
Li Yue raised his eyebrows.

The Devil’s Land, the southern region has been swept away by the followers under his command.

Now —

There are actually demons rushing in?


However, he had destroyed the teleportation magic array on the other side of the Demon Land.

But the other party –

Still able to rely on that residual connection.

Rebuilding the Teleportation Magic Array?

“It seems.”

“It’s the true gods behind those two demon demigods who are coming.”

He thought to himself.


The demon demigod who invaded a million-mile wasteland.

There is a sculpture of the true god in the God Domain.

And the last battle.

There is also a demon demigod holding a lower artifact.

These two demon demigods –

There is a true God behind it.

As for whether it is the same person, he is not clear.

“There is no rush here.”

“Deal with the devil’s affairs first.”

He looked in the direction of the entrance to the Divine Kingdom.

Phew –

His entire body turned into a streamer of light and rushed across the sky beyond the Kingdom of God.

And behind him.

Fifty winged angels also turned into divine light and followed.

A moment later.

This projection avatar rushed out of the kingdom of God.

Relegated to the ontology outside the kingdom of God.

His eyes opened, and a gaze containing terrifying divine power burst out.

The next moment –

A purple divine light appeared at his feet.

Slowly outlining a huge magic array.

This magic array is complicated.

However –

But it doesn’t need any materials, it can be completely based on divine power.

It took a quarter of an hour.

The magic array takes shape.


Li Yue communicated with the City of Gods ‘Teleportation Temple’ through the magic array.

The deity is in the remaining planes.

If you want to teleport away through the teleportation temple.

It is necessary to condense the communication magic array.

This takes time.

And this communication is fragile.

But if there is strong resistance, it will not work.

Of course –

The stronger the oneself.

The stronger the communication magic array condensed.

The stronger the resistance that can be broken.

Phew –

The mind moved.

Li Yue’s body disappeared.

Disappeared at the same time.

And the fifty winged angels who followed.


City of Geusz.

Thunder Sect Station.

In the majestic hall, one after another demigod-level momentum rushed up.

Pope Hogg sat above.

The burly body like a little giant is no different from the past.

But —

But it seems peaceful, sacred, solemn and solemn.

On the contrary, there is no fierceness and ruthlessness that a half-orc should have.


Tall chairs.

Sitting a powerful being.

Julia, captain of the Angels of Light.

Natasha, captain of the Fallen Angel team.

King Nora of Gold Beamon.

Black Moon Elf Patriarch Eluni.

Thunder Titan Patriarch Xuperis.

The six-winged Dragon King Hades.

Torn Dragon Fu Luli.

Gorsa, Queen of Medusa.

Captain of the Berserk Legion, Imen.

Andra, the leader of the Silver Legion.


Every single person –

They are all four-turn silver demigods.

And –

They also represent the will of powerful races.

In the center of the basilica.

There was a huge thunder mirror levitating.

In the mirror.

What appeared was the picture of a large number of demons pouring out of the teleportation array.

Among them –

The huge and hideous demigod-level demons were particularly conspicuous.

Their bodies are like small mountains.

Ferocious and bloodthirsty, the evil aura rushes into the sky.

On the dome of the sky.

The rolling black clouds condensed out, as if they were about to drip water.

Black lightning is densely packed, a scene of the end of the world.

“What do you think, guys?”

Hogg held the ‘Thunder Scepter’, which represented the highest power of the Thunder Sect, and said lightly.

He wears the papal crown on his head.

These two pieces –

They are all top-of-the-line demigods.

It is a status symbol given by the great gods and belongs to the Pope.

“Just kill it.”

Fu Luli, the Tearing Dragon, showed an astonishing blood light in her eyes, and her voice was cold.

After evolving from the Black Dragon to the Tearing Dragon.

The ferocity and tyranny in her body disappeared strangely.

But instead.

But it was extremely terrifying cold and sharp, as if anything stood in her way.

All to be shredded!

“The demons are still coming.”

“I wonder how many demons there are this time?”

Imon grinned.

His face was full of fighting intent, and his eyes seemed to burn with flames.

The more demons.

The more excited he became.

“Wait for the oracle of our Lord.”

Julia, the angel of light, said calmly.

She is dressed in a white robe, holding a scepter, and her back wings are together, sacred and majestic.

Everyone nodded.


There was silence in the hall.


God Online.

