In front of the huge palace, the footsteps of Su Lin and Ding Pingzhou echoed, and the silence was terrifying.

On both sides of the road, there stood fully armed guards, holding weapons tightly in their hands, which made Su Lin sigh. As expected of the leader of the three major forces in the country, they were all innate warriors.

This even made Su Lin doubt that with such strength, he still needed to fear the two major sects?

But think about it carefully, this is normal. After all, these are all techniques for cultivating the physical body. How can they compare with the fairy attacks of the two major sects? They are not in the same weight class at all.

The seven-colored lotus of the Yunlan Sect is enough to make these people drink a pot.

"Brother Su, this is the court after all. You must not speak in a while, let alone look directly into the eyes of the emperor. Be careful in everything."

Ding Pingzhou was worried that Su Lin came from the countryside and did not understand the etiquette in the court, so he taught him again.

Of course, Su Lin heard it in his ears, but whether he would do it was another matter.

Do I still want to bow my head to the old emperor? I am here to help him, not his subject.

Su Lin thought so in his heart.

In front of him was a solemn and majestic gate, made of pure copper rivets and carved with exquisite patterns. Two dragons looked at each other. The exquisite craftsmanship and unique charm made people dumbfounded.

The luxury of it can be imagined.

I am afraid that the cost of this gate alone exceeds the amount of money Su Lin has in the system bank at the moment.

"Humph, it's just taking from the people and using it for oneself." Su Lin's words were full of disdain, but what was shown in front of him was the law of this world.

Those who have power have both money and beauty.

On the other hand, Ding Pingzhou at this moment had a cold face, as if he was full of awe for this place. Being in this officialdom, he still became more sophisticated.

"Your Majesty."

Ding Pingzhou shouted to the eunuch at the door.

Immediately, they received a reply from the so-called highest authority in the Northern Kingdom, and the two were able to enter the hall. The civil and military officials on both sides, wearing court robes, looked back.

There were two familiar faces among them, Jiang Tai and Jiang Yuyan.

Looking at the two old men with stiff faces beside Jiang Tai, they were probably his two senior brothers, the great elder Wen Lixian and the second elder Ding Bifeng of Yunlan Sect.


Su Lin was surprised.

This Ding Bifeng actually looks a bit like Ding Pingzhou. Considering the same surname, could there be some blood relationship between them?

"Ding Aiqing, you are finally here. Who is this person you brought?"

Su Lin looked forward following the voice. In the middle of the hall, a bloated fat man was sitting on the dragon throne. Looking at his state, he understood that it was caused by the luxurious clothes and food, and the reckless squandering.

I am afraid that if he continues to live like this, he will not live for a few years.

This person's typical face is that of a tyrant. Su Lin has seen this a lot, of course, only in TV dramas.

Ding Pingzhou took a few steps forward and came to the center of the hall. He never dared to look up, then knelt down and shouted: "Long live the emperor!"

He covered his mouth and laughed secretly. In this world where strength is king, if he really wanted power, the position of the emperor would have been his long ago.

"Why don't you kneel?"

The civil and military officials on both sides looked at Su Lin standing up straight and looking directly at the fat man on the throne, and immediately scolded him.

This inevitably startled Ding Pingzhou, and he whispered to Su Lin: "Brother Su, what I just said..."

But before he finished speaking, Su Lin treated this place as his own home and walked forward, which startled the guards around the fat emperor, who thought he was going to assassinate the king.

Suddenly, the hall was tense, and the group of civil and military officials, fearing that they would be affected, fled and hid.

Only some military generals, three people from the Yunlan Sect, and one person from the Shenwu Sect were left standing.

"Hmph." Su Lin sneered, clearly mocking these people.

The fat emperor was also afraid. He could be considered a man of many talents, but Su Lin gave him a chilling fear, making him tremble when he spoke.

"Ding, Ding Aiqing, what do you want to do with this man?"

Ding Pingzhou frowned, and without caring too much about interests, he immediately rushed to Su Lin, wanting to avoid him disturbing the emperor again.

Helplessly explained: "Your Majesty, this is Brother Su Lin, the one who helped me catch Wu Yuancheng when I talked to Your Majesty last time."

Hearing this, the fat emperor was relieved immediately. Ding Pingzhou had mentioned it to him a long time ago, and he believed that Su Lin was the only way to reverse the situation.

"So this is Su Yingxiong, he is really extraordinary!"

"Quick, give him a seat!"

It is extraordinary to be able to get a seat from the emperor in this court. Even the prince standing at the front of the civil and military officials and the three princes do not have such a high treatment.

All of a sudden, all the civil and military officials praised Su Lin from the bottom of their hearts.

They didn't realize how powerful Su Lin was, they just chose to curry favor with him. Whoever could get such treatment would be treated like this. For them, betting on both sides was the best choice.

To put it bluntly, they just wanted to curry favor with him.

"I see, this person has also come, and several people from the Shenwu Sect and the Yunlan Sect are also here. Let's discuss the current situation in the North Country."

The fat emperor has spoken, and the court is immediately full of discussions. Everyone actually understands the current situation, but no one dares to stand up.

At the same time, the first and second elders of the Yunlan Sect stared at Su Lin with a fierce look. Not long ago, Jiang Tai had already revealed all the causes and consequences.

If the current environment was not unsuitable, they would definitely rush up and fight Su Lin to the death.

Reclaiming the Seven-Colored Lotus is very important to the entire Yunlan Sect!

Thinking of this, the Great Elder of the Yunlan Sect simply relied on his power here and stood up, "Your Majesty, our Yunlan Sect and this brother Su are old acquaintances."

"He borrowed something from us before, I wonder if he can return it now?"

Before the fallout, from the perspective of the interests of the Yunlan Sect, it was still more important to get the Seven-Colored Lotus. It was also a bad idea to rob it.

The Great Elder also had a bad idea, thinking that Ding Pingzhou was Su Lin's backer, and threatening him would have the effect of threatening Su Lin.

Little did he know that this was completely putting the cart before the horse.

"Oh? Why don't I know? May I ask the Great Elder, what is it?" Su Lin was not afraid, and also stood up and confronted him.

He expected that with Jiang Yuyan also present, Yunlan Sect would not dare to speak out, otherwise, it would not take long for Yunlan Sect to be hit by Shenwu Sect.

As expected, the elder was speechless and could only retreat.

This political discussion was just a formality. Seeing the situation on the scene, the fat emperor could not help but feel uneasy.

After a quarrel, he directly invited everyone to attend the evening banquet, which was specially for entertaining guests such as Yunlan Sect, Shenwu Sect and Su Lin.

In fact, this is the highlight.

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