At this moment, it is impossible to know how the real dragon came to this world, but it is conceivable that a real dragon who has just reached the level of a god will encounter many dangers in the chaos.

He finally encountered a world where he could cultivate. Although this world does not have any extraordinary power, for the gods, as long as there is a place to rest, it is enough for him to accumulate enough powerful power.

But who would have thought that such a simple world that seems to have no extraordinary power would be targeted by the abyss consciousness.

At this moment, the real dragon has been seriously infected by the power of the abyss. Although he has not lost his mind because of the realm of the gods, if this continues, he will inevitably be infected by the power of the abyss and become a powerful demon.

With the power of the real dragon, as long as he transforms into a demon, this world will no longer have any chance, so the Heavenly Dao directly regarded the real dragon as the biggest enemy.

At that time, in order to fight against the power of the abyss, the Heavenly Dao of this world concentrated its power to create various monsters.

These monsters can help the natural environment polluted by the power of the abyss to return to its original state, and at this moment these monsters naturally become the weapons of the Heavenly Dao to clean up the real dragon.

Under normal circumstances, these monsters naturally have no way to deal with the real dragon, but at this moment, the real dragon is polluted by the power of the abyss and is seriously injured. In this case, even those ordinary monsters can hurt him.

In fact, even if the Heavenly Dao does not take action, the real dragon will not allow the abyss to completely infect him. For the existence of the divine realm, being infected and becoming a demon, even if the body and even the soul still exist, the origin and essence of life are equivalent to being directly destroyed by the abyss.

This kind of destruction is even worse than the soul being scattered. After all, even if the soul is scattered, for the gods, there is still a chance to recover in the future, but once the rules and origins controlled by themselves are infected by the abyss, then it is completely over.

Therefore, in this case, the real dragon also took the last measure himself. He used up his last strength to suppress all the power of the abyss into a part of his body, and then directly cut off his body.

The body deeply infected by the power of the abyss was directly transformed into an independent creature, which was the original King Ghidorah.

The remaining real dragon found that he still underestimated the power of the abyss. Although he cut the power of the abyss out of himself, the power of the abyss still caused him irreparable damage at the last moment.

As a last resort, he could only cooperate with the strongest human country in the world at that time and barely survive.

However, the Heavenly Dao did not let the real dragon go because he cut the power of the abyss out of himself. There were still many monsters who took the initiative to attack the real dragon. Finally, after holding on for many years, the real dragon finally couldn't hold on.

Finally, when that country really entered the unification, the real dragon could no longer support it, and it completely fell into extinction.

And the first emperor of this country moved the body of the real dragon into his mausoleum, hoping that the gods could accompany him to continue to fight in the world of the dead.

On the contrary, the split Ghidorah, because compared with the power of the real dragon, Ghidorah's power was relatively weak, was not taken seriously by the Heavenly Dao. It was not until the death of the real dragon that the Heavenly Dao summoned monsters to beat Ghidorah.

The cunning Ghidorah was defeated by Godzilla at this time and sealed himself in the Antarctic glacier.

This allowed him to escape the cleansing of the heavens and survive until this era, and caught up with the abyss consciousness and began to truly focus on this world.

And Ghidorah is worthy of being a senior abyss power infected. Compared with other infected monsters, he is more far-sighted and his plan is more difficult to detect.

But Ghidorah did not expect that he would suddenly sense the power of the real dragon in the process of implementing his plan.

You must know that the essence of Ghidorah is a combination of the power of the real dragon and the power of the abyss. Whether it is rewarded by the power of the abyss or absorbing more real dragon power, it can enhance Ghidorah's own power.

Especially the power of the real dragon. You must know that Ghidorah does not even have arms. Although his power is now far beyond most monsters, and he even has various superpowers that monsters can hardly have, Ghidorah himself knows that he is an incomplete creature.

It can be said that the existence of the real dragon has great attraction for Ghidorah.

Feeling the life source of the real dragon at this moment, Ghidorah flapped his wings and flew towards the east without any hesitation.

At this moment, Ghidorah's speed was so fast that it would not be long before the real king of monsters would descend in this country where monsters had never ravaged.

However, this time was enough for the flat-headed brother. With countless people dedicating their faith to the flat-headed brother in the light egg, he absorbed the light faster and faster.

Finally, accompanied by a shower of light, the appearance of the flat-headed brother reappeared on the live broadcast screen.

However, the flat-headed brother at this moment no longer looked like an ordinary honey badger. His silver-gray flat head turned golden, and soared into the sky as if he had become a real dragon.

He is taller and looks more anthropomorphic. The most important thing is that the flat-headed brother, whose appearance has changed, turned his head and looked at the camera and spoke: "The catastrophe is coming, and the strongest monster is coming to this country. Now we don't have much time left. Please hurry up and choose a suitable battlefield for me!"


"Nonsense, the real dragon has appeared, what's the curiosity about the honey badger talking!"

"That's right, it's obvious that the flat-headed brother has absorbed the real dragon, so it's nothing for him to become a monster, and it's even possible to ascend to become an immortal!"

For most people, it's obviously the honey badger's words that surprise them, but for the country, it's the information that the flat-headed brother said that is more important. After all, it's not uncommon for monsters to wreak havoc all over the world, and the country has a clear understanding of the power of monsters.

And now this magical flat-headed brother actually said that the king of monsters is coming, which puts the whole country under great pressure.

Listening to the flat-headed brother's words, it's obvious that he wants to take action, but can a small animal that is not even as tall as a human really fight against a huge monster? !

However, considering the mystery of the Flathead Brother, the country decided to give it a try.

"Let's go to the uninhabited area in the northwest. Even if he can't stop the monster king, we have powerful enough heavy weapons there!"

After a short while, the country has formulated a strategy!

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