"Wha, what?" Qi Zhenzhen was stunned for a moment. She knew that Su Lin would not joke about such a thing.

But she couldn't accept it. If this happened, wouldn't the whole group's work be in vain?

Seeing her change of mood, Su Lin immediately said, "But don't worry, we are all the Fat Emperor's projects now. Could he still attack your Qi family?"

If this guy really listened to Prince Zhang, it would be in line with Su Lin's mentality at the moment. Not sparing his life would be the best choice.

By then, Ding Pingzhou's face may not be of any use.

Who made that guy not only fat, but also filled with shit in his head? This is how it should end.

Hearing this, Qi Zhenzhen was relieved. After all, if he thought about it carefully, Su Lin's words made sense.

So she nodded and said: "I don't blame you, it's me who has caused you trouble. You are also working so hard to help our family."

Otherwise, how could Sulin let Qi Zhenzhen follow him? It is precisely because of this understanding.

Otherwise, he would not be attracted to all kinds of women.

It didn't take long for Ding Pingzhou and his two men to rush back. He was so tired that he was out of breath even while talking.

After all, now, he is the only manpower the Fat Emperor can use, and almost all matters, big and small, are left in his hands. He will be able to come back today after taking some time off, so he will probably be busy for a long time.

After all, both the officialdom of the Northern Kingdom and the capital are in a mess, and if they want to recover, it will take enough time.

"Brother Su, I really want to thank you this time!"

"I have told the Holy One that there will be a celebration banquet tomorrow, and we will focus on commending you for your achievements."

Su Lin didn't care at all about this so-called reward. He just responded lightly, "I think it's unnecessary, right?"

Now that things in the capital have been busy, Jiang Tai is also urging. After all, there is a word called "Long Nights and Many Dreams."

Su Lin, the honorary elder, has not yet gone through the procedures, which means he cannot obtain legal recognition from the sect.

He could escape at any time, so he had to get him back quickly to complete the ritual.

However, Ding Pingzhou extended the warm invitation and said awkwardly: "Su Ji, this...if you leave now, the Holy One may cause trouble for me."

Su Lin also wanted to save his face. What does it mean to send Buddha to the West? So I agreed.

It just so happened that this time, Qi Zhenzhen, Ban Qiu, and his stupid younger brother Chen Baixing were brought to the palace to see the world, and let them experience what true luxury is.

It's really what you said. As soon as Su Lin stopped talking, there was a fierce knock on the door outside.

After a while, he saw Chen Baixing coming back drunk, with a jar of wine in his hand. Seeing him like this made Su Lin very unhappy.

So he coughed twice as a warning.

Chen Baixing rubbed his eyes and looked at the slightly hazy person sitting on the chair in front of him. Why did he look so familiar?

Immediately afterwards, his hand slipped, and the wine jar fell directly to the ground. With a crisp cracking sound, he suddenly became much more awake.

He replied awkwardly: "Brother, why are you back?"

Although Su Lin already knew the cause and effect of the matter, he still deliberately pretended to be serious and directly asked Chen Baixing, "Huh, you still know how to come back?"

"Have you forgotten what I told you before I left?"

That is to say, the prince and the two princes never thought of taking action against the people around Su Lin. Otherwise, if it were a more shrewd person, they might be in danger.

At that time, Chen Baixing was the biggest sinner, and Su Lin was afraid that he couldn't help it and killed him.

What does it mean to be absent without leave?

Chen Baixing's voice suddenly became softer, like a child who made a mistake, lowering his head to show that he acknowledged his mistake.

Su Lin sighed helplessly, knowing that this guy's head was too dazed, so he wouldn't blame him.

"Get up. This time, I'm just teaching you a lesson. In the future, you must remember that you must not disobey my orders in the slightest. Do you understand?"

At the same time, Su Lin thought to himself that it seemed that Chen Baixing's stupidity was too troublesome.

When there is an opportunity or opportunity in the future, we must improve it for him.

In the world of cultivators, there is something to be said for being stupid or stupid. People generally have three types of roots: "spiritual root", "wisdom root" and "martial root".

These three states correspond to three types of people respectively. If the spiritual root is strong, then he is the only cultivator in the world.

If the wisdom root is strong, he will definitely be a romantic and talented person, who can stay up all night long.

As for martial arts, they correspond to warriors, and they are extremely rare. Often, such people will become the only strong ones in the world, the kind who rely solely on physical training.

For the average person, almost every type of root exists, it just depends on the purity of it.

This can also explain why some warriors can also practice martial arts, and some scholars are also suitable for practicing martial arts. This is exactly the reason.

If you want to change a person's state, you must start by changing these three roots. They are not fixed. There are many ways to change, but it is also difficult.

Thinking of this, Su Lin sighed helplessly again.

I could only explain to them what I was going to do tomorrow, "Go and clean up, and make an appearance on this grand occasion."

Hearing this, Chen Baixing immediately became interested. That was a celebration banquet set up by the emperor of the Northern Kingdom. There were so many delicacies from the mountains and the sea, and all kinds of wine and food were available!

Of course he was happy, so he agreed stupidly and ran away.

Soon, the sun rose the next day, and Su Lin jumped down from the roof lazily. He was used to this kind of life. Every night, he almost stayed on the roof to absorb the weak spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Although it can't improve the cultivation, it has to be said that it is still very helpful for recuperation.

It directly eliminated the fatigue of yesterday, making him in a very good state, but looking at the guy standing in the yard like a wooden man, it was not the case.

"Bai Xing? Why did you get up so early?" When he turned around, Su Lin was shocked.

Such a big dark circle under the eyes, almost like a panda! It seems that this kid didn't sleep all night? Has he been guarding this yard?

"Don't tell me you're doing this for the wine today?"

Hearing Su Lin's words, Chen Baixing nodded without much energy. He was a post-natal warrior, and his energy was much stronger than that of ordinary people. It was quite good that he could torment himself like this!

This made Su Lin couldn't help laughing, "You kid!"

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