden appearance was a very abnormal thing at the moment. Even if he was going to save people, he had also experienced this.

Yan Han is the captain of the special department. He is just an ordinary old man named Bai. He should be considered to know some serious things now, and he will not be under surveillance for the rest of his life.

 Shen Yun unconsciously reached out and grabbed Yanhan's sleeve.

 The next second I got a look of disgust.

"Captain Yan, although you are very dirty now, I don't dislike you. I just want to ask if I will be locked up in this situation." Shen Yun asked in a low voice while everyone was paying attention to Li Ming. . "Don't you think it's a little late to think about this now? Why didn't you think about it when you went in?" Yan Leng said with a stern face.

"How could I have time to think so much? Isn't it important to save people? Do you think it's too urgent for me to join your department now?" Shen Yun didn't want to be deprived of freedom for the rest of his life. He was still at a low level. This would conflict with the country. Confrontation was obviously unrealistic, and she was a little panicked when she spoke.

Yan Han looked at Shen Yun carefully, with a bit of scrutiny in his eyes, "Well, let's see how you behave later."

"Hey, what do you mean by that? Can you please give me an accurate answer?" Shen Yun looked at Yan Han who was being supported by several people and couldn't help but shout out.

"Chen Yun, don't be excited, come with us to check your body first." Shen Yun was about to catch up and ask what happened, but he was supported by several medical staff who came over.

Looking at the people gathered around him and the strict barrier around the lake, Shen Yun followed the medical staff ashore obediently. Then he looked at Yan Han who was directing the work next to him. Her eyes were filled with resentment. Could it be that I ignored you yesterday, but I can't reach you today?

 It’s freezing cold, I hope you can remember who saved your life inside.

Shen Yun didn't stay here long before he was pulled directly into the ambulance, but the place he arrived at clearly didn't look like a hospital.

Looking at the heavily guarded place, Shen Yun controlled his urge to escape.

"Don't be afraid, Shen Yun. This is a national institution, not an illegal laboratory. Besides, you still have room. You have a trump card, so don't be afraid." Shen Yun made some mental preparations for himself before he controlled his urge to run away. .

"Don't be nervous, little girl. It's just a routine check-up. The security and confidentiality here are better. Captain Yan will come over soon. Relax." The nurse who was about to draw Shen Yun's blood looked at Shen Yun's nervous expression. Holding his fist, he comforted with a smile.

“Isn’t this my place?” Shen Yun asked quietly.

"Girl, you must have read too many storybooks. We are a hospital here. Why are you being detained? We are saying that you did not commit any crime, and on the contrary, you saved people. If we had detained you, you would not be here." The nurse did not know that Shen Yun also thought about so much and couldn't help but smile.

Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief and relaxed a little. He watched the nurse draw blood and arranged a bed for him to lie on. He also called the doctor to come over and check him. After that, he made no other movements. Shen Yun felt really nervous. there is none left.

When she saw that the severe cold was also pushed in, she completely relaxed.

“I heard that you were quite nervous when you first came in. Why aren’t you nervous now?” The severe cold situation shouldn’t be serious, so when I saw Shen Yun, I was in the mood to ask.

"Why are you nervous? I'm holding the key here. It's useful." Shen Yun pointed to his head and said.

 “Isn’t this quite smart?” Yan Han gave a rare smile.

Like an iron tree blooming, Shen Yun would have wanted to admire him if the occasion wasn't right. Captain Yan, who has no cold face, is really handsome.

The severe cold didn't stay here long, and soon several doctors came and pushed the person away.

 Shen Yun also received a sick meal.

"Um, is Yanhan okay?" After finishing his meal, Shen Yun looked at Yanhan who still hadn't come back. He couldn't help but go over and ask the little nurse who had just drawn his blood.

"You're talking about Captain Yan. I don't know the specific situation, but our director and others have gone in and sent several bags of blood. I guess the situation is quite serious." The little nurse was very busy at the moment and took the time to answer Shen With a word of Yun, he continued to work.

 (End of this chapter)

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