Being able to peek into the fate of the world, Dumbledore's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Tongtian with burning eyes.

Tongtian smiled, then took out his scabbard again, and then a vast amount of power gushed out of him. This power connected the heavens above and the underworld below, and the rules of the whole world seemed to tremble because of this power.

The eyes of all the wizards flashed with horror. Although few people had come into contact with the real prophecy, everyone had heard about the prophecy, but never heard that the prophecy would make such a big fuss.

However, Tongtian did not pay attention to the reactions of the wizards at this moment. His figure floated slowly, and his expression looked indifferently at the void.

Under his gaze, the heaven of this world trembled slowly, and then a rule chain fell out of thin air.

This is the fate rule of this heaven.

Then, the key scenes in the fate of the Hogwarts world appeared in front of everyone.

The picture started from twenty years ago, when Snape, James Potter, Lily Evans, Sirius, Lupin and others entered the school this year.

They were divided into different colleges, and then Voldemort began to wreak havoc on the land of Britain.

Facing the raging and ferocious Dark Lord, everyone has different choices.

The picture fluctuates quickly, including the scene of James Potter marrying Lily Evans, and the scene of Snape hiding alone in the Hogwarts tower and looking into the distance.

After that, everything happened just as it had happened before. Due to the betrayal of their friends, Potter and Lily were unfortunately found by the Dark Lord. In the end, Lily used ancient magic to defeat the Dark Lord.

Looking at this scene, Professor Snape's face was gloomy and ugly, but he didn't say anything.

He didn't expect that the fate of the world revealed the secrets he had been hiding in the deepest.

But now no one pays too much attention to Professor Snape's past story, because the scene has come to the present, and it will soon arrive in the future.

In the near future, Harry Potter, Hermione and Ron formed an iron triangle. Under the guidance of Dumbledore, they defeated Voldemort's conspiracy again and again.

After Dumbledore passed away, Voldemort really made a comeback, and Hogwarts, which was once known as the safest place, became a real battlefield.

But the ending of the war was gratifying. Although some people died, the final victory still belonged to them.

Originally, they thought that this was all the fate that Tongtian showed them, but the image projected in the chain of fate did not stop.

After Voldemort was truly destroyed, the magic world entered a real peace, just like the wizards in the past tens of millions of years, they lived happily.

But as time passed, the technology of Muggles became stronger and stronger, and the high-speed Internet made it more and more difficult to hide the magic world.

Finally, one day fifty years later, when everyone present entered the old age stage, the magic world was completely exposed to the Muggles.

From the initial disbelief to the later acceptance, from the initial envy to the final jealousy and even hatred.

Wizards and Muggles are destined to be difficult to coexist completely. Muggles are afraid of these beings with extraordinary powers who can ignore space, time and even change their minds.

A war between mortals and wizards was born unstoppably, and the outcome of this war was naturally beyond doubt.

Whether in terms of war potential or war experience, mortals far surpassed these wizards who once occupied the world.

As wizards gradually entered a desperate state of defeat, they had to use the power they had never mastered, the power of soul, time, and life that had been sealed!

Humans are like this. When they use power far beyond their control, unimaginable consequences will occur.

In the end, the war ended with both wizards and Muggles losing. The battle between them directly interfered with the power of the rules of this fragile world!

The broken world could no longer support the existence of human beings, and the once prosperous human civilization became real history.

Tongtian's deduction of fate ended here, and the fate rule that was hung down by the way of heaven was slowly taken back.

The illusion was broken, and everyone returned to the familiar hall of Hogwarts.

At this moment, the top of the castle still showed the outside scene. The bright sunshine made the castle, which should have been extremely dark, extremely bright.

But compared to the brightness and warmth of the castle, everyone's heart was cold.

Facing this ending, this future, everyone was silent for a long time.

Even Dumbledore was full of bitterness at this moment. His previous plan was indeed successful. After all, even if he did die in the end, the plan he left behind still defeated Voldemort.

But the war between Muggles and wizards afterwards still made Dumbledore's heart full of despair.

After all, with his strength and knowledge, he could temporarily predict such a future, but when the future really appeared in front of him, Dumbledore's heart was still full of bitterness.

At this moment, he couldn't help but think of his best friend, Grindelwald.

For greater interests!

Dumbledore was like this, let alone other ordinary students.

For a moment, the whole Hogwarts fell into despair and silence. Such a desperate future was enough to disturb the mood of all students.

Dumbledore sighed and looked at Tongtian with a little bitterness. If Tongtian really wanted to harm Hogwarts, he had already done it.

Just relying on this extremely clear future scene, it is enough to make all the wizards of Hogwarts fall into depression.

After all, no one will work hard for a future that is doomed to be destroyed. Even Dumbledore can't do it, let alone others.

In the silence, suddenly, a boy with a lightning scar on his head stood up. Although his body was still trembling, his words were extremely firm.

"The future may be desperate, but we have already glimpsed this despair. Peeping into the future is enough to put us on a more correct path. I believe that we can definitely avoid this desperate future!"

Harry Potter's words were very firm. Hearing his words, the know-it-all lady, one of his iron triangle, also stood up and said: "Yes, we are not puppets arranged by the script. Even if it is the fate shown to us by Professor Tongtian, I believe we can change it!"

One after another, students stood up. Seeing this scene, Dumbledore's eyes flashed with infinite relief.

These students are far better than I thought!

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