Chapter 69 Chaos Sword Technique

"Our people have already started investigating, but it was late at that time, and with so many of us looking there, the footprints that might have been there were also covered up." Xu Lei said with a serious face.

"Just do your best. After all, those tombs cannot appear out of thin air. There is a village nearby. There are always traces of what has been done, so we have to investigate hard. Someone has done such a thing once, and there is no guarantee that it will not happen again. If we don't find it out in time the second time, it won't be a matter of hurting one or two people." Shen Yun could only remind that she was only a minor cultivator in the Qi refining period, and she still couldn't compete with the country's energy. Than.

 “This has been arranged.” Xu Lei nodded.

"Okay, if there's nothing else, I still have to go to class." Shen Yun was about to see off the guests.

"Then I won't delay you. I'll come see you if I need anything." Xu Lei was also very busy. He left Shen Yun and walked directly towards the hospital where people were accommodated.

 Watching the people leave, Shen Yun made himself a simple breakfast, and then rushed to school. Nothing could happen again in today's class.

The prayers in the morning worked. Shen Yun had a peaceful day. When school was over, he refused his former roommate's invitation to the library and went home directly.

 After dinner, he went directly into the space to continue practicing. Tomorrow is Saturday and there are no classes. Shen Yun plans to stay in the space for a while and directly attack the sixth level of Qi refining.

 Calm down and concentrate, Shen Yun directly entered the state of cultivation.

In the entire space, when Shen Yun began to practice, wisps of spiritual energy began to flow in the direction of Shen Yun, as if they were conscious.

At a certain moment, the aura of the space swirled forward like a strong wind, and then slowly returned to calm.

Shen Yun in the training room opened his eyes, smelled the unpleasant smell in the air, and performed a cleaning technique on himself first.

With a thought, Shen Yun appeared directly next to the sword he had been using these past few days.

 The shining sword seemed to have never been used, lying quietly on the sword rest.

There are a total of three swords in the space, all of them are magic weapons, one is of medium quality and two of top quality.

 What Shen Yun took out and used was this middle-grade magic weapon called Qingfeng.

This is enough for me, a novice in my Qi training period, and this is the only one I can use.

 The other two Shen Yun didn't move when he held them, and they didn't even bother to be used by the current Shen Yun.

 Shen Yun took the Qingfeng Sword directly, turned around and walked towards the exercise room over there.

Although the ancestor was a top alchemist of that era, no one knew that she was also a very powerful swordsman. After all, alchemists are not powerful from the beginning. They are trained step by step through alchemy. Without strong strength, it would have been long ago. He fell on the road of cultivating immortality. Many elixirs require immortal grass spiritual plants. These are rare things. Even if you get them, if you don't have enough strength in that era, you may be killed to steal the treasure.

 So before making alchemy, the force value is also very important.

Shen Yun originally thought that by improving his cultivation level first and then practicing his spells, he would be the most powerful in this era without using hot weapons. Who knows that the plan cannot keep up with the instructions, and now something beyond cognition has appeared in the world.

 The things that appeared at the beginning were so powerful, but I don’t know how powerful they will be in the future.

It is said that sword cultivators are the most powerful among their peers, and challenges beyond levels are not a problem. Shen Yun also wants to become a powerful person. At least he can face danger calmly in the future.

Shen Yun looked at the only sword technique in front of him, Chaos Sword Technique.

 Picked up the jade slip and put it directly on his forehead, and suddenly a lot of information appeared in his mind.

 Shen Yun sat cross-legged on the ground and checked the information in his mind.

 A vague figure began to swing a sword in his mind. The momentum of splitting mountains and seas, and the sword techniques of opening and closing were clearly displayed in front of Shen Yun. When Shen Yun opened his eyes after reading it, he could still feel his heart pounding. The sharp sword energy seemed to have brushed against his ears. Shen Yun felt a little pain in his cheeks.

Sure enough, it’s not unreasonable to be good at swordsmanship. You can feel the sharp edge of the sword with just one skill. If you weren’t prepared in your heart, you might be shocked.

 Shen Yun took the Qingfeng Sword next to him and started the first step directly, refining it to recognize its master.

Although the Qingfeng Sword is a good-tempered sword, where is the grade? It took Chen Yun a lot of time to refine it and recognize its master.

Looking at the sword in front of him that had a slight connection with him, Shen Yun was very satisfied. Although this sword was not the best, it was left by his ancestors. It unexpectedly matched his spiritual roots. After Chen Yun recognized the owner, he took it The sword is as natural as using your own arm.

Thinking about the Chaos Sword Technique in my mind, and then thinking about the way I held the Qingfeng Sword as if chopping melons and vegetables, I suddenly felt a little disgusted with myself.

There are nine levels of Chaos Sword Technique in total. Shen Yun stood still with the sword and began to demonstrate the first level in his mind.

 She also stood in the open space of the space, holding a sword and started to swing it.

One move after another, it doesn’t have the power of splitting mountains and cracking soil, but it gradually gains a bit of charm.

Shen Yun practiced until he couldn't lift his arms, and then he stopped.

Looking at the sweat all over his body, Shen Yun walked out of the room and started boiling water to take a bath. It was still a bit uncomfortable to use the cleaning technique all the time.

 Fortunately, it’s already dawn, it’s Sunday, and there are no classes scheduled today.

 Shen Yun washed up and filled his stomach. With a thought, the Qingfeng Sword in Dantian appeared in his hand.

 Shen Yun started practicing the first level of the Chaos Sword Technique directly in the small yard of his home, move by move.

It is said in the book that sword cultivation not only relies on talent, but also requires diligent practice. Shen Yun didn't know if he had talent, but practicing diligently was definitely correct.

Shen Yun was gathering his spiritual energy and practicing vigorously when he heard a knock on the door outside.

 With a quick glance of consciousness, Hu Yan and Liu Mei were standing outside.

 These two regular visitors to the library, how can they have time to come here at noon?

Shen Yun put away his sword and opened the door.

"Why are you two here?" Shen Yun asked with a smile. "Come in quickly."

 The two of them entered the courtyard directly without any delay.

“We were still wondering if you were at home, but luckily you are at home.

I have something to tell you, so be prepared. Liu Mei said while holding Shen Yun's hand.

Shen Yun saw that the faces of the two people were not very good. When he heard what the two people said, he immediately calmed down and said, "Tell me, what happened."

"It's like this. This news was told to us by the squad leader. He was a man named Ji Shen. He came to their dormitory to talk about what he had and what he didn't have. Basically, he said that you were a white-eyed wolf, unfilial, and that all the money you raised was in vain. Anyway, the words were very unpleasant, and the squad leader and the others drove him away, but after thinking about it, we decided to come over and let you know to see if you were delayed by anything." Hu Yan looked at Shen Yun and asked, and directly told the whole story. I told Shen Yun again.

 (End of this chapter)

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