Su Lin sneered, his eyes flashing with a sharp light, which contained a hint of murderous intent.

As for whether the Qi family can keep their heads, it depends on whether they understand the ways of the world.

Qi Jun saw this scene, his face changed slightly, he was thinking, does Su Lin have the ability to reverse the current situation?

In his eyes, Su Lin has money, but not necessarily strength, because it is impossible to see how strong he is, and he looks like an ordinary person on the surface.

But he seemed to have forgotten a word, which is called hiding.

"You are now in our pocket, don't be too arrogant." Qi Jun warned.

But he couldn't convince himself, because Su Lin burst out with a strong temperament from the inside out. Will this move bring disaster to the Qi family?

Suddenly, an idea came to his mind. I am afraid that only Chen Baixing can know all this.

So he called his men and whispered a few words in his ear, and the men left immediately.

Su Lin probably guessed what he said, but he didn't confess, just smiled meaningfully.

He secretly admired that this kid's brain was quite fast.

Su Lin was taken to a big house, which was built luxuriously. Even the supporting pillars were made of golden nanmu, which was enough to show how extravagant the governor Qi Shimu was.

This should be the reception room of the Qi family. It was very spacious. At a glance, there were two rows of tea tables and chairs on the left and right.

Opposite, there were two people sitting, Pan Fugui and Qi Shimu. Yan Kaidian was not there, probably to avoid the limelight temporarily.

At this moment, the old man stood up with a flattering look on his face, poured tea for Pan Fugui, and then pointed at Su Lin and explained: "Boss Pan, he is Su Lin."

"It was this man who instigated me to offend Boss Pan. He is young and ignorant, so please forgive me."

This directly threw all the sins on Su Lin, and even took out a stack of things from his sleeves and put them on the table, saying that it was a gift to Pan Fugui to apologize.

Pan Fugui didn't see it, his eyes were full of disdain.

As one of the richest businessmen in the north, he lacked this little money? But what he hated most in his life was that someone dared to go against him.

Qi Jun was inseparable from this matter, he knew it, but his father had done this, which was said to be the ultimate in human relations, so he could only pretend not to know.

So he slammed the table angrily, then stood up and stared at Su Lin viciously.

"What? This rich young man, is he no longer as arrogant as he was in Baihua Pavilion? Do you still want to compare with me how much money you have in your pocket?"

Su Lin had a blank expression on his face. He really didn't want to waste money on such a person.

Qi Shimu wanted Su Lin to die because of what he said before, so he planned to kill him with a borrowed knife and add fuel to the fire.

"This boy is extremely arrogant. In my opinion, he should be brought to justice!"

Just as he finished speaking, Su Lin clapped his hands and laughed, "Bring him to justice? Qi Taishou said it very well, bring him to justice!"

"It's really unexpected that the laws of this northern country actually stipulate that you can't compete with others at high prices in Baihua Pavilion?"

This sentence made Qi Shimu speechless. He wanted to find a legitimate reason to deal with Su Lin, but if he did it like this now, wouldn't it prove that he was breaking the law knowingly?

The identity of this Taishou became a joke.

"Hmph, Su Lin, don't be so arrogant! You should know where you are standing now. This is the place of my Qi family. Even if I kill you, who outside can know?"

Su Lin was not afraid at all, and directly retorted: "There is no impenetrable wall in this world. I am not afraid of death. What about you? Are you worried that the black gauze hat on your head will fall off?"

Qi Shimu's face was pale at this time. He didn't expect that he would be stabbed in the heart by a poor country boy.

Naturally, he was furious, "Damn it! Damn it!"

But he knew that Pan Fugui was the protagonist today, and he shouldn't be too much in the limelight, so he gave the home court to him and asked respectfully: "Boss Pan, in your opinion, how should this kid be dealt with?"

Pan Fugui walked directly in front of Su Lin, staring at him straight in the eyes.

After all, he was in the business world and knew countless people. Just based on Su Lin's face, he was a powerful figure. Isn't he pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger here today?

His brain turned instantly. From Qi Shimu's reaction just now, it was obvious that there was a grudge between the two.

If he was mixed in, wouldn't he become a pawn used by him? This offended the big man, and he was the one who was unlucky.

So he immediately changed his face and smiled at Su Lin: "Brother Su, I was actually joking with you just now. I am not that petty."

Hearing this, Qi Jun and Qi Shimu on the field were stunned.

Who of the people here today didn't have a hundred or eighty thoughts in their hearts? No one wanted to bring disaster to themselves, so this situation was caused.

Su Lin was very surprised by this sudden change, but after thinking about it carefully, it was reasonable.

People who do business naturally pay attention to making a profit, at least to ensure that they don't lose money, so they are pursuing profits.

As for offending, it means those who have no strength, ordinary people.

This Pan Fugui was intimidated by his posture.

Su Lin sneered. He looked down on such people from the bottom of his heart. To describe them with a well-known saying, "arrogant at first but respectful later, it makes people laugh when thinking about it."

Pan Fugui's intention was very clear. This change of attitude was to make peace with Su Lin.

This made Qi Shimu suffer. His words just now obviously became an opportunity and were used. Pan Fugui turned his side directly on the battlefield, and the anger on his face was directed at the Qi family.

"Qi Taishou, it's not appropriate for you to treat a little brother like this?"

"You think too narrowly of me. Can I vent my anger on you because of a small matter?"

This painting style is inconsistent, as if the words in Baihua Pavilion did not come from his mouth. Perhaps people in the business world are like this, with thousands of faces and different words for different people.

In this way, Su Lin's identity also underwent a big change.

He went from a scapegoat to a distinguished guest, and was entertained by the Qi family. His residence was also changed from a woodshed to a superior guest room.

This made the servants of the Qi family confused and discussed what Su Lin's identity was.

He could actually make his master humble.

This also confirmed what he had said to Qi Jun before, which made him admire him very much, and he also remembered that sending someone to inform Chen Baixing was the right thing to do.

Behind the scenes, Qi Jun came to Su Lin's room and wanted to apologize to him in person.

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