This made him feel unstable.

In order to find the truth, he could only get the answer from one person.

It was the Flower Fairy, because he had comprehended the power of nature and should know more about these flower spirits. "Is it inevitable?"

Su Lin's doubts became more and more serious.

Anyway, these flower spirits could not hurt him, so he just sat aside and meditated, wanting to enter the realm of "Little Flower Planting Expert".

"Host, I am opening the realm of cultivation for you."

Along with the system's prompt sound, Su Lin's eyes were filled with white light. After a while, it gradually dimmed, and replaced by the small house where he was before.

Hearing that familiar voice, "Young man, you come to me again so soon? Did you encounter any difficulties in the cultivation?"

The Flower Fairy was still as sage-like as before, but sorry for the fact that his figure was obviously much dimmer.

After all, it was a remnant soul, relying only on the power of this book for support. With the time of rescue, it would slowly drain away, and in the end, just like a dead battery, it would completely disappear.

Su Lin knew that he didn't have much time left, so he hurriedly expressed his doubts.

After hearing what happened just now, the Flower Fairy just stroked his beard and laughed.

"You can have this idea, which shows that you have a deep understanding of the power of nature."

"People only know that the world is unkind and treats things as straw dogs, but they don't know that everything in the world is spiritual, and the meaning of life is common, without high or low."

"The so-called natural force of the jungle is just a restrictive rule. Only those who can truly understand the Tao will not care."

"You are trapped in this law and can't extricate yourself."

After listening to the Flower Fairy's meaningful words, Su Lin was thoughtful, but although this was very inspiring, it couldn't solve the actual problem.

"Master, I understand this principle, but what should I do?"

The Flower Fairy waved his hand, and countless pictures appeared in front of him in an instant. They were the life and death of the world, like ants, densely packed.

And now the perspective seems to be Su Lin staying in the infinite sky, overlooking the earth.

He suddenly understood that if he wanted to break this rule, he had to become the strongest? Not only did he mean the strongest in terms of strength, but he also had the ability to make rules.

"Be kind and take it in a proper way, and the power of nature will be endless. Otherwise, it will just kill the chicken to get the eggs, and there will be a day when it will be exhausted."

Hearing this, Su Lin finally understood.

The meaning is very clear. Those who should be killed should be killed, and those who should not be killed should be kept. As long as you have enough strength, the life and death of others will be in your own hands, right?

So he immediately clasped his fists, "Thank you, Master, for your guidance."

The Flower Fairy nodded with satisfaction, as if Su Lin had become the only hope to inherit his great way.

"Go, my residual soul may not be able to hold on for long. In the future, you can only understand it by yourself. You must keep in mind what I just said. This is the secret of the power of nature."

With these words, the figure of the Flower Fairy became obviously dimmer, and Su Lin was powerless.

After all, this is the residual soul of a powerful person in the fusion realm. Even if he consumes all his strength, he can't save it at all. The comparison of the two strengths is like a pond and the sea.

Soon, Su Lin woke up from the realm in the book.

Looking at the light in front of him, Su Lin, who was lighting his life and restoring a little strength to the flower beast, shook his head helplessly.

"I was wrong."

He learned from this lesson. It seems that killing decisively is not killing innocent people indiscriminately.

Fortunately, he found a way to save the flower beast in the book "Little Flower Planting Expert" just now.

"Host, you can choose to use spiritual soil for cultivation. Water it with spiritual energy for 49 days, and it will take root and sprout."

It happened that the spiritual soil obtained at the auction last time was left after planting.

As long as it is mixed with ordinary soil, it will work, so Su Lin apologized directly to the flower spirits: "I'm sorry, but I will be responsible for my actions. I have a way to restore it to its original state. Please believe me."

Obviously, those flower spirits did not believe Su Lin's words. In their eyes, this is the enemy.

So, when Su Lin approached, they formed a wall to stop him.

Seeing this, he spoke again: "Believe me."

As the saying goes, seeing is believing. Su Lin quickly took out the remaining half pot of spiritual soil through the system, mixed it here, and dug a big pit.

As the owner of natural power, the flower spirit can naturally feel the difference of this soil.

Perhaps they agreed to it because they wanted to give it a try? They directly made way and lit up the road ahead, just like the runway for an airplane to land at night.

Su Lin was able to walk in front of the flower beast. At this moment, it was very weak. Except for a slight tremor in its body, it could hardly feel the existence of vitality.

For a strong man in the foundation-building period, it is very easy to lift such a huge thing at will.

So, Su Lin directly moved its body to the pit and began to bury the roots.

Just like planting flowers and grass, stepping on it a few times to make the soil firm, the next step is the highlight.

Su Lin concentrated his energy into his dantian and began to exert his strength, releasing almost all of his body's power. This powerful spiritual power from the foundation-building period directly made the flower spirits tremble.

The flowers, plants and trees in the valley were also blown by the powerful force, as if there was a force 10 gale.

But obviously, this trick worked.

After the flower beast's trunk absorbed these spiritual powers, it became obviously tougher. Although it was still lying on the ground, it was much better than before.

Finally, its vitality was also increasing, and it was able to barely get up from the ground and stand up straight.

After all, this is a flower. It has no ears, eyes or nose. It just stares at Su Lin with its huge flower buds, making him feel a chill in his back.

But the flower beast had no ill intentions at this time. Those flower spirits seemed to feel the call and gathered around it.

At this moment, it was like an extremely bright light appeared in the valley, illuminating this fairyland on earth.

It was really beautiful.

Such a strong visual contrast made Su Lin regret what he had done just now.

This was also a kind of loss. After all, in order to revive the flower beast, he had consumed a lot of strength. Now he didn't have Zixia Dan on him. It would probably take a long time to recover.

The flower beasts made a noise. According to the records in the hands of the flower-growing expert, this should be their unique flower language?

Su Lin naturally didn't understand, but unexpectedly, at this moment, he suddenly heard the voice of the system.

"Host, translating for you."

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