The Alchemist of Harry Potter

Chapter 897 Crazy Girl

Chapter 897 Crazy Girl

Albert put down the microphone, looked around at the audience, and fell into a trance for a moment.

Is The Wizard Card fun?

In fact, he didn't know either.

It's just a good card game to pass the time, that's all.

In his perception, similar card games are only interesting if everyone plays them together.

The attributes of leisure and making friends are more important than the playability of the game itself, which is why Albert started to build the wizard card activity room.

Facts have proved that Albert's thinking is correct. At least there are still many students who are willing to sit down and play Wizard Card with friends. As long as the number of people in this game can be maintained at a certain number, it means that Wizard Card is not a failure.

After some not-so-intense matches, Hermione successfully crushed Diggory with a two-to-nil advantage, taking the lead in qualifying for the finals.

"All of us had such high expectations of you, and you lost the game so easily." Lee Jordan said with a sad face, "It's just embarrassing."

Cedric shrugged and didn't pay attention to Lee Jordan's words. He hasn't played the wizard card much recently, and he made it all the way to the semi-finals by relying on careful thinking. In the end, he met Hermione, who was not inferior to him, and the opponent was against the wizard. The understanding of cards, and luck are much better than him, so he was naturally crushed.

To be honest, there are not many students who are really good at wizard cards. Everyone is comparing bad cards, and most of them are just for fun.This kind of gathering gave everyone a very good feeling, and the ten Galleons per semester was also a good addition.

Next was the match between Luna and Shanna. The match between the two entered a fierce battle at the beginning, but it was more tragic than the previous match. The level of both sides was obviously much higher than that of Cedric.

In the end, Luna defeated Shanna with a slight advantage of two to one.

Next, the final will be held by Hermione and Luna, two people with diametrically opposite personalities.

Compared to Luna, Hermione has a higher advantage in winning.

Even Ron felt the same way, and he even started to envy Hermione for winning the ten Galleon bonus, but the game was more stalemate than expected, Hermione's first game was very difficult to win.

In fact, she almost lost it.

Then, the balance of victory began to tip to one side, Hermione lost the next two games, and the winner of the wizard card game was Luna, which was obviously beyond everyone's expectations.

Under the envious and jealous eyes of the girls, Luna won the wizard card champion reward that belonged to her.

The fireworks prepared in advance bloomed above the heads of the crowd, forming a Ravenclaw eagle.

The party started amid the exclamation and applause of the crowd.

Everyone can find a place to sit down and enjoy the snacks and butter beer on the table, and chat about some interesting topics while eating. Occasionally, someone will suddenly turn into a big canary, causing a burst of laughter.

After Albert greeted everyone, he took the initiative to find Luna.He looked at the blonde girl in front of him, smiled and said, "Congratulations, you have won the wizard card competition."

"I like this kind of gathering very much." Luna said calmly, "It's like being with friends."

"That's the beauty of the game."

"The charm of the game?"

"Make friends and bring happiness to everyone." Albert looked around and said with a smile, "This is also the meaning of existence here."

"Thank you." Luna said suddenly, "I like this place very much."

"You're welcome, I'm actually here to talk to you about a few things." Albert asked straight to the point, "Are you going to the Christmas ball?"

"May I take it that you intend to invite me?" Luna asked with a curious blink.

"No, I already have my own dance partner, but you know the bonus of being the champion this time is to dance with me. Well, I don't really want to talk about it, but since you won the championship, the choice is in Your hand, and if you don't plan to go to the ball, we'll give you something else to make up for."

"I'm not old enough, only fourth graders are eligible for the Yule Ball."

"You don't have to worry about this. If you want to attend the Christmas Ball, but no one invites you, Lee Jordan will take the initiative to invite you and take you to this year's Christmas Ball in the name of a friend. In this way, there is no age limit " Albert looked at the thoughtful girl in front of him, and continued, "Of course, Lee Jordan will not force you to dance with him, and I will find time to dance a few dances with you, and this matter will be over gone."

"I think this is a good proposal. No one has ever invited me to a banquet." Luna agreed.

After all, Albert was very sincere and handed over the choice directly to her.

"You wait here for a while, I'm going to talk to Lee Jordan about it."

"It seems that things are settled."

Seeing Albert approaching, Fred and George gave Lee Jordan a malicious smile.

"What's the deal?" Angelina asked suspiciously.

"Who will take Miss Luna Lovegood to the Yule Ball?" Fred said, not forgetting to pat Lee Jordan on the shoulder to express his comfort.

"She's not old enough to go to the Yule Ball if no one invites her." George explained to the girls, "It just so happens that among the four of us, Lee Jordan hasn't found a partner yet, so it just falls into place." It's on his head."

Lee Jordan gave the gloating Weasley twins a hard look, got up and left with Albert.

"By the way, is there any restriction on joining the Wizard Card Club?" Alia asked, looking at Albert's back. "Or, you can still join at will as before?"

"Probably not. The original purpose here is a leisurely and harmonious wizard card activity room. What Albert said earlier is actually to ensure that everyone can consciously protect and cherish the wizard card activity room." George explained, "You You know, there's always a group of people like that."

"It feels pretty good here, and I'm also participating." Angelina stretched out her hand and pressed the beanbag sofa. "This place is very comfortable to stay in. I really hope we can have some similar chairs in our common room."

"It's probably difficult, and we don't know where Albert got these chairs." George said, looking at Albert's back.

On the other side, Lee Jordan asked in a low voice: "Have you already talked?"

"It's settled. According to the original plan, you will take her to the Christmas ball."

"I hope her dress can be normal," Lee Jordan asked Luna with some dejection, "Have you prepared a dress? If not, I suggest you use the ten Galleons to buy yourself a dress, and now give it to Mo Jin There should still be time for Madam Clothing to write a letter."

"That's a good idea." Luna agreed without much thought.

"One more thing, are you willing to be our heir?"

"Heir?" Luna seemed interested in this topic.

"I mean becoming the captain of the Wizarding Card Club, a position similar to the captain of Quidditch." Albert signaled Luna to wait for him to finish speaking before replying, "Of course, Hogwarts does not have this position. If you If you want, we will take you to familiarize yourself with these in the next period of time. After all, we will graduate from Hogwarts after the end of next semester.

"I know you don't care about other people's opinions at all, but to become the captain of the wizarding card club, in addition to loving wizarding cards, you also need to know how to organize parties, especially after I leave school. As for how to do it, we will step by step Teach you, but the premise is that you are willing to learn these things, which is the responsibility of being the captain, and the advantage is that you can use it as you like."

"You don't have to answer me about this matter right away. You can go back and think about it. Sometimes this position not only represents power, but also responsibility."

"I'll think about it carefully." Luna said seriously.

"Very well, think about it carefully. If you accept it, I don't want you to give up halfway."

"I don't think you need to talk to her that much." Lee Jordan shrugged and said, "Your words will scare her, and, in fact, I think it might be more appropriate to give the position to Granger first, I think she should be more organized like this. As for Luna, I am a little worried about her character, that character is really..."

Lee Jordan was indeed a little worried. After Albert graduated from Hogwarts, the Wizarding Card Club passed directly.

Even if they leave this thing, it may not be able to play a role.

"Don't worry, if she really likes wizard cards, and the reason takes the initiative to take this responsibility, the wizard card club will not collapse." Albert looked at Luna's back and said softly.

(End of this chapter)

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