"Everyone must be curious, how magical is this rejuvenation pill? Now let's invite these ladies to come on stage and experiment."

Su Lin stood on the stage holding several boxes of exquisitely packaged rejuvenation pills, and the crowd watching the excitement below started talking about it.

Most of the people present were people who knew about pharmacology, but they had never heard of this medicine.

Some people were still shouting: "You Jishitang, please don't create anything that can kill people!"

The voice was harsh, and Su Lin quickly caught sight of the people speaking and found that there was evil intention in their eyes.

I probably knew for a fact that it must be Yan Kaidian sent to cause trouble.

But he wasn't angry. Instead, he felt much more relaxed because of the arrival of these people. "Humph, only clowns can complement the protagonist."

He whispered to himself, and then opened the box of rejuvenation pills.

"So, what's the effect? ​​If a woman eats it, no matter how old she is, I guarantee that her forty can turn into twenty, and sixty can turn into forty."

"If a man eats it, even if he is seventy years old, he will be as powerful as a young man."

"That's why I came up with the name Huichun."

"I know, everyone doesn't believe it. As the saying goes, hearing is believing, seeing is believing."

"This rejuvenation pill is expensive to fake, but today, I discussed with boss Xuanqing and came up with ten pills for everyone to try for free!"

Hearing this, the crowd in the audience became excited, and many people rushed to come up.

Of course, this was all arranged by Su Lin in advance, just to stimulate the atmosphere on the court. It was obvious that this was achieved.

But that's not the most important thing. Su Lin held four boxes and walked up to several rich ladies on the stage.

These few are the wives of several wealthy businessmen in the city. They were all popular beauties in their early years. However, the passage of time has eroded their faces, and now they are all old and yellow.

Moreover, Su Lin heard through the grapevine that they had recently been having trouble with the men at home because they were looking for younger women.

Therefore, they are particularly concerned about their appearance.

They all have spare money. If they think it is effective, they will definitely spend their money to buy it, which will directly drive most of the sales.

"Ma'am, let's try it."

Su Lin held the box in front of them, but they looked at each other and hesitated.

After all, no one dares to try this newly developed new drug. What if it is toxic or has side effects?

But not long after, one of them could not bear it any longer. After opening the box, he picked up the pills and swallowed them in one breath.

Others are waiting and watching.

In the next second, she experienced earth-shaking changes.

Dead skin began to form on her face, and then fell off, and the old skin became delicate and white.

Even the hair was starting to turn black, almost as quickly as anyone could see it.

She looked at her hands with disbelief on her face and exclaimed: "This rejuvenation pill is really a miracle medicine!"

Seeing this, the others hurriedly snatched away what was left in Su Lin's hands, like hungry wolves grabbing food, for fear of missing out on their own share.

Several people took it together, and they all became more than 20 years younger, returning to the time when they had beautiful faces.

Smiles naturally appeared on their faces, admiring each other.

"Boss Su, here are one hundred taels, I want ten!"

With one person taking the lead, they all took out their banknotes, fearing that they would be snatched away by others if they were too late.

"Here are two hundred taels, give me twenty first!"

They went crazy.

Seeing what was happening on the stage, the people in the audience became lively. Most of the people standing here were drug dealers, so they naturally had spare money in their pockets.

Seeing such effects, I can't wait to go to Xuanqing to discuss cooperation and buy this rejuvenating pill to sell in my own store.

"No, our boss Su said that this rejuvenation pill is the only one that sells it. This is a secret formula. If word gets out, will we still do business?"

Xuanqing also learned from Su Lin's chicken thieves at this moment and refused again and again.

Almost instantly, the 5,398 rejuvenation pills previously produced were sold out.

Of course, the demand is not actually that big. Many people hold inventory and act as middlemen, hoping to sell at a higher price and make more money.

Su Lin didn't care, because he knew that this batch would be consumed soon, and the main focus was on popularity.

After some busy work, Xuanqing brought the account book and reported to Su Lin.

His face was full of joy, as if he had never done such a big business in his life, "Oh my God, Mr. Su, do you know how much we earned? After deducting the cost, it's 53,900 taels. This is A huge sum of money!”

Not to mention in Lanzhou City, even in the entire Northern Kingdom, Su Lin can now be ranked among the top 100 richest people.

Besides, this is just the beginning of sales, and the value will only be much higher in the future.

Su Lin was surprised at first, but then the excitement on his face disappeared. He knew that when he came to this world, his ideals were more than that.

As long as it reaches a certain height, money is the least important thing to a cultivator, just like dung.

"Mr. Xuanqing, we agreed before that we would split it half and half. You can just take my share."

Xuan Qing was stunned. It seemed that Su Lin was very open about money. If he split it half and half, that would be twenty-six thousand nine hundred and fifty taels.

Earn enough once for a lifetime!

"Isn't this inappropriate?" Xuan Qing is still a good old man. He feels that he only gets an average share without putting in much effort, and he can't calm down in his heart.

What's more, Su Lin is his own benefactor, and taking advantage of his benefactor makes his conscience even more uneasy.

Su Lin didn't care at all. In order to make Xuan Qing accept it, he still said, "Then use this money to buy more good medicine to save the world."

Before Xuan Qing refused, Su Lin reminded him: "After this batch is sold, make new medicine in March. No matter who asks, you can say that there is no stock, no matter how much money it costs!"

"Then, for the next batch, only make 100 pills."

Su Lin is indeed a business genius.

However, these are also low-level means. In his world, everyone who has seen TV marketing knows it.

The main point is that things are precious because they are rare. The fewer they are, the more valuable they are. But the less effort they spend, the higher the profit.

Xuan Qing didn't say much, just obeyed.

At this moment, he was completely convinced by Su Lin. In his eyes, it was like he was sent by God to punish the wicked and save the good.

Back to the sales site, many people still didn't buy the Huichun Pills. They were very dissatisfied and shouted for Jishitang to stock up.

Su Lin stood up and said, "Everyone calm down. The raw materials of this rejuvenation pill are very rare. After this batch is sold out, we may have to wait for several months for the next batch."

His words immediately shifted the attention of the crowd to the scalpers, who raised the price one after another to buy, and even these middlemen made a lot of money.

Of course, there were also people who were unhappy.

Across the street, the second in command of Dejitang was looking at Jishitang and discussing with his subordinates.

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