Under the stimulation of interests, the Sakura Country quickly gathered powerful forces and planned to invade the world of Qin Shi Ming Yue as a vanguard.

At this moment, in the world of Qin Shi Ming Yue.

Under the order of the First Emperor, a huge floating warship rose into the air in the Qinling Mountains.

Rather than a warship, the entire floating warship is more like a floating city.

To make such a warship float in the air, the energy required is almost astronomical, and only the two nuclear fusion reactors in the center can generate such a huge amount of energy.

The floating warship can almost be called a perfect combination of Daqin technology and Wandering Earth technology.

The huge warship is pitch black, and the cold and murderous breath is blowing in the face.

The shadow cast by the warship that rises into the air can even cover an entire mountain.

Even the hundreds of masters who personally built this warship still felt cold in their hearts when they saw the warship in front of them.

The cloud of military formation formed by tens of thousands of the most elite Daqin warriors on board is the strongest shield, and the Daqin puppets combined with the mechanical technology of the Wandering Earth world are not only not afraid of death in battle, but also have great power, which is simply the strongest spear.

Originally, people thought that it was a complete waste for Daqin to build such an advanced floating warship. After all, no country in this world can withstand the attack of floating warships.

Unexpectedly, the floating warship has been put to use as soon as it was built.

For most people in this era, such a warship is simply a miracle.

The military drove the warship, familiarizing themselves with its performance, and came to the world channel in the East China Sea.

Here, Ying Zheng personally boarded the warship.

The next moment, accompanied by the roar of wind and clouds, this giant floating warship was like a giant dragon, soaring into the sky and rushing into the space channel.


At this moment, hundreds of warships of the Sakura Country have surrounded the space channel.

Reconnaissance planes kept circling back and forth to prevent people from other countries or forces from approaching.

Any ship or plane approaching this area within 100 kilometers will only be destroyed.

At this moment, everyone in Sakura Country is full of expectations, looking forward to the future after conquering that beautiful world.

At this moment, the originally calm space channel suddenly fluctuated.

"Abnormality found, alert!"

With the sound of alarms, the warships that were originally on guard outside reacted and quickly turned their gun holes to aim at the world channel.

In the command room, the top leaders of Sakura Country immediately looked at the world channel with telescopes.

Then, everyone was stunned.

"What the hell is this?"

Under the gaze of a pair of eyes, a giant warship like a mountain is slowly emerging from the space channel.

Not to mention the strange beauty produced by the combination of technology and classics, just the size that almost crushes everything makes the army of Sakura Country stunned.

Is this still the case? Even if they don't move, just landing is enough to crush the entire fleet.

But can humans really create such a huge creation?

Is it an illusion?

All the troops of Sakura Country had such thoughts. After all, everything in front of them was beyond their imagination.

Isn't it said that the other side is a primitive and backward country?

Although the first warrior who entered another world, Yamamoto, disappeared after sending back the news, several scouts sent successively confirmed the news sent by Yamamoto at the end.

But such a primitive and backward world actually has such an advanced floating warship?

"Those damn scouts should commit suicide!"

"Damn it, disperse immediately, the formation is too tight now!"

"Get ready to fire, don't use torpedoes, they are flying in the air!"

"Hurry up and report the relevant situation to the military..."


The naval generals of Sakura Country kept shouting, as if they wanted to vent their fear with orders.

However, Ying Zheng did not let them fear for long. Looking at the flag like a dog skin plaster, he didn't even have the idea of ​​dialogue.

"Destroy them, just let me see the power of the floating warship!"

Accompanied by his order, tens of thousands of Qin soldiers on the floating warship simultaneously stimulated their own power.

The cloud attack of the military formation they launched was rapidly amplified by the runes set inside the floating warship.

Then a sword energy several kilometers long swept across all the warships below.

The steel warship was cut in half the moment it came into contact with the sword energy.

It was just one blow, and dozens of Sakura warships were cut in half.

The remaining warship had no idea of ​​resisting at all, and quickly turned the bow to escape.

However, His Majesty the First Emperor said that he would destroy them, so naturally none of them could be left.

Of course, using the legion to attack again was like using a cannon to kill a mosquito, so dozens of gun barrels appeared instantly on the huge floating warship.

Then one after another, shells fell from the sky.


The dull sound was like thunder.

The power of destruction exploded, and the flames instantly annihilated everyone below.

In a short round of bombing, most of the power of the Sakura Navy was directly wiped out.

With reluctance and fear, all the Sakura people fell into eternal sleep.

On the battleship, Ying Zheng nodded as he felt the power of the battleship.

After thinking about the information captured in Yamamoto's mind, Ying Zheng's majestic voice sounded.

"All generals, listen to my orders!"

After the words fell, many generals headed by Meng Tian came forward and bowed to Ying Zheng, waiting for orders.

"Sweep away the Sakura Country!"

These five simple words were filled with endless coldness and a clang like the clash of swords.


With the response of the crowd, small spaceships on the floating battleships started and rushed to all directions.

At this moment, the military of the island country was in chaos.

Originally thought that it was God's blessing on Yamato, but they didn't expect that they would come in a space battleship.

At this moment, Han Xin led hundreds of Qin soldiers and the same number of puppet soldiers to drive the spaceship into the territory of the Sakura Country with an undisguised strong attitude.

On the land, ordinary people looked up at the classical-looking spaceship curiously.

"Is this our newly developed aircraft? It looks beautiful!"

Most people were full of pride. With such a powerful army, the empire would surely be able to unify the whole of Asia!

However, the military was already in a panic.

"Stop them, never let them get close to Kyoto!"

Han Xin's eyes flashed with cold light.

As a special general of the First Emperor, this was Han Xin's first time to lead troops to carry out a mission.

He needed to prove his ability with achievements.

At this moment, he looked down at the land, and flickering lights flashed on his black armor.

"Everyone get ready, we are about to enter the target area!"

A faint majesty emerged from him, and all the black-armored soldiers behind him responded one after another.

The eyes of various puppets also quickly brightened, they were ready for battle!

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