The Blood Evil Sect was once famous in the Shenzhou Continent.

At least this place should be kept away from strangers. Even after they have perished, the things left behind will give ordinary people enough deterrence and terror.

So, who founded this Qingshi Village? How could such a bold person settle here?


Before Su Lin finished speaking, Zhou Yun immediately interrupted, "Unless this place is the remains of the Blood Evil Sect?"

Unexpectedly, he could actually think of this, but this did not change Su Lin's opinion of him. Instead, he felt that this person was too smart and was afraid that he would cause trouble for himself in the future.

Su Lin did not confirm his answer, but casually opened a door and observed the environment inside. It was certain that there were indeed people living here a few months ago.

If it was really a group of people from the Blood Evil Sect who stayed here, what were they going to do? In fact, the result is obvious, it is nothing more than to protect something.

The reason why he abandoned his original identity was that he was worried that he would be discovered by those famous and orthodox sects again and then wiped out.

As for whether the group of people just now are from the Blood Demon Sect, it remains to be determined.

Fortunately, Su Lin had left behind some people just now, and the three people who survived, their cultivation was relatively low, and they should not be able to withstand his intimidation.

"Bai Xing, wake them up."

Chen Baixing followed Su Lin's arrangement, scooped a bucket of water from the water tank in the yard, and poured it directly on the faces of the three people. The biting coldness and the gloomy wind instantly made them much more awake.

Looking at the group of people who were surrounding him, one of the evil cultivators suddenly peed.

He really peed his pants, which was beyond Su Lin's expectation. It seems that this evil cultivator is just like that, a group of incompetent people.

However, the other two are still pretty good, and they still maintain that unruly look.

They keep saying that the Blood Demon Sect is powerful, trying to intimidate Su Lin to let them go?

I can only say that it is ridiculous.

"Hmph, don't you know your current situation? Then, look behind you. I think he will definitely make you change."

Su Lin was referring to the evil cultivator from before, who was probably the leader of this group. As the saying goes, a snake cannot survive without a head.

When they saw his body, it is estimated that the two seemingly strong men collapsed instantly.

Sure enough, things developed as Su Lin expected. When the two saw the body of the leader, they took a breath, apologized to Su Lin, and asked for forgiveness.

"Didn't you hear what I said? As long as you answer my questions honestly, your life safety will be guaranteed. Otherwise, the consequences are clear."

Su Lin's tone was very flat, at least in front of Zhou Yun and others, but he didn't put himself in their shoes. If it was him, standing on the opposite side of Su Lin at this moment, he would not be much stronger than these two.

"What? Do you want to die?"

Su Lin's trick is very effective, at least for some evil cultivators who are not seriously brainwashed. They still cherish their lives very much.

"Great Master, if you ask, we will tell you everything we know!"

Su Lin nodded, expressing his satisfaction. However, whether the words coming out of their mouths can be trusted is another matter.

"Who are you?"

"What are you doing here?"

After listening to Su Lin's two questions, the evil cultivators looked at each other, and finally nodded and answered truthfully.

As Su Lin guessed, they were not disciples of the Blood Demon Sect at all, but they belonged to another sect, and they were the only surviving evil sect.

"The Immortal Sect."

"Oh?" Su Lin did not find the corresponding record in the Encyclopedia of Cultivation, which showed a problem, that these guys were ordinary and unknown.

However, Zhou Yun stood up at this time. He seemed to know something about them and was also curious.

"The Immortal Sect? I know a little bit about them. They are a group of lunatics who pursue immortality. They will do anything to achieve their goal, so they have been looking for evil cultivation methods that can increase their cultivation."

"But they are from the South. How could they come to my North?"

In fact, the current Shenzhou Continent is not peaceful. The war between the North and the South has just subsided, and the relationship between the North and the other three countries is not very good.

More often, in diplomacy, they are even in a war of words, so the exchanges between these countries are strictly examined.

The North Border will not make mistakes in such things, and they don't want to go to war again because of this. After all, at that time, it was themselves who went up with real swords and guns.

It can only prove that these guys also spent a lot of thought.

"Okay, answer my next question."

Obviously, the two evil cultivators were very nervous, as if this was a taboo they could not touch. The two looked at each other for a long time, and in the end, no one said it.

This inevitably made Su Lin frown. If he didn't say it, he could have shut up just now. Why did he hold on until now?

Seeing their embarrassment, could it be that they were under some kind of restriction, and could not speak out when faced with relevant questions?

"Can't you say it?"

As expected, after hearing Su Lin's words, the two nodded in unison.

"Do you have paper and pen?"

Su Lin looked around and finally talked about it helplessly. After all, who would bring these things when going out? He could only be particular and break off a branch so that the two could write directly on the ground.

But their hands holding the pen kept shaking, and they just couldn't put it down.

"So cruel?"

This made Su Lin even more certain that the problem hidden here was by no means simple!

"We can only find a way to break this restriction."

As the saying goes, to untie the bell, the person who tied it must also be tied. Unfortunately, the initiator cannot be found now. Sulin grabbed the wrist of one of them and peered into it with his spiritual power, trying to find a way to crack it.

"Tsk, tsk."

However, after peeking into this person's physiology and heart, I found that it was really disgusting. He could be so dirty?

Do these evil cultivators only have these affairs between men and women in their hearts?

Cultivators must practice sobriety and abstinence, let alone men and women. Generally strong people must endure even the quickest words. Otherwise, to a certain extent, their cultivation will be degraded, and they may even be in trouble. Fallen at the time of calamity.

And these guys are just taking shortcuts!

This is one of the reasons why Su Lin has always been afraid of Qi Zhenzhen and Ban Qiu.

However, after snooping around, he finally found the flaw, "This is it."

The so-called prohibition is nothing more than writing a program that fixes a certain pattern so that it cannot trigger the corresponding mechanism. All it takes is to completely destroy this pattern. The most important thing is to destroy the central program, which is the power that supports the prohibition.

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