The power he exerted did not care about causing harm to Su Lin, so he boldly fought back.

In just the blink of an eye, Su Lin came behind Shang Rusong and said softly, "You are not worthy of using him."

At this moment, Shang Rusong was still searching for traces of Su Lin. He was startled by the voice. Before he could recover, the colorful lotus in his hand had been taken away.

He immediately fell to the ground and looked at the thing in Su Lin's hand with a look of horror on his face.

After a while, he came back to his senses and shouted: "Aren't you a warrior the day after tomorrow?"

Based on his knowledge, Houtian warriors would never be able to burst out with such a powerful force, or even be able to dodge the attack of the colorful lotus?


Su Lin did not answer directly, but looked at the colorful lotus in his hand and was very satisfied. This was much easier to use than Chi Lian!

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the colorful lotus, which is in the spiritual grade. Introduction: This item is the treasure of the Yunlan Sect. It has infinite power. It can be upgraded to obtain higher combat power, and can reach the highest level in the immortal grade."

Su Lin was overjoyed. This was the first time he had obtained such a high-grade treasure.

At the same time, he was secretly laughing at the fact that Shang Rusong, a loser, actually lost the sect's treasure when he went out with it.

Even if you don't take action, you can't escape death if you go back, right?

Seeing that the battle was over, Ding Wu immediately took action and captured the three warriors headed by Shang Rusong. Wu Yuancheng and his cronies in the room could not escape either.

This time, he finally panicked and fell to his knees, begging Ding Pingzhou for forgiveness.

"Your Majesty the Imperial Envoy! Just let me go! I have collected a lot of property over the years, and I will give it all to you. I am not a bad officer, as long as you can let my whole family go away."

He hugged Ding Pingzhou's thigh like a dog and offered countless tempting benefits, but in exchange it was really just a kick from Ding Pingzhou.

He directly kicked Wu Yuancheng to the ground three times, and he grinned in pain.

"Hmph! You, this guy, bully the people, embezzle and amass money, and you also have a monopoly on counterfeiting. Even the medicinal materials sent to the front line are fake! The evidence is conclusive, you will not escape death! When I report to the Holy One, you will be implicated in the nine tribes! You will be quartered! "

After a long list of words, Ding Pingzhou finally vented his anger.

As an imperial envoy, he still had to pay attention to his image. Otherwise, if Wu Yuancheng wanted to kill him, he might not be able to help but give him a few big mouths.

Wu Yuancheng finally admitted defeat. He lowered his head feebly and did not defend himself. He was already helpless!

"What should we do with these people?" Su Lin asked Ding Pingzhou.

As the eldest brother of the Yunlan Sect, Shang Rusong must not be dealt with easily, but if he is not silenced, won't the fact that he took the Colorful Lotus be exposed?

At that time, I am afraid that the entire Yunlan Sect will become his enemy.

Ding Pingzhou was so smart, he pulled Su Lin aside and decided to give him a favor.

"Brother Su, do you want to..." He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"This colorful lotus is the treasure of Yunlan Sect. Even if they are silenced, they will be discovered one day. Are you sure?"

He directly guessed Su Lin's heart.

How can we give away something we have already received? What's more, this kind of treasure that can improve combat effectiveness is simply a waste!

So, Su Lin smiled sinisterly: "Your Majesty the Imperial Envoy, this has nothing to do with this case, and it is not a matter of the imperial court, why not just leave it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Ding Pingzhou understood what he was thinking and nodded.

Then he walked up to Shang Rusong and others and said to Ding Wu: "These people are helping the tyrants to commit crimes, and they have committed extremely evil crimes. Now I order the imperial envoy to rectify the law on the spot!"

Ding Wu was stunned. This was not his young master's style.

He was still hesitating, "Young Master, these are people from the Yunlan Sect. If they are in front of the Holy Master..."

But Ding Pingzhou's words were extremely firm, "What are you afraid of? Is it reasonable for the Yunlan Sect to help corrupt officials? I'm not afraid of evil people suing first. With so many eyes staring at me, at worst, I will take part in their entire Yunlan Sect!"

Su Lin listened to their words and smiled helplessly. He didn't know what Ding Pingzhou meant, and the favor he sent was too great.

Ding Wu immediately executed the order.

After the flash of swords and shadows, three heads fell to the ground.

Following this, the storm in Lanzhou City also calmed down.

After a short rest, Ding Pingzhou will leave this place and return to the capital to resume his life.

Before leaving, he came to Su Lin and expressed his inner attitude, "Brother Su, you are so capable. If you can become an official in the court, it will be a great blessing to the people of the Northern Kingdom!"

Su Lin shook his head and refused. Once he entered the officialdom, he didn't want to cause trouble.

At the same time, I finally understood why Ding Pingzhou was so attentive.

Hearing his affirmative rejection, Ding Pingzhou also sighed, "This means that the people are not blessed."

"However, Brother Su's life-saving grace to me will never be forgotten by Ding. After this separation, I don't know when we will see each other again, so Ding will give my benefactor a small gift."

With that said, Ding Pingzhou took out his pure gold token and handed it into Su Lin's hand.

This is a gift from the emperor, equivalent to the status of an imperial envoy, and it is the last gift to Ding Pingzhou, so it cannot be measured by value.

"This? What will you do if the emperor asks?"

If you give it to someone privately, you may lose your head! ·

Unexpectedly, Ding Pingzhou didn't care at all, "Brother Su, don't worry, the king I am assisting is very open-minded. When I report it, he may even appreciate you for saving my life."

"However, you must keep him safe for me. No matter where you are, if you need him, you can send a letter to the capital and I will definitely help."

Su Lin was about to answer when he suddenly heard the voice of the system.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the imperial envoy token. Introduction: This item is a very important token and its value is inestimable."

"Congratulations to the host for gaining the blessing of the people's hearts. The power point is increased by 1. Introduction: The power point is a human resource. When it reaches a certain level, it can be called upon by a hundred people. Remember that many hands make light work."

"So that's it." Su Lin said to himself.

Then he immediately accepted Ding Pingzhou's gift, "Don't worry, I will definitely keep it well. I hope we can see each other again soon."

Ding Pingzhou smiled knowingly and then left.


A few days later, Yunlan Sect.

The entire sect was solemn and solemn. In the meeting hall, the three elders sat on it, solemn and solemn.

Listening to the reports of the disciples below, they were all furious. The great elder, who was also the sect master, slammed his chair and stood up, "Who is so bold? Killing my disciples! Taking away my sect's sacred objects! Could it be that my Yunlan Sect has not come out for a long time, and thinks we are easy to bully?"

A disciple below replied tremblingly: "The one who took away the seven-colored lotus is Su Lin, and the one who killed Senior Brother Shang is Ding Pingzhou. He is a court official and an imperial envoy!"

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