The four people wandered around the village at will and saw many beautiful changes that were not seen last night. Last night it was too late and the sky was dark, so they were not able to get acquainted with the changes here, but now they have seen many changes here.

These are the things they haven't been able to achieve before, and they like the changes here and they feel pretty good.

"Did Sister Livello made these all alone?"

Hua Yueling was observing the surroundings and asked curiously, I don't know if Sister Alorin would help, but it would be easy to do this with Sister Livello's strength.

"Well, of course it is. Sister, she has been focusing on this side recently, and she has no time to deal with other things. Sister has no time, so I have to work on her for other things, which makes me fast. There is no time to rest."

Aroline muttered, it sounded a bit dissatisfied, but Hua Yueling also knew that Sister Aroline was actually just talking, she didn't have any unsatisfactory thoughts.

I have revisited the whole village, the new place Huayueling and the others have naturally learned about it. The new architectural style is also somewhat different. It is probably the architectural style that Livio likes, otherwise Otherwise, the newly constructed buildings will not be in this style.

The style of construction is different from them, and it is quite interesting to mix different styles together.

"feel better now?"

"Well, it's okay. Actually, when Sister Aroline treated me before, it was almost all right, let alone now."

Now that Lu Yuetong is fine, they can leave here and go to where they are in Gekara. Hua Yueling looked at Aroline, and naturally she had to ask her for this. But now there are not enough people here, sister Yun has not come over yet.

"By the way, what about Sister Yun, I just wanted to ask before, why hasn't Sister Yun come here?"

"Sister Huayun is still with her sister. She seems to be learning something with her sister. If we are leaving, let's go find her."

"Just ask, if Sister Yun doesn't want to go, we can go a few."

Hua Yueling and the others went to the place where Liweiluo lived, and they found Hua Yun there. However, something different from what Aroline said was that she was not with Livio and learning from her, but staying alone.

"Sister Yun."

"Well, you are here, and Xiaotong, how is your health, how are you?"

Hua Yun also asked about her situation with concern, Lu Yuetong naturally nodded and said that she was in very good condition and there was no major problem.

"Very good, nothing happened."

Several people chatted, and then they talked about the idea of ​​going to Gokala together where they now live. Hua Yun didn't say anything. Naturally, she was going to be with them. She was also curious about where Gekara and the others had moved, and she was going to have a look.

"Then go ahead, you will definitely be surprised."

Arolin said with a smile, and then sent them away without waiting for them to ask anything. A ray of light flashed, and then they went to their destination with the help of Sister Aroline.

In the past, it was actually quite easy, just teleport them directly, and they came to a strange place. Hua Yueling looked around first, but did not see any familiar scenery.

"Where is this place?"

Hua Yueling asked strangely, he knew exactly what the city where Gekara and the others lived was, but he had never seen such a scene.

Whether it is near the town or inside the town, I have never seen it before.

This made Hua Yueling a little puzzled. It seemed that they had moved to a far place, otherwise it wouldn't make him lose his impression.

The only thing that made him think something was wrong was that it didn't seem to be on the ground, and after careful observation, Hua Yueling was sure that it was definitely not on the ground.

"Isn't it still underground?"

Hua Yueling asked so, Arolin answered his question immediately.

"Yes, and it's still outside the city. It's deep in the ground, and it has opened up a large area. If you look at the light above your head, the work here is almost done by my sister and me. ."

"It's really amazing. It's incredible to build such a large area in such a deep underground. Although there are many underground environments like this in another world, many people built it together at that time. And Sister Aroline did it with only two of you, it's incredible."

"Hehe, that's right, but it took me a lot of energy. Xiaoyueling, don’t you know how troublesome it is. It’s relatively simple to open up space. The most troublesome thing is the houses inside, and you have to find a way to It can bear the weight. Although there shouldn't be many people here, but you have to be prepared."

After listening, Hua Yueling raised her head and looked up subconsciously. There is no such so-called load-bearing facility here, whether it is a wooden column or anything else, but it looks like it doesn’t feel at all. Danger. If you look at it, you will feel very safe. There is no such dangerous feeling. Maybe it’s because of what Sister Aroline did. With her power, maybe it was Sister Livello who did it. Anyway, this is good. Let everything in the underground look very neat.

"My sister and I took a lot of effort to stabilize it. Fortunately, this effort was not in vain. Look, it feels pretty good, it's better than getting some other things to support it. "

"That's true, as long as it can be supported forever, there is no problem."

"Sure, my sister and I wouldn't have spent so much effort if it weren't for this."

The three people walked through a section of the road, and even the road was repaired here. It seems that Sister Aroline and Sister Livello used special abilities to build it, but the materials are also used here. Pieces of bricks were laid on the ground and directly embedded into the ground.

But not all places here are made like this, and there are many places where they don’t make any work. They are just what they should look like. They are just flattened, and nothing else is made.

"Let's go, I'll take you to Gokala and the others. Don't look at them last night. Actually, they are all busy people now."

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