Mu Ningshuang, who received Hua Yueling's answer, began to think about where the problem was, but even if she had personally visited two of these places, she still couldn't find the answer.

There was nothing on the beach, perhaps the monster that swallowed Hua Yueling did it, but after she arrived, she didn't encounter the monster. By coincidence, the monster dived into the water and left shortly before her arrival. No one knew where it was going, so it disappeared without a trace.

But even if the monster didn't leave, Mu Ningshuang could do nothing. She couldn't rely on her own strength to fight the monster. She was not the kind of stupid girl who only knew the use of force. As long as you see the monster, of course, you don't actually see her just by listening to Hua Yueling's description. She is not the opponent of that monster.

In this case, he can only avoid first and look for other ways instead of challenging the monster stupidly. It is not brave, but a fool.

Let alone how to find the hidden monster, the most important thing is how to defeat her after finding the monster. Hua Yueling is not its opponent. It has made it look like it is now. It is estimated that even if Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong work together, it will be difficult to contend with that monster. What should I do?

There is no good way yet, but they still have to find Lu Yuetong first.

The distance spanned by the passage is not short. After walking for a while, Mu Ningshuang and Hua Yueling have not been able to reach the exit. Looking ahead, there are still a lot of skeletons and strange things on both sides of the road. But there are also some other things, such as pictures engraved on the ground and on the walls, and some unknown text.

These characters are not what Hua Yueling and the others can recognize, but a very unique font that looks very weird, just like different monsters playing various poses.

Just looking at it will give rise to an unspeakable feeling, this type of font is very evil, and you can't stare at it for too long.

None of the two of them understood the meaning of these words. They wanted to keep a record. Unfortunately, the mobile phone was not around and there was no way to take pictures. They could only find a way to keep these words and patterns in their minds.

Continue to advance along the passage. After a few minutes, they came to a wide area. Due to the twists and turns of the road, they themselves didn't know where they were now, and could only judge based on guesses.

"Unexpectedly, there is such a place here."

Hua Yueling raised her head, looked around and said. They came to a cave with a huge pool. There was a small waterfall on the top of the pool, and there was nothing else here.

Mu Ningshuang looked down at the pool in the past. The pool was crystal clear enough to see how clean the water was.

After walking around here and not finding anything worthy of attention, Mu Ningshuang left with Hua Yueling on his back, and not too far away, they came to the exit of this passage.

Where did the exit connect? Was it the place where they wanted to go? In their minds, they took a step and went outside the passage, and they immediately observed it.

This place is very different from the previous place. There is a huge pool in the center, and there is a huge noise in the pool, as if there is something in it.

But what was even more unexpected was that they found Lu Yuetong not far from the edge of the pool, but she was not in good condition now, in a semi-conscious state, with some injuries on her body and some damage to her clothes. .

"Senior Sister!"


Mu Ningshuang quickly ran over, came to Lu Yuetong's side and squatted down to hug her in his arms. Mu Ningshuang tried her breathing first, which was fine.

"Senior Sister!"

Hua Yueling tried to wake her up, but Lu Yuetong did not respond. The whole person could pass out at any time, and it seemed that they could not hear their voices.

"Ningshuang, let me down, move the senior sister here, and see if there is any way to heal her."

If you only look at her body, the injury is not particularly serious, but what worries Hua Yueling is whether she has received other injuries like herself.

Putting Hua Yueling down and let him lean on the stone beside him, she then hugged Lu Yuetong and placed her next to Hua Yueling. The two looked at Lu Yuetong together, and Mu Ningshuang personally inspected her injuries.

"It's okay. Yi Yuetong's injuries are not enough to make her pass out."

"That really was the other aspects of injury that made Senior Sister the way she is now."

"Yes. It would be great if Sister Aroline were here."

Mu Ningshuang looked at her friend worriedly. If only the injury on her body was okay, she could still have some solutions, but other aspects...

"Try the treatment, it might be useful."

The magic wand appeared in her hand, and the magic power gathered at the top of the magic wand, and a faint golden light ball was gradually condensed. Mu Ningshuang pointed the magic wand at Lu Yuetong, and the light ball flew to her.

A burst of light enveloped Lu Yuetong, and as the light faded away, Lu Yuetong let out a groan, her eyelids moved, and she opened her eyes in the expectant gaze of Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong.

"School brother, Ningshuang... have you found me?"

Lu Yuetong breathed a sigh of relief when seeing them, but also very happy.

"Well, thanks to Ningshuang, I can't do anything without her."

Hua Yueling said with a wry smile.

"Senior sister, what's wrong with you? Did you meet a monster?"

In addition to monsters, if it is other enemies, Hua Yueling doesn't think they can defeat Lu Yuetong, Lu Yuetong's strength lies there.

"not sure."

Lu Yuetong shook his head, with a confused expression on his face.

"I don't know exactly what's going on. When I came over, I appeared in a mansion, and somehow, a voice in my mind led me here, and I came here unknowingly."

"And after that……"

Hua Yueling asked.

" to say, the memory is not particularly clear. After I came here, I didn't see anything. It was as peaceful as it is now. I reached the edge of the river with suspicion, and then... Hmm, and then... I saw a huge and terrifying figure emerging from the drinking water, which was similar to the statue you showed us, but there was also a big difference, and then I felt it as if Someone is attacking me, but I can’t see any figure everywhere..."

Lu Yuetong's intermittent recounting made Hua Yueling and Mu Ningshuang more puzzled, but they learned some information from the leaves.

Looking at the stream not far ahead, Hua Yueling fell into thought.

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