The change has already taken place, and the three people are at least mentally prepared. After scanning the text on the cave wall for a while, and staring at the increasingly muddy pool, they stopped staying and walked forward. .

The thoughts in the heart will be affected by this to some extent, but this cannot be an obstacle to stop them, there is nothing to stop them from going back.

Walking outside along the narrow passage, there was nothing worthy of their attention during the period. They walked out of the passage all the way and came to the space where they first arrived.

Before stepping out of the passage, you could hear the whistling of the violent wind, and you could feel the violent wind "beating" on the body near the entrance of the passage.

"got windy."

The wind and the waves were calm just now, but in a blink of an eye there were violent winds. Is this because of being at sea, or is it because of changes?

With Lu Yuetong's support, Hua Yueling walked out of the narrow passage with great difficulty. Standing at the entrance, before turning his head to look at the scenery on the sea, he felt a violent gust of wind blowing. My face and hair.

Putting a hand above the eyes, looking towards the sea, I saw the waves are turbulent, rushing to the shore, making ear-piercing noises.

"Same as that day."

Did not say to others, thinking silently. Hua Yueling watched this scene and unknowingly recalled the scene of her encountering a storm on the boat. It is certainly not as good as it was then, but it is not much worse.

The squally winds and turbulent waves are frightening.

The sea beating on the coast, leaving behind unspeakable traces. Like some kind of monster’s sharp claws on the beach, there are deep traces, and there are other traces that are different from it. These traces are put together to form a certain pattern, but if If you don't look carefully, you will feel very messy.

The three of them leaned closer and looked at it. There seemed to be something gleaming in the depths of the scratches. They looked at each other suspiciously. Mu Ningshuangtiao glanced at the sea. Seeing it temporarily calmed down, they took a few steps toward Qian. , Crouched down and fumbled.


She touched something cold with her finger. She took it in her hand and observed it closely. At that time, it was a kind of gem shimmering with blue-black light, a broken gem.

Going deep into the tip of the scratch, some pieces of gems were found by him and held in his hand.

"This one."

He took the gems and shards back and put them in the palm of his hand, showing them to Lu Yuetong and Hua Yueling. The two of them stared at them for a while, but they didn't know why. What does this mean? They couldn't think of the reason, and after they found Lu Yuetong, many strange changes occurred. These changes seemed to have some terrible connection, but it seemed that there was no connection at all, but a kind of prank.

Then I looked at the other traces left on the beach, but I heard the sound of sea waves not far away without looking at it. I raised my head and saw that under the action of the strong wind, another wave was surging towards They swoop in here, and if they don't evade, they will definitely be beaten underneath.


Hua Yueling hurriedly yelled and asked Mu Ningshuang and Lu Yuetong to avoid the rushing waves. It seemed that the pretty girls were a little hesitant, but under Hua Yueling's reminder, she gave up her plan to stay. Quickly fled to the side.

The waves slapped heavily on the beach, and the sea splashed all over, almost directly on their bodies.

The waves came and went quickly. After a while, the sea water receded, and the beach resurfaced in their eyes, but the traces of the original beach also disappeared as the waves receded, just like never before.


Maybe it was washed away by the waves, but not others. Since it can be impacted by the waves, it is not impossible to be washed away by the waves again.

In any case, the current situation couldn't help but Hua Yueling and the others didn't doubt anything, but doubts were of no use. Soon their eyes moved away from the beach and the storm struck.

Before they knew it, the gust of wind condensed into a terrible storm. They were moving towards them. They had to leave quickly and find a place to hide. Otherwise...hardly resist the storm unless they Only when his head was kicked by a donkey would he make such a speechless choice.

"Hurry up and go to the mansion."

What they have to do is to go to the cave on the beach as soon as possible to see how Navara is. Of course, it would be great if the main problem can be solved. Unfortunately, although there have been changes, they still have nothing. Clue, I don't know how to solve the problem.

Go back to the entrance of the cave and walk up the stairs until you reach the top, which is the attic of the mansion. Passing through the closed gate, they walked to the opposite side in the dark passage.

When I reached the opposite side, I turned the corner and walked down the stairs not far.


When they passed the room where they had lured them with a voice similar to Lu Yuetong, they heard the sound coming from it again. But this time was different. What came out of it was not the voice of Lu Yuetong who was trapped, but the groan of a certain creature.

It is not much different from what you hear beside the water pool in the cave. The sound does not come from reality, but directly rang deep in the brain.

The situation became more and more strange, more and more beyond their imagination. Mu Ningshuang walked to the door, glanced at Lu Yuetong, grabbed the doorknob, twisted it and pushed it away.

After pushing the door open, she stood at the door and scanned the room, the magic light ball shot into the room, and the whole room was illuminated.

"Nothing at all."

Just as they guessed, although it felt like the sound was ringing from the room, the room was empty without any creatures in it.

"Let's go."

After walking around the room, they didn't find anything worth noting, so they gave up looking for it, turned and left the room.

On the way downstairs, the three of them are relatively silent. The strange things that happened along the way are worthy of their consideration. All is not a coincidence. This shows that some terrible force has approached them and is using this method to tell them. Or to intimidate them.

"Will it be the monster you mentioned, brother?"

When walking down the stairs to the third floor of the mansion, Lu Yuetong, who could not bear the silence, spoke actively.

"Perhaps, but if it is..."

Silence enveloped the three of them again, with barely audible footsteps.

"Anyway, everything here is so weird, and it must be inseparable from it. It is the strangest and the root cause of all this."

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