"Brother Su! Please don't..."

Ding Pingzhou still wanted to stop it, so as not to make things worse. If the fat emperor really died in Su Lin's hands, why bother to save him? It would be better to let him die in the rebellion yesterday.

But before he could finish his words, Su Lin had already stepped on the fat emperor.

Even a warrior couldn't stand his strength, let alone this spoiled guy, who immediately spit out blood and grimaced in pain.

In the face of the threat of death, the fat emperor finally couldn't help but put down his arrogance, "I was wrong, Su Yingxiong, please forgive me."

But Su Lin just sneered, "Oh?"

"How can I bear it? You are the king of the North Country. How can I, a lowly person, have such a high position? I should look up to you."

Su Lin's words were mixed with some yin and yang, but for Qi Zhenzhen and others, it was really enough to relieve their anger!

Ding Pingzhou was confused.

There are so many different faces! The one who was most afraid and scared to the point of peeing his pants was the fat emperor.

His voice became trembling, "Su Yingxiong, how dare I? Please forgive me this time."

"Humph." Su Lin sneered again.

He really didn't intend to waste time. Since he had touched his reverse scale, he must not let him live.

"I forgive you."

The fat emperor laughed out loud after saying this lightly, thinking that Su Lin realized how powerful he was and how impulsive he was.

Only Qi Zhenzhen and others who knew Su Lin's character knew that his words meant a death sentence.

Ding Pingzhou also covered his forehead with one hand, and felt cold sweat on his forehead, and sighed deeply.

Then, a scream was heard.

Here, the fat emperor had already taken his last breath. Looking at the guy under his feet, Su Lin was really annoying. He kicked him away and fell into the pool beside him, splashing water.

Then, it sank to the bottom of the water and disappeared.

He said calmly: "Finally, there are no annoying flies, so we can eat in peace."

He was still going to eat?

This noise naturally attracted the attention of many people, including the eunuchs and palace maids who were delivering food. They all hid behind the pillars supporting the building.

They all looked at each other, and finally, after thinking about it, they still felt that they should not cause trouble.

As servants, how could they have a say? No matter who is in power, they will always be the most miserable and tired ones.

So, the celebration banquet simply did not stop, and waited until Su Lin and others had eaten and drunk enough.

In other words, if it was before Qi Zhenzhen knew Su Lin, if she encountered this situation, how could she eat?

Seeing the corpse, it was good enough not to vomit.

But now, she felt unusually stable and had no psychological burden. To put it bluntly, she just felt that this fat emperor should be killed!

For Ding Pingzhou, things have already happened and cannot be reversed. However, the fat emperor has no successor at all. Who should be appointed as the new king?

At this moment, he also saw through that in this northern country, no matter who takes the throne, the people at the bottom will not have a good life.

But there is only one exception.

It is Su Lin in front of him. Ding Pingzhou swears that this is the first time in his life that he has seen such a righteous person.

Although his power makes ordinary people feel too terrifying, it just shows that he has enough strength to control the entire northern country and protect the people.

Thinking of this, he did not hesitate, and went directly to Su Lin and knelt down in front of him.

"The tyrant is dead, please take the throne, brother Su!"

"This northern country can't be in chaos anymore! If it prospers, the people will suffer; if it perishes, the people will suffer! And brother Su, your power is the only hope to save the people of Dawn!"

To be honest, Su Lin was stunned by this sentence. He never thought that Ding Pingzhou would actually hand over this important task to him?

It's a pity that he is not interested in this.

So he shook his head and refused, "I think this is not necessary. In fact, there is a substitute, that is you."

"Brother Ding, to be honest, I hate any person in power in this world, whether it is the government or those sects and families."

"But you are different. I can feel that you have the spirit of serving the people."

What he said was indeed the truth. If not, Ding Pingzhou would have stood on the side of the fat emperor long ago. The reason for his hesitation was that he was also thinking about whether it was right or wrong for him to help the fat emperor?

A tyrant is far more harmful to the North Country than a traitor.

However, this practice of establishing oneself as a king is afraid that it will not be recognized by the public, because the education they received in loyalty to the emperor and patriotism does not allow this.

"If you insist on doing so, that's fine. I can agree to become the actual ruler of this North Country."

"However, I will now appoint you as the plenipotentiary representative and enjoy all equal rights."

This is also a compromise. Su Lin can't always stay in this small northern country. Unifying the land of China is his goal.

The way of cultivation is right in front of us, and the so-called fame, wealth and honor are just a joke.

In other words, there is nothing wrong with having one more title, which is also a manifestation of power. Maybe one day in the future, we will need the power of the North to help us.

Thinking of this, Su Lin was relieved, and so was Ding Pingzhou, who immediately treated him with great courtesy.

"Your Majesty!"

Su Lin almost laughed out loud, "That's not necessary. You and I will still be brothers in the future."

"I think I've stayed in the capital of the Northern Kingdom for a long time. I'll leave tomorrow. If I need you in the future, I'll contact you."

After Su Lin explained, he didn't say much, because he knew that it was unnecessary to talk too much for the development of things, and it was just a waste of time.

Ding Pingzhou liked his straightforwardness very much, so he nodded and promised to fulfill his ideal.

"Let's go."

Accompanying Su Lin's words, Chen Baixing, who was still eating hard, also stood up, with some reluctance on his face.

"Brother, this."

Seeing that he was pointing at a jar of fine wine on the table, Su Lin shook his head helplessly, thinking about this guy!

But in the end he agreed. After all, it's not a bad thing to be nice to the people around you or under you!

Chen Baixing was immediately beaming with joy, and several people followed Su Lin and walked out of the palace.

At this moment, Su Lin suddenly heard the voice of the system.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the task!"

"Rewards: 1,000 points, 800 reputation, title crown [New King of the North], and the Northern Seal."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the first power."

"Introduction to the Northern Powers: The northernmost country in the Shenzhou Continent, with a land area of ​​one million square kilometers, an army of 100,000, 10 million subjects, and a temporarily negative tax status. You can adjust it through construction or the promulgation of national policies."

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