Chapter 306

   for a while.

  Qu Zhengyang couldn't hear anything, he just thought about it: he is still young, not yet twenty years old, he just graduated from middle school and started working.

   I didn't expect to make a wrong step, a wrong step, and finally end up with such a tragic end.

There is also his teacher Xiao Wu. The two talents have just made a little progress. He has not had time to make a formal confession. I don't know if Teacher Xiao Wu will cry for him after hearing the news of his accident. ...Mr. Wu?

   Yes, he came here because he said he wanted to solve a major event in his life. Mr. Wu and the others are still waiting for him at the same place!

   He shouted a little louder just now, will they hear it? Will you come over if you hear me?

  Oh, but don't let them hear it, it's enough for him to fall into the clutches of the devil alone. If it causes other people to die at the hands of these people along with him, then he's guilty of a great sin!

   "Hurry up and throw me down the mountain, or I'll call someone!"

   Qu Zhengyang took a deep breath and put on an expression of resignation.

   It doesn't matter if he sacrifices a single one, and pulling these people away can be regarded as saving the large army.

  Thinking of this, he couldn't help sniffing, and his glasses were also spent.

   Hearing this, all the masked guests present were stunned.

   "Hey, it's not that I haven't seen this old man who is not afraid of death, but it's the first time I see your kid who is so bent on seeking death. It's also new."

   "Don't stop him, let him shout, let him shout, this old man in the mountains, let's see what he can shout with his broken voice."

  The little man said: "Don't talk nonsense with him, since he made such a request, then let's satisfy him."

   "Hurry up and deal with this kid's affairs quickly, hurry up and go up the mountain, start tonight, and strive to transport the baby out before dawn tomorrow morning, otherwise you will have to spend a whole day here."


   Immediately after, two people came over, covering Qu Zhengyang's head and lifting it up.

While shivering, Qu Zhengyang shouted loudly to remind Qin Zuo, Bai Yuxue and the others. The meaning inside and outside the words was to tell them not to come over. These people are not good things. There are cold guys and hot guys in their hands. ,very dangerous.

   His shout made all the bandits burst into laughter.

   At this moment, I heard someone say a quick and low voice in my ear: "Fake death for a while."

  Qu Zhengyang choked for a moment, stunned.

   Did he meet the good guy in the villain?

   After thinking about it again, no, why does this voice sound so familiar?

  Who is it?


   Meanwhile, the other side.

  Bai Yuxue and others were also "amazed" by Qu Zhengyang's life-saving operation.

  I didn't expect that this would come to an end. This kid is still quite strong. One thing to say, this shining point on his body is really invisible at ordinary times.

   Seeing those people carrying Qu Zhengyang farther and farther, Wu Meili couldn't help but feel a little anxious, and said in a voice like a mosquito: "We can't ignore him."

   "I can't ignore it."

   Qin Zuo nodded, frowning tightly: "But it's hard to do, not to mention that there are too many people on the other side, we have few people, you didn't hear Xiao Quzi shouting just now, those people still have hot guys in their hands."

   "Then what should I do?" Wu Meili said in a daze.

   Do you really want to watch those people slap Qu Zhengyang and then throw them down the mountain!

   Qin Zuo thought for a while: "Keep calm and follow up first."

   (end of this chapter)

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