Chapter 71 A kid taller than me

Ji Shen, who had just gone to school to make a fuss at noon, was already at home.

He was talking to Ji Momo and Wang Meilan in the room.

Having ruined his reputation in front of his class, he can now rest with peace of mind.

"Is the old man at home? Why don't you go visit the old man first? Of course, if you don't have time, forget it." Shen Yun asked Ji Xue in front of him.

"Grandpa is not at home. As you know, grandpa is usually quite busy, unlike me who is still a small employee." Ji Xue said with a smile.

Shen Yun looked at Ji Chang who was talking to someone in the study and didn't say anything.

 The courtyard is not that big, and soon the two people came to the backyard.

“Second aunt, come out quickly, Yunyun is here to see you.” Ji Lan started to say hello from afar.

Ji Shen, who was talking about how hateful Shen Yun was in the room, and Ji Momo, who was supportive, immediately shut their mouths.

Shen Yun put a smile on his face and put on his best face to greet those who spoke ill of him.

Ji Shen walked out after a while, "Didn't you come even if I invited you? Why did you come to the door of your own accord?"

"How dare you not come? If you don't come, judging from your appearance, I will be expelled from the school. After all, I am a student in Shangougou now. I can't compare with the Ji family in Beijing. I'm scared." Shen Yun Said sarcastically.

“Hey, how could that happen? Ji Shen has the temper of a child. He has been like this for so many years. Don’t you understand? In fact, he just misses you.

Besides, you have lived in the Ji family for more than ten years, and you still don’t understand the temperament of our family. You will never take your family’s power outside to show off your authority. "When Ji Xue heard what Chen Yun said, she glanced at Ji Shen with an unclear meaning, and then said unhurriedly.

Whether you don't want to show off to others, or you don't dare to show off to people who are more powerful than your own family, this matter needs to be discussed. Anyway, in my previous life, I experienced the Ji family's prestige for your own good.

"Sister, don't explain to her. Anyway, since my sister came back, her nose is not a nose, and her eyes are not eyes. She said she wants to sever ties with our family, and I don't know if she can't let go of our family's luxurious life. , the aggressive method adopted.

If a white-eyed wolf like her wants to say something outside, we can't stop her. Ji Shen said angrily.

“You naughty kid, what are you talking about outside? I asked you to take your sister in, so why did you say it at the door?

 Don't mind it, Ji Shen is still a child. "Wang Meilan may have heard what people outside said in the yard, so she hurriedly walked out and patted Ji Shen on the back a few times.

 Shen Yun gently looked at the child who was taller than himself and said nothing.

"Shen Yun, don't mind. Ji Shen also feels sorry for her mother. If she hadn't missed you, she wouldn't have made Ji Shen run away several times. I didn't expect you to be so difficult to ask for."

 Hey, it’s my fault too. If I hadn’t stayed in Beijing at that time, my mother and you would still be living together.

You also know that Ji Shen has been pampered since he was a child. Like you, he can't stand anger. However, after all, Ji Shen is the male of the family. You should give him some mercy occasionally. "Ji Momo interrupted at the right time.

This passage is really meaningful and speaks from all aspects. It not only shows her pity, but also shows that Shen Yun is not generous.     In one sentence, all of this was made possible by Shen Yunzhao.

"Okay, you two, stop talking. Let's go, go in with mom." Wang Meilan looked a little unnatural when she heard Ji Momo's words, but she reacted quickly, scolded, and stepped forward to hold her back. Chen Yun's hand.

Shen Yun ignored the moment when Wang Meilan held his hand stiffly, and followed him naturally.

Since they have come back to make them uncomfortable, why not go in and listen to what they are going to do.

 After all, I am a poor student now, so I probably have no use value.

Follow Wang Meilan into the house and sit down.

“Yun, mom just misses you. After hearing about the situation at your home from Momo, mom was so worried that she couldn’t sleep all night long.

Now that you are doing well, mom is relieved. "Wang Meilan took Shen Yun's hand and looked at Shen Yun and said.

Look at Shen Yun's delicate skin, which is white and rosy, and her hands are delicate and smooth. They are not at all the same as what she thought the calloused hands would look like. Sure enough, what Momo said is right, she has become beautiful again in this period of time. .

He is indeed a poor man. No matter how he is raised in his own home, he always looks thin and malnourished. He has become like this just a short time after returning to the village.

Look at Ji Momo again, she has become chubby and white, but her skin quality is not as good as Shen Yun's. But thinking about Momo's rough life for more than ten years, it is all the fault of the Shen family for not raising their daughter well. , see how well you have laid the foundation for their daughter.

"The water in the mountains is pure spring water, and I am the only girl in the family. The whole family pampers me and I don't have to work. I have taken good care of myself during this period of time." Shen Yun said with a smile. .

Hearing this, Wang Meilan was a little disdainful. What good things could a poor family in the mountains have? It was indeed not her own daughter. After raising her for so many years, she still looked short-sighted.

But there was no expression on his face, and he still said with a smile: "This puts me at ease. Although Momo is my biological daughter, you have been raised by your mother for so many years, and you can't just talk to me because of a few words from your brother." The students are divided.

You have to know that your mother has always been good for you over the years. Just like last time, I thought about myself and my biological daughter getting to know each other, and I couldn’t bear to see you separated from your biological parents, so I was cruel to let you When I went back to recognize my relatives, I just thought that since you are also studying in Beijing, when you get married to another family in Beijing, the Ji family will be your natal family. "Wang Meilan took Shen Yun's hand and said tenderly, as if she was afraid that Shen Yun would not understand her.

Within a month, she seemed to have forgotten what happened at that time, and now all her appearances seemed to be for Shen Yun's good.

Shen Yun didn't care what she said now. Anyway, she would never forget what happened in her last life when she and the Ji family pushed her into a pit of fire.

 Just looked at her quietly with a smile.

Wang Meilan didn't expect that Shen Yun didn't pick up the problem. She had already said this, why is this girl still acting like a fool and not responding at all? This time in the countryside, she has become even more dull. Although she was not lovable before, she knows how to look at her. The wink, no matter how you wink now, you won’t know it.

Wang Meilan felt suffocated in her heart, but looking at the pair of children next to her and thinking about her eldest son, she suddenly lost her temper.

 Since he is no longer his own child, why are you angry?

 (End of this chapter)

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