Li Yue’s divine body slowly emerged.

However –

That’s been more than half a day.

He just opened his eyes.

“There are too many true gods in the Morning Star Temple, and the transaction is not only good, but also extremely fast.”

He said with satisfaction.

The two lower artifacts, the undead godhead, and the ten priesthoods placed in the Morning Star Auction House.

He had just made a trip.

All transactions completed.

The two lower artifacts, both two-star lower artifacts, sold a total of 1080 drops of divine power.

Undead Godhead, sold 690 drops of divine power.

And the ten priesthoods –

They are [Jackal Priesthood], [Minotaur Priesthood], [Vampire Priesthood], [Doghead Priesthood], [Claw Priesthood], [Poisonous Priesthood], [Spider Priesthood], [Dead Priesthood], [Warcraft Priesthood], and [Soul Reaper Priesthood].

In this —

Jackals, Minotaurs, Vampires, Dogheads, Spiders, Warcraft Priesthood.

It’s all racial clergy.

The value is amazing.

The minimum is also more than two hundred drops of divine power.

The highest value Warcraft Divine Rank even directly sold a staggering 2,200 drops of divine power.

These ten priesthoods –

All of this adds up to 5,830 drops of divine power!

Count the artifacts, godheads.

That’s 7,600 drops of divine power!

This wealth is staggering.

Even the six-star lower true gods are crazy, even if they start a god war.

“Plus my own divine power-”

“That’s 9,000 drops of divine power.”

A smile appeared on his face.

9,000 drops of divine power.

What demigod can possess such terrifying divine power?

Even if the heirs of the true God are superior.

It should be impossible to have.

Of course –

The son of the Supreme Lord God in addition.

No one knows how much they will spoil their heirs.

Phew –

The light in his eyes flickered slightly.

Look in the direction of the Dragon Demon Mountain Range.

It is still where the original teleportation magic array is.

There –

There should have been hundreds of berserk knights stationed there.

However –

At this moment, it has turned into a sea of demons.

The monstrous demonic aura rushed into the sky, lightning and thunder, and evil and gloomy.

And with his gaze.

It’s easy to see.

The thick demon clouds were still expanding outward frantically.

The breath of evil overwhelmed the world, everywhere it passed.

All vegetation and trees are infested with evil, twisted and hideous.

Even Warcraft, ferocious beasts, xeno…

Also under the evil aura, his eyes were scarlet, his body was different, and he swelled.

“The destructive power of demons is really terrifying.”

Li Yue’s brows furrowed.

The places where demons have lived for a long time are basically no longer suitable for living activities.

More than the undead.

Even the angel of light must be diligently purified dozens of times before it is possible to recover.

And the land of the dead.

Normally, it only needs to be purified seven or eight times.

Just like the material world of the undead true god Jeremeiah.

The undead have lived in it for thousands of years.

But it is still purified by the angel of light, and it has become a livable natural plane.

And the southern region of the Devil’s Land –

Li Yue gave up directly.

It is too difficult to purify, and the gain is not proportional to the effort.


“The same is true of the gods of the Endless Void.”

“Chaotic and evil, the passage is a little more terrible than the devil.”

He whispered to himself.

Phew –

He withdrew his gaze.

That place.

There were still thirty or forty thousand kilometers away from the radiation range of his God Domain.

The demon army is still gathering.

Be close to his territory.

It will take a while.

And during this time –

“Strengthen your strength.”

His gaze flickered slightly.


One passage after another appeared in front of you.

Every channel.

It’s all connected to a god domain!

A million miles of wasteland.

In front of the Dark Legion led by Eluni, there was no half of the power to resist.


was swept away.

At this moment –

The God Domain behind these passages.

They all hide a demigod who is either angry, desperate, fearful, or hysterical.

Phew –

Li Yue’s face was expressionless.

One after another projection doppelgangers walked out of him.

Follow the passages.

Instantly descend one god after another!

All kinds of attacks came with a blast, but under the purple thunder, everything –

Only destruction!

However –

Among them, the masters of three God Domains did not attack.

Instead, he looked respectful.

A smile appeared at the corner of Li Yue’s mouth.

Although –

With these gods of the Silver Realm at most four turns, they should not be able to supply too good things.

But —

Who knows if they will encounter items such as the Winged Angel Heart and the broken Thunder Titan Source Pool again?

Just bump into one piece.

That’s all big money!

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