Chapter 57: Self-indulgent

 When he got home, it was already midnight and there was still no one next door, so Shen Yun turned on the light directly.

 The lumps of dirt inside the bag are still the same.

  When I took it with my hand, I found another hand full of ashes.

This lump of soil is quite magical. When you touch it with your hand, sand will fall out of it. However, when you pick it up staggeringly, there is no soil inside.

Shen Yun found a piece of white paper, carefully put the lump of soil on it, and then started to peel off the sand manually.

I thought I might get a pile of sand in the end, but I didn’t know that I got a pile of sand and an egg in the end.

Evidently he had used his spiritual sense to detect it several times, but there was no egg-shaped thing inside. How could he have found this one in the end? Shen Yun continued to use his spiritual sense to look at it. The egg was visible to the naked eye, but there was still nothing in it.

This thing can also deceive spiritual consciousness!

Shen Yun took it under the light and took a closer look. It was about the size of an ordinary egg. There was no life or death on it. It was like a small stone, but it exuded a faint aura.

Hand in with a flashlight, you can't see anything.

Shen Yun carefully released some spiritual energy and looked at the egg that was still motionless. It looked like an egg-like stone.

Having been busy for so long, Shen Yun planned to take back his spiritual energy, pack up and go to sleep.

I saw the egg that had been motionless just now. It moved slightly, and the spiritual energy I had just released disappeared without a trace.

"I really thought you were a stone. You couldn't help it when you saw the spiritual energy!" Shen Yun couldn't help laughing. He was just testing it, but he didn't know that this was really not an ordinary stone. It could absorb spiritual energy. The thing inside this egg The thing is not a simple thing.

Shen Yun looked at the motionless egg. When it first moved, he could feel a faint vitality, but now it was gone. It seemed that he was a little guy who was very good at hiding.

I just don’t know when this thing will be hatched and what is inside.

Shen Yun looked at it for a while, but was not willing to use his own energy to feed it anymore. He directly found a spirit animal bag from the space and put the egg in it.

Thinking about it, I haven't practiced much in the past few days. Shen Yun stopped grinding outside and went straight into the space to start practicing.

 In one night's work, although there was no improvement, it completely stabilized my cultivation level.

 Thinking about the fact that she still had to go to class during the day, Shen Yun had no choice but to come out of the space.

After tidying up and looking at the empty kitchen that had not yet had time to add anything, Shen Yun decided to go to the school cafeteria for breakfast.

"Hey, Captain Yan, it's not good to come here early in the morning to block the girl's door." As soon as Shen Yun opened the door, he saw the cold face outside. It was still a little hot, but suddenly the weather felt better. .

I thought that living in a dormitory would save me some money and help me find an apartment. Sure enough, this has pros and cons. The boss can directly find your home and work overtime if he wants you to.

"You won't forget what you changed yesterday, right? I happen to live nearby. I know you have to go to class, so I don't need you to make another trip." Yanhan said thoughtfully.

“I thought you were afraid that I would run away with my things.”

“A monk can’t escape from the temple if he can run away.” Yan Han said calmly.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll get it for you." Shen Yun rolled his eyes and went straight into the house.

I took out the spiritual stone from the space. When I went out, I saw Yan Han standing in the small courtyard, and the door was thoughtfully closed. "Do you have something to say?" Shen Yun didn't know why. Yan Han didn't seem like a very free person. Did he come over to care about the living environment of the employees?

 “You have to tell me how to use this thing.” The volume of the cold voice dropped significantly.

 Shen Yun could hear a bit of gnashing of teeth.

“It’s very simple, just put your hand up and concentrate.” Shen Yun held the soul-testing stone in the palm of his hand and motioned to Yan Han to put his hand up.

"Single Spiritual Root, Ice Spiritual Root, looks very similar to your face." Chen Yun looked at the glowing spirit-detecting stone and said, he is indeed a genius. Single Spiritual Root, when the spiritual energy is revived, he is a talent who has been practicing for thousands of miles. Weird I don’t know that one night, I was able to draw Qi into my body after staying by my side for a while. He was indeed a genius.

Hearing Shen Yun say this, Yanhan's face became even colder. What does it mean to be the same as his face?

"Okay, I understand. I'll take the things back and go to the headquarters again when I have no classes in the afternoon." Yan Han took the spirit-testing stone and put it directly in the box he had just been holding.

 “How do you know I have no classes in the afternoon?” Shen Yun asked curiously.

"You don't know about the curriculum, do you?" Yan Han asked back, carrying the things in his hands and walking out of the door.

Shen Yun looked at the severe cold driving away and couldn't help but chuckled twice. Sure enough, if you join this kind of department, even if you have privacy, it is only a small amount.

Now I can't go to the cafeteria, so I can only buy some food outside to fool around with, and go directly to the classroom.

The morning classes were packed full of schedules. Although Shen Yun had worked for several years in his previous life and was still in this industry, the lectures still felt a bit obscure and he had to remember things.

Holding a pile of notes contributed by his former roommate, Shen Yun decided to go back and study it. He should remember to take note of it. It would be embarrassing if he failed the class again at the end of the semester.

“Shen Yun, you are really hard to find!” Shen Yun, who originally wanted to rush to the canteen to solve the lunch problem, was blocked before he could go out.

 Looking up, he saw Ji Shen standing in front of him with a disgusting face.

Looking at the classmates walking out around him, Shen Yun put away his outstretched hand.

"If you have something to say, don't block other people's way." Shen Yun simply put the book on the table next to him and sat down directly.

Ji Shen heard this and stepped aside.

“Shen Yun, do you need help?” A classmate saw Shen Yun being blocked, and several people came over to ask.

"It's okay. You go to eat first. I know this person." Shen Yun shook his head. Although Ji Shen has a strong temper, his strength is not very strong. Now Shen Yun can fight 20 people like him. If two people There was a conflict, and she was afraid of scaring her classmates, so she had better send them away.

 A few people heard that Shen Yun said they knew each other, so they walked out without saying anything else.

"You are really afraid of being embarrassed and don't want your classmates to see how poor you are now." Ji Shen said self-righteously.

"Young Master Ji, have you eaten?" Shen Yun didn't know how he could tell that he was afraid of being embarrassed because his name had been changed.

"Why, now you know how to care about me. It's useless. I don't care about a little cheap care." Ji Shen said affectionately.

Shen Yun knew that Ji Shen had been playing this tune since high school, but he didn't expect that he would still play the same tune even in college. As expected, he was spoiled at home and thought everyone would revolve around him.

 (End of this chapter)

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