Chapter 65 The corpse has changed

Feeling that the movement on the surface was no longer clear, Shen Yun solidified the soil, took out the brush and cinnabar from his pocket, and drew the exorcism charm directly on the ground.

Although the effect is not as good as on yellow paper, it can still last for a while with two exorcism talismans.

"How can we help?" Yan Han saw Shen Yun stop and hurriedly came up and asked.

If there was a fight, he could do it, but it would be a bit of an idealistic activity, invisible and intangible, so he really had no choice.

"Like he said, find more people to come over. It won't take long here. If I can't deal with it then, I will have to consider moving the people around here. Otherwise, who knows what will happen." Shen Yun pointed at Wang Xiao Six said.

"Don't worry, I've already notified you. I think they'll be here soon. I've also called a few other people from our department who can call me. It'll be fine." Hearing that Shen Yun was worried about this problem, he immediately replied.

“That’s good, let’s make preparations while we still have some time.” Shen Yun turned around and went back to the side, taking out the yellow paper and cinnabar he had brought.

I drew a Heavenly Thunder Talisman when I came here, but it seems like one is not enough.

 Shen Yun raised his pen and concentrated his mind.

 Taking a deep breath, he immediately started to draw the symbols.

 The writing moves like a dragon and a snake, and the whole thing is done in one go.

 A piece of Thunder Talisman is completed.

 The aura of the body has been reduced a lot.

"This is the Sky Thunder Talisman, was it taught to you by Mr. Zhang?" Liu Hong said sourly when he saw Shen Yun's movements.

“Yes, Mr. Zhang also gave me a book.” Shen Yun put away the drawn Sky Thunder Talisman.

Think about it and take out a small piece of the best spirit stone from the space and put it directly in your pocket.

"You guys watch first, call me if there is any movement." After the explanation was completed, he just sat down and started to recover his spiritual energy.

Yan Han looked at Shen Yun's movements and thought of what she said about being a cultivator. After what happened just now, her spiritual energy must have been consumed a lot. Could this be restoring her spiritual energy? But there is Yin energy around here.

Yan Han was a little anxious for a moment, but he couldn't figure out the method of cultivation, so he could only stand next to Shen Yun to protect her.

“Boss, look if there is any movement over there again.” Wang Xiaoliu was afraid that something would go wrong, so he stared at the eyes over there without even daring to blink.

It was getting dark now, and he was afraid that he had made a mistake. It was not until there was a second movement that Wang Xiaoliu was sure, and he quickly called out to the cold weather on the other side.

“Chen Yun, wake up, there’s something moving over there.” Yan Han also saw it and started calling Shen Yun on the side.

Shen Yun opened his eyes and saw a hand reaching out from the ground not far away.

"Oh my god." Shen Yun exclaimed reflexively. It was so exciting to see this scene when she opened her eyes at night. If she hadn't been so good-natured, she would have fainted from fright.

“Boss, you have hands. I’m afraid of ghosts. Can you let me hide first?” Wang Xiaoliu was almost crying.

Liu Hong was silent on the side, but in fact he was frantically taking out the talismans he had brought from his bag.

“Those who are capable of fighting, go forward, those who are not capable of fighting, hide first.” The person over there is not a ghost. Judging from the look of his hands, he is probably a corpse or something.

 Fortunately, this thing has a physical form and there are ways to deal with it.

 Shen Yun stood up and prepared to fight. Liu Hong and Wang Xiaoliu, the two strong-mouthed kings, quickly withdrew from this realm.

 “Look at the men you found, they ran quite fast.” Shen Yun laughed at Han Han.

“Everyone has something they’re good at, and they’re doing it just so they don’t hold us back.” Yan Han said seriously.

To Shen Yun, he sounded a bit tough-tongued.

Looking at the thing with his whole arm protruding over there, Shen Yun stopped fussing and started to take action directly. Since he had the ability to get out of the soil, he would fight it back. I threw the fireball technique directly, but found that it was of little use. This thing didn't seem to be afraid of ordinary fire.

 And because of his own attacks, he came up faster and faster.

Shen Yun glanced at Yan Han next to him, took out the sword he used last time, and slashed at him.

"You stay away, don't get hurt, this thing is poisonous." The sword was effective, and the arm that just came out fell directly to the side.

 Shen Yun's confidence suddenly increased greatly.

It is indeed a fairy sword left by our ancestors. It can fight monsters at the top and ghosts at the bottom.

Shen Yun stared at the one in front of him, and his consciousness did not forget to pay attention to the other directions behind him.

 After slashing the man in front of him with his sword, Shen Yun was sure that he was motionless and he breathed a sigh of relief. This was quite easy to deal with.

 Sure enough, it was right to beat them all into the ground just now.

 “Bang.” Three figures suddenly flew out from behind where there was no movement just now.

 Feeling something coming toward him, Shen Yun immediately hid, and saw Yan Han being knocked backwards and flying away.

 I forgot to hold him up when I was running away.

Looking at the three stiff shadows around him, Shen Yunzhao took a breath. What an excellent luck. He, a newbie in Qi training, directly encountered three Mao Zhans fed by Yin Qi. No wonder the one just now was so good. As for dealing with it, it turned out to be an outpost.

Shen Yun held the sword in his right hand and the Heavenly Thunder Talisman in his left hand, and directly fought with Mao Zheng, who was attacking.

 It was very difficult for Shen Yun to fight three monsters by himself, and the sword seemed not as easy to use as before.

 For a time, there was mud, wind, and sand, and fireballs and waterballs flew together.

 After being knocked away again, Shen Yun wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

These monsters are really tough. They carry defensive magic weapons on their bodies. Although they cannot exert the full effect of the defensive magic weapons, being beaten and vomiting blood also shows that these things are not simple.

Looking at the few standing scattered all the time, Shen Yun tightened his grip on the Thunder Talisman in his hand.

The exorcism talisman was thrown to the side at different angles. Relying on the attraction of the exorcism talisman, Shen Yun directly threw two thunder talismans.

 One of them hit one, and the other one disappeared directly in the chaos.

 “Chen Yun, ran over there.” Yan Han reminded at the side.

 He must have been seriously injured, and he would not be able to get up even if he tried to hold on.

Shen Yun didn't bother to see what was going on with him. After making sure that the two people here were silent, he chased after him.

 There is a village over there, and we may not be able to let this thing pass, otherwise we don’t know how many people will be injured.

 With the blessing of spiritual energy, although Shen Yun cannot fly, his speed is not slow.

 The spiritual energy directly controlled the growth of vegetation, entangled his feet, and finally stopped before entering the village.

 After a fight, Shen Yun's spiritual energy was almost exhausted.

 First throw out the remaining evil-repelling charms in the pocket.

Shen Yuncai raised her sword and struck at him. She had never learned swordsmanship, so she could only use physical skills to do it.

"I don't believe that your bones are harder than the sword in my hand." Shen Yun said through gritted teeth after dodging the opponent's sharp nails again.

 (End of this chapter)

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