Zhou Fan’s face was stunned.

His eyes couldn’t help but watch his father’s blacksmithing action seriously.


Ring the bell!

The rhythmic percussion sound has a special charm.

It’s just that he can’t understand anything.

But the prompt in his mind undoubtedly shows that his father’s blacksmithing skills are very masterful.

Actually, just born that meeting.

He knew that his father’s blacksmithing skills were extraordinary, after all, the movements were not bad, it was simply more exquisite than the machine, and the neighbors in the ten miles and villages knew his father’s craft, so they sometimes preferred to let his father forge iron than go to the town to buy iron tools.

Hesitated for a moment.

He stepped forward.

The first time he asked, “Father, is your blacksmithing skill handed down by our ancestors?” ”


The father knocked, stopped rarely, turned his gaze to look at Zhou Fan, did not speak, but took out a wooden hammer from the side and threw it to Zhou Fan.

Then the bell continued to ring.

Zhou Fan understood what his father meant, and undoubtedly wanted him to learn this craft.

If it was before, he would not take it seriously.

However, knowing that all kinds of traditional crafts in this world will bring enlightenment points, he seriously imitated his father’s movements.


Bang bang.

The father tapped the iron.

Zhou Fan knocked on the wooden block.

The action is the same though.

But the rhythm and sound are completely different.

There was no prompt sound of enlightenment in Zhou Fan’s mind, which surprised him in his heart.

To know.

He was already in the Void God Realm, and his talent exercises had reached the level of the Divine Soul, and he learned almost everything overnight, including those traditional crafts that he watched in the exhibition hall of the provincial capital, and he also mastered all those crafts in just a few days.

Suppress your doubts.

He watched his father’s movements carefully.

Even the subtleties of the father’s muscular posture are perfectly imitated.

But it’s still different.

It seems that his blacksmithing is just blacksmithing.

But my father’s iron strikes are like beating a work of art.

Zhou Fan does not believe in evil.

He spent all the rest of his life completely immersed in blacksmithing.

That’s exactly the last three months.

Although he imitated his father’s posture and demeanor, and even without looking at his father, he could completely get used to this movement.

But I just don’t have the rhythm of my father.

“You don’t have your own way.”

This day.

The father rarely struck iron, but looked at Zhou Fan and took the initiative to say such a sentence.

This was the first thing his father had said since he spoke out.

“Own way?”

Zhou Fan frowned.

He was somewhat ambiguous about the meaning of the sentence.

After all.

The things that your own path represents are very broad.

My father is just an ordinary person, and this is probably saying that he just blindly imitated and did not play his own style.

But Zhou Fan always felt that his father’s words contained deep meaning.

However, my father just said a word, and then continued to strike the iron.


At this time, the news of the reincarnation imprint came out.

It was sent by Nangong Xin’er.

These months.

They spent most of their time with Zhou Fan, and the rest of the time they returned to the provincial capital to collect various news.

Zhou Fan had never underestimated the top ten organizations, not to mention that this was their core world, and after all the advents were either cleared or scared away by him, it was impossible for the top ten organizations to have no follow-up.

If it was other organizations, such as the Five Great Giants, they would not have the ability to send the Advent to the Tower of Reincarnation halfway.

But the Big Ten Adventist Organization is different.

Especially since Zhou Fan himself has the scepter of reincarnation, he knows more clearly that the authority of the higher scepter of reincarnation must be more powerful.

“Zhou Fan, there is a big movement in the Western Regions, and the news says that under the Tianshan Mountain in the Western Regions, archaeologists have dug up a huge skeleton, and this skeleton is a human bone from the appearance! Archaeologists deduce that giants probably existed in ancient times! ”

Look at all this news.

Zhou Fan’s eyes lit up, he told his father, and drove to the provincial capital overnight.

As early as two months ago, Su Xiaoguo spent money to buy him a luxury car, and even used a large amount of money to repair rural roads.


He drove to the provincial capital in just half an hour.

Luxury villa in the suburbs.

Nangong Xin’er, Su Xiaoguo, and Han Yanran and their five girls gathered together.

Eight years.

Each of them began to take on the style of a goddess, and many descendants of wealthy merchants and officials used various methods to get their contact information.

But none of them succeeded.

Step into the villa lobby.

The five women were lying casually on the sofa, each dressed coolly.

Han Yanran even wore only a panda, and there was nothing on it, and the flowers and bones protruded, making Zhou Fan speechless.

Although he is in a small world and does not have to imprison his needs, he does not have much interest in the green body that has not yet grown.

And Han Yanran obviously did this on purpose.

She also remembered that last time Zhou Fan said that he would have a fish and water fun with her in the next small world, and now she can’t wait.

“It’s business!”

Zhou Fan reminded.

Han Yanran only then converged.

Nangong Xin’er opened the news and showed Zhou Fan the latest report.

Photo enlarged.

This is a thigh bone, a thousand meters tall, not only Zhou Fan was surprised, many people on the Internet were completely boiling.

It is said that this is the skeleton of a former giant, this world was ruled by the giant race in ancient times, and everyone is the descendants of giants.

Some even speculate that the reason why human beings are so short now is mainly because the bloodline genes of the body are imprisoned by an invisible force, as long as the bloodline genes are broken, they can grow like ancient giants.

And such a statement was quickly liked by many people.

Zhou Fan scoffed at this.

His powerful divine soul could sense a familiar fluctuation just from the photo.

This fluctuation is undoubtedly the kind of Dao that is about to disappear between heaven and earth.

Other words.

The thigh bones excavated below the Tianshan Mountain are most likely the remains of the ancient powerhouse who used to be.

“Bingru, is there a way to get this bone!” Zhou Fan asked.

The Origin Will that wants to destroy this world.

You have to use everything.

Like the regrets of the ancient powerhouses, it is naturally extremely important.

Yan Bingru shook her head, “It’s a little difficult, this skeleton has been transported to a specially built museum in Kyoto, and with my father’s energy, I can’t interfere!” ”

Seeing this, Zhou Fan couldn’t help but mutter: “Since there are thigh bones, then there should be other parts of the bones, let’s find them first!” ”

“Let’s go to Kyoto first, write down the breath of the bones, and then look for it!”

Just finished.

He subconsciously raised his head.

Gaze into the distant sky.

I saw that there were sudden ripples there.

Then one figure after another gradually condensed.

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